I can't fucking sleep. Do I game?

I can't fucking sleep. Do I game?

Just masturbate.

I did

Take a shower and go to sleep faggot.

What're you playing user

Go poo

What if he's indian and it's really late at night

Read a book. Blue light from electronics will make it harder to sleep.


Nah don't do anything with PC/TV/smartphone before sleeping for at least half an hour because the light their screen emits causes your brain to stay focused and "wake" and don't try to bore/exhaust yourself with them unless the thing you are seeing on the screen is extremely boring or something.
There are filter programs like flux for PC and blue light filter for phones that supposedly blocks that effect of those screens but I haven't tested them more than a few nights but you can try them for yourself tonight I guess.

Do you think hearing people shit at night is normal there?


Read a book.

>try to sleep
>decide to tire myself out by reading a book
>get too interested in the plot to stop reading

I think your problem is lack of self control, user.

>try to sleep
>memories haunt me
>stay awake
>can't stop thinking about those terrifying memories

>try to sleep
>tell myself to buy books to help sleep
>buy books
>never read them
Same with games too


Depends if you need to be anywhere tomorrow morning.

stop buying shit books then

All books are shit.

Moby Dick ain't shit

I read too slow

Gaming always makes it impossible for me to sleep. More so than TV/internet. Too much concentration wakes you up.

>blood meridian sitting right next to infinite trash

Depends on the game. Grinding in Pokemon puts me out really fast

w-what memories user?


I don't get it