What do you guys think of the new sonic game?

What do you guys think of the new sonic game?

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Cringey story and possibly the worst level design since 06

Gameplay and level design is a huge step back.
Story and visuals are pretty "cool" despite cheesy, but if you expected more from a Sonic game, you're following the wrong series.

It certainly isn't as bad as a lot of people say, but comparing Generations' boost levels or Mania's classic levels to Forces' hurts.

I'm still having a lot of fun for the moment though.

You just boost down the same hallway that occasionally changes its appearance


Don't care.

What's your guys' favorite track from Sonic Mania? Mine's Hydrocity Act 2.

The worst of the boost games for sure. The movement is all fucked up and it takes a lot more from Lost World than any of the boost games.

it's pretty much exactly "okay", I think people are giving it a harder time because it's following mania so quickly but it's still not what I'd call good
it's nowhere near the bottom for the series like some people are making it out to be though

3D Sonic Ranking:
Generations > Colors > Adventure 2 > Shadow > Heroes > Forces > Lost World > Adventure 1 > Boom >= '06

Missing Unleashed

Fuck, I knew I missed something.
... Shadow > Unleashed Wii/PS2 > Unleashed PS3/360 > Heroes ...

4 years waiting and dealing with the massive failure that was Boom makes you want a game that is at least on par with Generations.

Reddit will say its terrible because its not mario, and Sup Forums will agree. also they make fun of the shitty anime style plot-line and then they just go back to watching shitty anime.

Its so bad I have a hard time believing it.
Forces doesnt do anything well, fucked physics, bad level design, poorly paced, hilariously awful writing.
Even the music is substandard. Only easily entertained Sonic autists could enjoy this trash.

maybe you just aren't smart enough for it buddy.

It's amazing.

that's pretty bad, not gonna defend it but why did he not roll down the slope? bad play regardless of the bad physics

true, but I still feel like if they at least spaced it out from mania better it'd be getting received at least a bit better
not that it deserves massive praise, it's just a middle of the road game for the series

sonic writing is meant to be like that, its a distinctive style.

chemical plant isnt even a good zone why do they keep putting it in every fucking sonic game now?
Generation? Ok makes sense. Mania? Alright and its redone so ok. Forces? WHY.

Middle of the road is almost more frustrating than a straight up bad game.

Oh boy another middle of the road mediocre 3D sonic game. Thats literally all we ever get outside of like two games.

>but why did he not roll down the slope? bad play regardless of the bad physics
Maybe he played Generations previously, rolling down hills in that game didn't work at all so it probably never came to mind to him in Forces. Even with that in mind though the game usually puts dash panels & etc. everywhere so it doesn't exactly encourage you to use your roll.

fucking terrible. After all this time they put out this garbage, it's not remotely acceptable.

man the switch version is UGLY. bad port or underpowered?

>SA2 that high
>SA1 that low
>Forces not at the bottom
>06 below Boom
>Generations and Colors at the top
Underage detected, doubt you played even half of those yourself


2bh I really only did play half of them.
Adventure 2, Shadow, Heroes, Forces, Adventure 1, and Unleashed Wii

>SA2 that high
Can't be underaged if I really enjoyed the Chao Garden
>SA1 that low
Aged like milk
>Forces not at the bottom
Because '06 and Boom exists
>06 below Boom
They're the same, but Boom wasn't made by Sonic Team or Sega.
>Generations and Colors at the top
You got me there, but I bet you Generations is the best 3D Sonic ever.

That's because, apparently, it was literally built off of Lost World's engine, according to Sonic Retro's hacking thread. Knowing that suddenly made everything make sense.

>it's okay if the writing is garbage, it's THEIR VISION
you're being just as bad as the "who cares if Classic Sonic's physics are fucked? just go play Mania lmao" people

I was expecting to be disappointed. Instead I was pleasantly surprised. This game is actually alright. Of course it does have its flaws, but it was a blast to play regardless.

On the topic of Forces, post your OCs.

holy shit its so bad

you're trying too hard. go back to /vg/


Honestly that whole soundtrack is great.

What? How am I trying hard? I don’t even go on /vg/.

