Hey Sup Forums, what is your honest opinion on Pokémon: Gale of Darkness?

Hey Sup Forums, what is your honest opinion on Pokémon: Gale of Darkness?

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Why'd you put a ugly red square on the art

It's alright.

XD is great I really love it hahah

pretty cool game. love the fact every battle is a double battle and you forced to use mons you normally would not use.

wish there was a way to speed up the attack animation.

really should replay it

I remember picking it up on my birthday and not getting very far

I think it's hilarious you blocked it out

Get the fuck out reddit

What a loser

Fuck off with your stupid emojis.

>Game is incredibly short
>Padded out the ass with battles everywhere
>To the point where the first Cipher base is shorter and more simple than any other mainline bad guy base but manages to have more battles than them
>No routes
>Towns are huge but nothing to see or do
>No breeding or something like that to make you want to play after beating it
>In-game Pokemon selection is garbage
>Fucking Stadium 2 models which stick out like a sore thumb next to gen 3 models
Pretty shit game to be quite honest

Where did you find that fake cover, OP? The actual title of the game is Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness.

>>In-game Pokemon selection is garbage
>he thinks a limited selection and using pokes you wouldn't normally use is a bad thing
I knew I should have stopped reading when you were crying about having to actually battle in a Pokemon game.

What the fuck is happening to Sup Forums

get back to plebbit kiddo

let me guess, you hate black and White as well?

I kinda liked Pokemon XD



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>Wouldn't normally use
A lot of them are common Pokemon found in gen 3
>crying about having to actually battle in a Pokemon game.
There's a difference between a healthy amount of trainer battles and
>Take a step
>Peon jumps down
>Take a few more steps
>Peon jumps down
>Repeat a few more times
>Enter elevator
>Peon was in there the whole time
>Repeat the first part
>Admin fight
>Base over, nothing to explore or find within the base
Which is used to pad out an already short game with no routes, discoveries and trainer next to no trainer battles that aren't Peons

>exaggerating because you don't like the game

So you haven't played it?
>16 Peon battles in a base that's like 3 rooms big
>Not counting the 6 out the front

What is this heresy?

>So you haven't played it?
many times
again, you're upset that the game forces you to battle. I don't think this series is for you, fampai.

>Pokemon: GOD

>Gets proven wrong
>Series just isn't for you :)
The point was that the base is small, there's nothing to explore and they exist just to pad out an already short game. There shouldn't be 16 battles in a base that tiny. Bases five times the size have that number of battles in them in other games.

>>Series just isn't for you :)
it clearly isn't if battling upsets you this much

Funny thing is even without 80% of B&W's Pokemon being ugly as sin, it has other issues like Unova sucking as a region, being linear as fuck, and having near SunMoon levels of cutscenes.

Nigga, have you every played a Pokemon game that isn't some shitty spin-off? Exploration and talking to NPCs has always been some of the highlights along with the actual main game.

>Exx dee
Literally Plebbit: the game