What the FUCK was that ending
South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Ur dad fucked ur mom
Mitch Connor was fucking dumb
It seemed really odd and not really in theme with the game..
dlc bait.
I think it would have been fine if he wasn't the big bad, if he (cartman) was the one being duped for once it would have been cool
>people are still mad about DLC
It's been 10 years, idiot
Find a different hobby
No matter how hard you try, you can never change the fact that your dad fucked your mom
Strangely, the superhero story was far less epic than the fantasy one.
Post your main team:
>Call Girl
There's a lot cartman episodes for sure, but this is just the 2nd game.
im just mad it ends with "more content will come so stay tuned" instead of the main game not having its own conclusion.
it made no sense making that fake background story actually real and than the new kid just aceepting it. makes him look like a dumbass.
this. alot of the attacks from that games seems like stuff the kids could pull off while in thier super hero from, they do shit that should not even be possible.
user, everyone in South Park is a dumbass
Nah it doesn't end that way. The abrupt ending is referencing the same abrupt endings on the cartoon, the post credit scene is just making fun of post credit scenes in superhero films.
And they even explain that the whole town is high and drunk by the end of the game.
pretty much my exact problem, stick of truth had a special charm to the presentation that this one kinda loses with basically just giving everyone actual super powers
it also makes the stuff like the lava kinda weird because it really doesn't fit with some of the other stuff they do in this one, where it would have worked perfectly in stick of truth
>Human Kite
>Super Craig
I played around a lot with my third spot, but usually went with Professor Chaos or The Coon when you actually have him
thats not how i see it. its ubisoft so we know dlc will be coming.
still dosent explain why the new kid is butthurt over his dad fucking his mom.
if you tell a 7 year old that bears are bad because they are
theyll believe you
super crig
captin diabetes
call girl/miscito
game breaks the moment you get double turn super heal.
New kid is a silent protagonist for realz this time. He feels what you feels
not when another 7 year old is the one telling that who has proven that he cant be trusted.
The problem with Fractured But Whole is the developer's inexperience, I think. It takes a LOOOOONG while for the game to start stretching its legs design-wise. Most battles just kind of happen out in the open town with nothing special or interesting going on. No really clever level design, the RPG elements are pretty threadbare. With only a few exceptions, battles are just clear the board type of affairs. Mephesto's lab had some memorable design, but that's about it.
It just wasn't as creative as Stick of Truth, frankly. It'd be interested to know how many people worked on both games.
but i feel greatful about my dad fucking my mom.
To add to this, there's much less of a feeling of power escalation in FBW. Cartman just giving you more classes arbitrarily makes every power boost feel unearned. And the way crafting works and how it ties into artifacts is frankly badly designed.
whoever decided boss fights should have real-time timers in a turn-based game should go kill themselves. Absolutely degraded the experience every time it happened.
it's making fun of how all the superhero movies end with stingers teasing the next movie now
I think the combat design of Stick was just way more fitting for the series, you know kids throwing rocks at each other pretending it's a fantasy story. Everyone suddenly summoning lightning and having to watch those long ass animations is just boring and lacks the charm of the original.
That's the joke... The ending and the character origin Cartman made for you had no point at all.
I liked mitch conner. Especially that whole ending fight where shit doesnt count. Reminded me of being young and playing with my friends
This game is not as good as the last. All that hype for nothing. Fuck Jewbisoft, and fuck Matt&Trey.
It worked for me precisely once, and I think it was the first time it happened with Spontaneous Bootay. I'd have been fine if that were the only time it ever happened. Every other time was just frustrating.
Shub Niggurath was best boss
>end up being OP for the fight and killed mitch 7-8 times
it just ended up with pissing me off.
this was disappointing after stick of truth. besides capeshit being a lame aesthetic, the town was barren as shit, and there werent nearly as many wacky, fun places levels like canada or the spaceship. south park has heaven and hell and imagination land to utilize for christs sake.
Having all the exploration in the game be you just looting through rows of the same identical garages you looted in the last game was a retarded idea.
