So it's universally agreed that this game is twice the game Friday the 13th is, right?

So it's universally agreed that this game is twice the game Friday the 13th is, right?

>better, functioning mechanics
>actual teamwork
>3 iconic movie killers plus a ton of misc killers with a ton of playstyle diversity
>went through early access then received a wide release, whereas F13's wide release is in worse shape than most early access titles
>doesn't crash constantly

The only positives I can see in F13 are the inclusion of music, voice chat, and overall visual aesthetic. Otherwise it's a chore to play and generally a miserable experience if it doesn't crash

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*nerfs vaulting speed again*

you forgot
>no retro retarded killer that ruins the mood

is that actually a thing? I remember hearing something about the developers releasing an update related to the NES game as an apology for what a broken piece of garbage they charged real money for, but I never looked into what it was

Steam refunded me F13 even though I'd played well past the 2 hour mark. That's how broken it is.

I bought the game expecting dead by daylight on drugs, and found this:

Refunded after seeing the killer surrounded and being physically abused by the survivors.


Game's an un-fun meme built for the sole purpose of generating nostalgia and streamer capital. The streamer capital fell through due to none being able to play the game without it crashing, but they still made a bundle.

I'd still play it for the female character models running around in sling swim suits if it didn't crash at the level cutscene every match

wait for the nerf

I do feel bad for the developers

they shilled this game so hard for so long and everyone hates it

must feel bad to see your work instantly dismissed after years of work

Feels weird, because the Ft13 defence force was pretty strong on Sup Forums, where the fuck are they? Did they stop receiving paychecks?

Shill payments cease on release date

by then preorders are made and the dummies who read reviews buy it

Who do I have to contact in order to get paid for shitposting on Sup Forums?

go to your E3 after spending 5000 dollars on a body image overhaul and suck a booth-boy's cock

they'll hook you up with the right people real quick

shitposting aside, Freddy looks fucking cool

dead by daylight is more balanced.
However F13 does a lot of things that I feel are overall FUN, but broken and unbalanced.

repairing generators forever can be boring and i would like them to implement something else mixed in.

list some things that are fun

I had fun trolling someone in a car for a while (stop start, claim that the pick up point is too dangerous each time), but that shit got boring fast

also my game started crashing every time I booted it after 5 or 6 matches so my experience is limited

different options to escape, different things to collect and use. Can attack the killer and then the killer having various ways to kill a survivor.
this isn't very balanced, but it is FUN to have more options.

Dead by Daylight is very very bare minimum in shit to do to keep it functionally fair.
>Repair generators
thats kinda all there is to do.

Trolling people is not at all what I'm talking about and you can troll people in almost anygame, that doesn't suddenly make garbage suddenly gold. Secondlife is an irredeemable shit show and you can do ANYTHING.

it's pretty damn hard to troll in Dead by Daylight unless you stoop down to the burning ants level.

you can do some REAL annoying shit to the killer.
survivors can't really troll other survivors nor can the killer troll the survivors in any way other than camping the hook.

like i said, dead by daylight is very very safe and controlled. You'd almost think its trying to be an MLG game or sorts. I like it over F13, but I do wish it had more variety of shit to do over repairing generators is all.
I'd fucking love to have to refuel a generator or do some power breaker box puzzle shit to mix in with tasks for survivors.

I'd say that keeping it simple is what makes it fun to play. Its a glorified online version of hide and seek, which I love.
I can't understand people that take the game too seriously, almost as if it was an esport.

Golly, the only thing it's missing compared to F13 is a killer that can actually kill someone.

I enjoy the game, and think it's miles better than DbD, but they've been fucking up the balance horribly lately by capitulating to people that don't actually want to learn how to play.

>capitulating to people that don't actually want to learn how to play.
Ahhhh yes, the classic "I'm gonna kill my game by trying to appeal to a wider audience".
I love how history repeats itself, over and over.

I checked yesterday, and the game is getting chinked as we speak
at least the game will not be dead for a while now

killers can kill survivors. the main method is sacrificing to the entity, whereas executions are rare. I'll give F13 the fact that there are TONS of kill animations - as that's where all the work on the game went - while DbD only has 1 (I think) per killer

What's there to enjoy? Playing as Jason is a lot like DICE's Battlefront game - loads of pretty and cool stuff to look at, but idiot proof mechanics, a skill ceiling a foot off the ground, and very little match-to-match variety. As the Survivors there's a little more to work with, as it's hide and seek but with melee attacks that only help against retarded Jason players and multiple mission objectives, but once Jason locks on to you - as long as he isn't an actual retard, woman, or gay man - the game defers to him. It's a rigged carnival game that assumes its player base is retarded.

Lawbreakers is dead in the water while Siege is growing in popularity since its departure from the "hardcore audience" focus

I run into loads of Japanese people lately.

Does anyone have a meme graph or logical explanation for the timing of a game getting chinked? It comes like a wave out of nowhere long after a game's been out

I don't have a clue, but they are balls deep now

>Play Michael Myers
>Music plays when you stare them down

Never gets old

I haven't played him yet, but I love playing against him

>free weekend
>never played the game, and I was not aware of official myers in the game
>music starts playing

it's almost as though harder localizations get postponed for after the initial release