>"Sonic 06 is my favorite game"

worse than 2006

it's the best classic zone, fag

can you make sonichu?
that's what's really important

It's actually not that bad.
Mystic Jungle as modern Sonic though. WEW literally just held boost the entire stage and maybe pressrd jump twice.

So in short:
>Sega and Sonic Team try to sabotage Mania to make Forces look better
>It backfires as Sonic Mania brings back older fans who like actual games
>Everyone watches as a team of game developers gets massively outclassed by a game that was pushed off to a group of modders as a promo for Forces
Like this is essentially what happened right?

I was willing to be open minded about it since the announcement, and I actually thought the custom OC idea was cool. But just coming from my enjoyment of Mania, I couldn't stand this. Eventually I just had to put it down.

I mean, it's playable, and the soundtrack isn't bad (I've since listened to the rest of it), but I just wasn't having much fun. The more I played, the more I felt like it highlighted things that have been frustrating me about this franchise for years, and mentally I didn't want to go back there after the huge Sonic high I was on a couple months ago.

Pretty accurate, yeah. Now ST will either commit harakiri or assassinate Mania Team. Can't wait to see if they take the Hero or Dark path.

Wtf I have the shadow dlc but I can only play the 1st modern sonic level as him. I've got more than 5 completed and still can't use shadow.

when did they sabotage mania

Forces tie in

but the phantom ruby stuff just made the game better, how is that sabotage

I want to play this, but not enough to pay full price. What would be a reasonable range?

Forced Denuvo and PC delay at the last second, made the team rehash levels, blocked super emeralds, no physical release despite the public's and the marketing team's request, the SF tie in and retconning Mania as an illusion, etc...

I didn't care much for Mania's Hydrocity tracks, honestly. They didn't change enough to really stand out from S3.

The best is clearly Lava Reef Act 2, though. That guitar is creamy goodness for your ears.
It's weird, though, because I never liked Lava Reef Act 2/Hidden Sanctuary in the original S&K. Goes to show how far proper instrumentation can take you.

they obviously didn't sabotage the game considering it was a success, and they obviously didn't want to sabotage it considering they let it get made in the first place.

I'm honestly with you, the game is fun. Not amazing, but honestly fun. My least favourite parts though is classic sonic. It's so hard to go back after Mania spoiled me with great classic sonic.
I legitimately like the OC stages

It’s 40 dollarydoos it’s cheap enough

>Post your OCs
If you take any pride in this shitty Newgrounds-Tier character maker, then commit self harm until you see reality.

What minor value exists in this game exists on quite literally the OPPOSITE spectrum from the OC creator.

This game is a guilty pleasure, and the guilt comes from tolerating the OC creator.

$30, you get a half-way experience of a game, so you'd pay half of the standard AAA.

You don’t sound very creative. Why don’t you like my OC, Monster Energy Drink the Cat?

The autistic OC creator is the only interesting thing about this drudgery.

>guilty pleasure from OC creator

You're actually absolutely right. I am literally playing through this game to unlock all of the OC clothes. Which gives this game its replayability and playtime exceeding an hour or two.

The boss music was great. I really like Ruby delusions.

>intelligent man
>anime gif
hmm something doesn't add up here

The music (outside of a few Beavis and Butthead tier tracks) are all really good, especially Egg Gate.

The modern levels are... passable.

There is value in this game, and it's not in the OCs.

You are why we can't have nice things. I'm not saying that as a poe's law joke. I mean it.

you know you make a good point, and if it wasn't for the fact that making custom characters is cool and fun, it might very well be.

Honestly I enjoyed it. I wish it was longer and some parts of the story were better, and the level design is lacking in some areas but I still enjoyed it the same way I enjoy a Mario or Kirby game, just some fun simplistic action. If I was a kid I could see it as one of the best games ever. 7.5, 8 at most I would rate it, another Sonic game that is sadly going to be hated on for years because of nu males and classic faggots running the entire Sonic scene.

I agree that sabotage is an overly strong word. But it is very accurate to say the management got more in the way of the game than it helped.


The HBH battle theme is fucking GOAT.