The townspeople didnt play a large enough role either, most of them only had a couple of lines if they showed up at all.
Too long. Three cycles would have been more than enough. Mutant Kite was funnier.
>"killing" someone when it doesnt count because they werent ready
Yeah youre a retard senpai.
spontaneous bootay was my favorite and had me laughing through it all.
fighting king new kid was the best. made me miss stick of truth and reminded me how bullshit strong kyle was in that game.
the game is retarded not me.
Mutant Kite was a fucking asshole to fight, same with the second fight with Kyle's mom being a cheating multiturn bitch
Fastpass, toolshed, call girl
That was the point, hell the final fight was sweet payback whenever you smacked Kyle, and he'd transfer it over to Coon
Wait, there was a second Sheila fight?
Mysterion, Call Girl and tied between Tweek and Captain Diabetes
No, I'm an idiot and meant to say the second fight with Cousin Kyke that has Shiela and regular Kite in it
dont get me started with the kyle part. what a salty bitch.
ended up with beating the shit out of both of them.
The ending to the game was an exact ending like any South Park episode. The people who don't notice that or get it don't watch south park or haven't watched it in a long time. Which is fine honestly. The show turned to shit.
I honestly don't think I gave her more than one turn.
She gains extra turns if you attack the Kyles
First time I fought her I wasted my load on beating the shit out of Cousin Kyle with Ultimates and all, had everyone positioned awkwardly, and kind of split the damage around, all of that ended up giving her the opportunity to rev hersf up and start murdering everyone since she gets a turn for everyone's turn, even her goddamn party members
I fucking loved the Prof. Chaos scene. Really hope we get a trilogy to expand upon the New Kid and his turning to the dark side.
It's typically how the show ends, a long buildup to a mediocre punchline
Just like that kid. That fucking kid. That fucking little cheater cunt kid.
Fuck you Ben.
I get the sudden ending as a stylistic decision, but it just doesn't strike me as appropriate given the long format of the game. Plus it wasn't like it ended at a particularly amusing point. The joke about Kyle pretending to have Mitch Connor was way funnier than all the South Park adults buying drugs from another city.
Huh. Again, clearly inexperienced dev team. I completely circumvented that fight's entire gimmick by accident.
This. In fractured you pull out some weird device and shoot electricity at someone.
In stick you'd dump a bucket of water on them and then use a car battery to electrocute them.
And they'd raise a hammer up and suddenly lightning would strike it and your enemies
>shoot electricity at someone
Just like in stick.
>long ass animations
That's two games already in last years that suffer this. I haven't finished TFBW yet, is this even worth it? Kind of dropped in on battle with old versions in characters in the past
You are like 1 fight away from the ending
Well shit, guess i'll need to get it out of the way. To be honest it just made want to play stick of truth again, it had more charm.
Maybe, but the combat system is shit.
Princess Kenny>>>>>Mysterion
cpt. diabetes, fastpass, human kike. cpt. is probably the most op tank and he alone won the sot backtrack battle for me.
Captain Diabetes
Butters or Clyde for normal battles, Call Girl for bosses.
Go get the real ending by fighting morgan freeman
Captain Diabetes
Human Kite
it reminded me of the ending to "here comes the neighbourhood" with that last line and roll to credits
Hey kids, you want some candy?
>retards ruined somethign I care so I should just take it up the ass
fuck you cunt
Prof. Chaos
Call Girl
Bad setup gameplay wise but best characters and honestly the least shitty as people.
>DLC ruins a game
kys communist pig
>To be honest it just made want to play stick of truth again, it had more charm.
Felt the same way, i did enjoy FBW though, it just lacked that special ingredient. I'm happy with my purchase(since i pirated it), but honestly the first one was just too good.
Probably gonna replay it from scratch when Casa Bonita comes out next year, if I do I'll probably switch Toolshed for Mysterion
Cartman was actually the good guy all along
Call Girl
Mosquito/Craig/Mysterion/Professor Chaos
I feel the exact same way, I just love the combat and larping more, it's just way too fun