What are the best survival simulators?

What are the best survival simulators?

There are like tens of this shit in the indie scene

subnautica is my favourite, haven't really played many of 'em though

LMAO did someone say don't starve?

t. autist

After playing Don't Starve a few years ago I've come to find out its the best survival game. I haven't found anything worth playing since then. 7 days to die is ok.

Unreal World or Cataclysm DDA.

You won't get better than these 2.

How good is the Long Dark anyways? I heard it got a full release a while back and I was thinking of getting it when it finally drops from 45 dollydoos.

>when you reach late game and your entire world is just your fucking playpit of death and destruction
>mob farms everywhere
>50 racks of jerky nearby the fire pit
>12 honey boxes for the kek
>150+ hound tooth traps around the base
>houndicus shooticus
>klei still finds a way to fucking neck you
Fuck this game

Don't Starve is boring as fuck and gets repetitive really fast.
The only thing I enjoyed about it was adventure mode because it puts you into scenarios where you have to adapt quickly.

>Not staying underground
>Not farming bunnymen to produce more food than you can eat through every season
>Not having a huge cluster of bunnymen huts strategically set around your base for optimal protection
>Not living like a crazy hermit, never shaving your beard and eating mushrooms to manage your sanity
>Not avoiding bosses altogether

There have been so many times where I went underground once and never emerged again.

>tfw only go underground for summer
My surface bases always end up looking nicer for less effort tho

Long Dark is nice if you enjoy winter environments. Story has fucking god awful writing. The challenges are excellent though. Worth it on sale if you want a survival game that doesn't have zombies or mutants.

is it worth 45 bucks?

In all seriousness My Summer Car is literally and unequivocally THE best survival simulator.

>45 bucks

Fuck no, I paid $15 and even that is probably a little too much.

As many others said, The Long Dark is my favorite of the genre. Comfy as fuck and really fun. It's also pretty hard and it's inevitable you get necked so you don't have the issue that a lot of survival games have of being stuck in a boring endgame loop.

With friends 7 days to die is real fun, although it gets too easy once you're late game and settled in a fortress.

I said on sale for a reason. Amazing atmosphere and all that, but it WILL become repetitive. It'll be in the winter sale on steam though I'm sure. Check then.

Bought Unreal World last Christmas and been putting off playing it. Starting up now for the first time. Seems pretty cool

Subtautica. Hand crafted world instead of procedural mash is the big seller for me. Also being underwater is both super comfy and god damned horrifying.

I'll be more interested in that once they fix the performance issues.

>when it's day 391 and you still haven't mustered up the courage to explore the caves

>7 days to die
Is there anyway to get over the fact that the game plays like dogshit? The guns and combat feels unresponsive while everything is just an unfun grind to behold. I say this when I actually made a couple of friends after jumping onto their games as a rando and helping them to build the bases up. Resource collection, hunting, farming etc those parts were alright..

those are not rookie numbers

I liked conan exiles quite a lot.

Real life.
Just take a bus to nowhere in alaska and you're set.

Don't Starve and The Forest are one of the few games I enjoyed. Although the forest is pretty buggy, at least a year ago when I played. And How to Survive is not bad, but is more like an adventure game.

The only one I've played was a free one with psplus something about a way and little ones

Maybe spoilers

I wish the game let me be a bad guy for one run so I could kill and loot freely

Wasn't DayZ supposed to be this insanely realistic survival simulator? Last thing I remember them adding was a ghillie suit but the game was still ultimate garbage

I got bored after I finished the car and got gold in the rally race, I know it's a lot of work but there needs to be another car you build from scratch or something as well as other activities to make money, so you have to buy and order each part for the new car or something. Had a lot of fun until I ran out of things to do.

it's not exactly hard if you know how to hunt. One single elk and you're good for half a year. Game get stale rather fast.

Don't Starve. I don't even play survival sims.

Why does everyone bitch out when it comes to the caves? Once you get a lantern or a miner's hat, you don't ever have to worry about darkness again. There is plenty of food if you know where to look too.

Because everything is unknown and you can die any second by some unexpected shit.

I didn't really notice anything wrong with the combat, except zombies sometimes glitching up and down.
>everything is just an unfun grind to behold
>Resource collection, hunting, farming etc those parts were alright
??? What do you call grind then? I do agree that at low level, things can get a little grindy tho, especially if you're alone. Waiting at night hidden in some house for the zombies to go away is just boring.

The island is baby shit compared to The Abyss.

>no single player version
Multiplayer in vidya was mistake.

I run around in caves all the time. If you can dodge stuff dropping during an earthquake, don't carry meat around bunnymen and don't stand still around Batilisks, the underground is easy to survive.


My nigga W@T

You just fucking build some rabbit huts and make sure to keep them meat in your chester.

fucking depth worms give you free food and you stand around and have gems fucking rain on you and you don't deal with bullshit torches anymore because you have unlimited light (fucking kek @ nerds who use torches, I make sure a cave entrance is closely for that miners hats on the surface, ice box chester for the bulbs, 2gud)

but 4 real mayne the caves are really not that spooky and unknown, in fact, they're you're fucking friends. on top of building those rabbit huts, just fucking corral a bunch of a fucking rock lobster bros over and have them fucking destroy anything that comes your path

Just make sure you don't bring it to the surface or get ready to delete your save.

I was a shitter who thought, "meh, I'll deal with rock lobby's on the surface".


They charge that much for it!?
I got it in early access for around £8 I think. Definitely wait for a sale. It is a great game though, it's the best pure survival game out there, probably one of the only ones I can think of. The sandbox is what you buy it for. The story is okay but you should only play the beginning sequence to learn the basics. After that it's just the sandbox with fetch quests.
Well you could play it if you want to, I'll allow it

Where mah bois at?

Is there any way for a new player to play Don't Starve even remotely successfully without spending more time on wikia than in actual game?

Oh yeah. This War of Mine was really great. And comfy as fuck.

No. But you can do trial and error if your autism is high enough.

If with "Survival" you mean games where you try not to let one of several RPG bars drop to 0, resulting in your untimely demise, then...

- Salem the game
- Don't Starve (Together)
- Darkwood
- Rimworld

- 7 days to die, Project Zomboid, *insert the 100 other zombie games here*
- The Forest
- This War of Mine
- Haven & Hearth
- Wurm Online

- Rust
- Life is Feudal
- Mortal Online
- EVE Online
- DayZ (aka Walking Simulator)
- H1Z1
- Unturned

There is also the other forms of "Survival" games, for example games where the whole purpose of the game is to survive among a dozen of other participants a la natural selection.
See games like Fortnite, PUBG, Transformice, Town of Salem.
You might even categorize some of the first category, like Rust, in this one.

The good survival games all turned to shit pretty much. Some decent ones still stay decent.
All the good aspects about survival games concerning the content are typically found without the annoyances in games like Terraria, Stardew valley or Mabinogi (Nexon).
They have little to do with surviving per se though.


you're like a little baby.. watch this

Some of this is AFKing.

Any MMOs with survival crafting?
>tfw EVE