>Hating on Classic Aficionados
You had a decent rant going there until you made it fall apart. I love Sonic Mania as well as Sonic Generations, and if Lost World and Boom are any indication, Forces is a fall-in as a fact that Sonic Team has no idea how to learn from their mistakes. This is one of the few cases where critics and fans are unanimously on the same page in saying that they know for a fact that they know better than the actual game devs.

Too bad they possibly just normal Eggrobos

Eh I wasn't really ranting, just giving some quick thoughts I had on the game. You need to be really biased to not see that every Sonic game is immediately compared and scrutinized to the smallest detail over the Genesis games. Right now even I feel like I have to tiptoe what I really want to say so I'm not instantly shut down and called retarded. Is that what you call a healthy level of community when one can't even express themselves? Forces could have been improved in a number ways, but it's not some 3/10.


if the phantom ruby just creates illusions how did mania sonic travel between dimensions, and also if an illusion can do all the things the real thing could do is it really an illusion.

They gave this unfinished shit a physical release?

Its bad but sensationalists who say its as bad as 06 are retarded

mania sonic didn't travel and forces was all just a bad illusion is my headcanon


Chaos Emeralds → Super Sanic
Phantom Ruby → ???

I literately had to restart multiple times because I thought I did something wrong.

Before anyone says anything, this is not intentional and the game literately tells you to spin dash (and this is the start of that level too).

Autistic Sonic

that shit makes no sense and you know it.

Same for me although Hydro Act 2 shares 1st place with Chemical Act 2 for me. Studiopolis Act 2 is also pretty sick

It actually does and even clears all the plot holes in forces.

explain in great detail your headcanon and how it fits into greater sonic lore

> Lost World 2

you can't make this shit up, what the flying fuck happened with the Hedgehog Engine that they spent millions perfecting for Unleashed and Generations?


just let me have my Megadrive style Sonic Game continuity seperate from this, Sega.

well mania sonic went home to the megadrive style dimensions so i assume you will get your wish. i mean unless they crossover again next year

Its got its share of flaws but I'm still having a blast with it.

Everyone said Unleashed and Generations were bad and simplistic so they moved away from that, remember?

Worse than 06
At least that was rushed

> Lost World engine
> B team
> Literally who leveru designerus

This is probably not the main game they were developing for four years.

Sonicfags will eat it up like anything Sonic Team shits out and everyone else will laugh, so who the fuck cares

Forces doesn't exist. That's it, nothing of value lost.

then what happened to sonic after lost world and where did classic sonic go at the end of mania, and also how do you explain the fact that forces does exist.

Colors and Generations proved Sonic games work much better with light-hearted storylines. Seeing them go back to the edgy super serious tone from the Adventure games was painful

At this point being a sonic fag is basically being in an abusive relationship

edgy stories are more fun, who the fuck wants to see that boring nonstory bullshit again, and also the megadrive games had an edgy story.

No one was being murdered, the planet was not destroyed by a giant doomsday weapon or some mythical god monster, and Eggman was not trying to destroy all life in the classic Sonic games. The Genesis stories basically boil down to Eggman is kidnapping animals and you have to stop him, Eggman is collecting the emeralds to do something bad so you get them before he does, Eggman is upsetting the balance of nature and you fix it. They don't ever get the chance to be edgy.

The edgy stories don't fucking work for Sonic. The tone that they keep trying to convey does not line up with the Saturday morning cartoon character designs and the wacky comic relief and one liners. Forces is fucking rife with this issue, Sonic was tortured for months but the very first second you see him after this he's cracking wise and acting like nothing happened. You get Infinite murdering people on screen explicitly and when Sonic runs into him he doesn't take him seriously at all. There's no consistency, and you can't have Sonic NOT being a smartass because that's who he is, but all of this dark brooding shit falls flat on its face. It's trash, why even bother having a story like this when you can't give it the reverence it needs to function properly? Get the fuck outta here with that.

I like the game, it's the pc port that is abysmal.

have you ever seen an anime before.

>what happened to sonic after lost world
idk go on another adventure? We'll know when next game is out.
>where did classic sonic go at the end of mania
On a drug trip. Was probably just laying on some grass in angel island and then woke up after the fever dream
>how do you explain the fact that forces does exist
But it doesn't? It's like 06, it never happened in canon.

right, of course.