Has gaming had an overall positive or negative impact on your live?

Has gaming had an overall positive or negative impact on your live?

Neither, if it hadn't been gaming I would have just found something else to waste my time on.

Addictions can only be negatives. Everyone's life would be better without video games.

Games have been positive (with exceptions)
Community experience has been negative.

Probably more negative than positive but I don't regret it.

I think it's the other way around bud

Time spent having fun isn't time wasted at all. I've never been consistent, sometimes I binge for months and sometimes I don't touch vidya for weeks. I've made an effort to have my life in order, so I would say it's never been a problem

>games have turned to absolute shit
>the only way to enjoy them is with friends on discord otherwise it is unbearable garbage, new battlefront 2 for example

Was it a strategy to force us to socialise or are they just bad at making good games now?

I grew up in a shithole. Gaming at least made it bearable what little I was able to do

>mom was a drug addict
>step dad hated me
>step-sister molested and beat me

Vidya kept me from killing myself.

Gaming IS my life.

I'm assuming you mean "conventionally positive or negative" ie. helped me with my income, human relationships, general wellbeing, etc.

Well it did help me get laid a few times and kept me from depression many times.

Other than that, I had fun doing it over the years so that's a positive.

>it did help me get laid a few times

idk its kept me as good therapy with all the suicides in my family the past few years whereas the actual therapist didn't really help too much over the span of 4 months.

both good and bad. some of my best memories in my entire life involve games/took place in games but at the same time those days are over and i feel like i just play video games now in an attempt to enjoy something that much again, to no avail.

100% percent negative in every single possible aspect

Is wasted time considered a negative? I spent about 4-5 hrs on games daily (10hr+ sessions on weekends), and have been doing this shit since I was 16. The worst part is I've probably finished 100+ games but aside from like 10-15 of them, everything else feels like filler

Both good and bad, video games are wonderful, life would be much more boring without them.

However they keep me from getting off my ass and doing things that might benefit me more down the road.

vidya has been a net positive for me
there are very few things (not counting people) that have always been there for me, and vidya is one of them. as an industry and as a medium, it has had its ups and downs, but it has always entertained and/or occupied me when i needed it

I'd rather be addicted to sports or some other interesting hobby. All my friends who are "gamers" are losers.

That's more easily changed than you think. If you make friends who aren't into games and go with them to do their hobbies, eventually it rubs off on you. I never gave a shit about sports but all my friends are die hard fans, now I at least understand a couple of them and can talk shit

>trading gaming for sports fan
Not really an upgrade.

It doesn't matter what could have happened, only what has and what will

If they were solely sports fans I would agree, but they do different things. One likes to play basketball so I go to play a couple games with him and another plays guitar so I have been to a couple concerts. I think sports is the easiest one you can use to start building on more hobbies, it's really just having an interest in other people and what they do.

Gaming is a very insular hobby, most if not all gamers are similar and spent huge amounts of time solely on games. They watch gaming videos, go on gaming forums, and hang out with gamer friends. Branching out from there is harder, still possible, but like that guy said a lot of them are "losers" and do nothing else or just do other shit like watch tv/movies/anime

It help me to pass my time while waiting to die.





Helped socialize with friends.
Increased my creativity.
Landed me a job in gamedev.

But also I don't like meeting new people and going outside to it was a trade off

that sucks , kys is the best

What do you dev?

I sometimes have regrets and think I'm wasting my youth.

Then I remember that I have tried all that normalfag shit, and I mostly hated it. So I'm fine. Trust me when I say going to clubs and trying to keep up appearances feels vapid and like a hassle. Find yourself a kindred spirit you can keep close, because I guarantee you it's a hundred times more valuable.

Also video games are fun.

I actually became more social by playing wow when it still was at wotlk.
Other than that probably negative.

I don't think video games really changed that many things in my life, but I'd say they were rather positive.
I relied on video games alot as a kid because I was hated by everyone at school. I tried to hard to make friends that I annoyed everyone and just ended up being alone anyway.
Video games don't really have anything to do with why my social live is behind schedule compared to other people's, rather they were a good alternative.
I haven't lost my mind from being isolated all my life because Ive had this media to keep my mind busy and somewhat engaged.
I can't lie though, I wonder what things would be like If I was more social these days.