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Did Sly go too far with this one?
Not far enough ;)
Yeah you're right. "And your suit sucks." was probably the worst thing he had ever said.
Furfag and must throw yourself into the nearest fire
Is Thieves in Time worth playing?
I liked 1. I loved 2. I got bored with 3 halfway through.
You're trying too hard kys yourself
Sure. Just don't really get your hopes up too high. It's fun but I personally preferred 2 and 3
Thieves in Time is basically Sly 3 with more gimmicky playstyles.
And a worse story than 3. It's a time travel story and Clocwerk is only an easter egg.
HALT! What's Octavio's house password?
I'm with Sly on this situation, what Pasta Sauce is just that good?
Is this level the epitome of comfy for Sly 3?
I could see Panda king and maybe Miss Ruby being useful for Clockwerk, but why did he recruit Mugshot and Raleigh?
"Your mother was a broken down tub of junk with more gentleman callers than the operator."
Jesus Christ Bentley
>"I'll break you like I broke Bentley's spine!"
Holy shit
Well it'd have to be the kind that makes all your clothes explode off in food ecstasy for one. Also I guess the type of pasta or spaghetti would have to be cooked to perfection and in a way that doesn't intrude on the pasta sauce and then I think we're about 50% of the way to understanding how good it would have to be.
A game about antro animals is surprisingly dark. I mean, just look at Clocwerk's backstory
>Was a master thief but hated a rival family's line so much that he became a machine powered by his own hatred for the rival family and one day came in, killed all but one member of said family, stole the book that the family was known for just to prove a point that the only reason Cooper's are master thieves is because of the passing down of past knowledge.
That last part about knowledge being passed down a family line sounds familiar.
It really is I mean set-up aside we've had a key main character get crippled, severe self-hatred to the degree that it completely broke someone, brain corrupting spices, curses and dark magic/voodoo on multiple occasions. There's lots of fucked up shit in this series more than just what I put but man the games are fun.
stupid furfag
Kinda wish Clockwerk was more than just a dumb easter egg in Sly 4. Didn't even get to see him wipe off Sly's ancestors
This is the best image in this thread.
Are you faggots listening to Second Funniest Podcast? They're back.
Nigga what, when did they come back?
My favorite guard in the entire game.
Last month.
What the fuck was his problem?
Post some carmalita
sssonic2 please draw sly cooper with a big butt and thick thighs
Why is she so thicc?
she barely has any good art
have carmelita slyly smacking his but cheek as well
Actually playing the Sly Trilogy for the first time on my Vita and I'm fucking loving it.
I started Sly 3 yesterday and I hope I'll finish it today, because I'm curious to see how good is Thieves in Time since it was made by other people.
there's no art of carmelita messing with sly's big butt or even him sitting on her or choking her with his thick thighs
Bentley is my waifu.
Sly making Carm jealous of her ass
why were there so many furry characters in media in the 90's-00's?
TiT is a 6/10 to me
>what's wrong officer, you seem a bit aroused
because XTREME RADICAL was the name of the game in that time period, silly.
RADICAL ANIMALS were popping up all over the place, but the animals endured even a bit after the XTREME stuff wore off.
i can't believe Sly called someone a nigger
jesus, SP
Hey gu- *dies*
To be fair that monkey guard was being an asshole
Sly 3 is unironically my fav
Wasted opportunity: The character. One thing that confuses me though is that he and Raja are confirmed to be members picked up by the Klaww gang was formed, but Arpegio was their leader and masterminded the clockwerk plot? Also, I wonder what would've happened if Sly didn't collect the parts. I doubt that Dimitri or Raja would give up their parts.
TiT is alright but not as good as the previous games, the story ends on a cliffhanger as well.
I wonder if it subtly implying Clockwerk is Egyptian or Sly helps out Ramses the 3rd create the Thievius Racoonus and the vault
"he said he wants to be buried in his mom's pasta sauce"
"uh...yeah. that's strange"
I was pleasantly surprised with TiT. Despite not being made by Sucker Punch, Sanzaru did a damn good job of capturing what Sly is about, imo. You can tell they're good fans of the series, and want to do it right.
I fucking miss the Sly games. will they ever go back and make another one?
You're a punk, you're daddy's a punk and yo momma's a bitch
Can we agree that Bentley is the best boy?
What happened to the movie anyway?
Last I heard, it got canned in favor of an animated series. doesn't sound too good.
God dammit.
Well, just looked for some info regarding the TV Show, and apparently it's being made by the people who is behind Sonic Boom, so now I'm quite interested.
That, I didn't hear. That's actually cool. Sonic Boom is pretty based.
If they make the Sly cartoon then the humour will be top notch
>tfw you know exactly where your weird fetishes came from
>a big ass owl was a master thief
How did he ever pull that off
I used to stand on her tits and jerk off when playing this mission.
Kill everyone and steal what's left, I guess. Not very stealthy, I'd imagine.
>The ferris wheel
this and the asian level are maximum comfy all around
in my opinion
in my opinion
3>2>1 with 4 being somewhere near 3 and 2
You'll see... Mesa City is so well guarded a SNAKE couldn't slither in without setting off alarms!
For some reason that has been stuck in my head since 2002
Love how they knew exactly who the best villains in the first 2 games were, and brought them back for 3. (Mugshot/Panda King/Dimitri)
what do
>but Arpegio was their leader and masterminded the clockwerk plot
He could have risen through the ranks over the years.
>I doubt that Dimitri or Raja would give up their parts.
I suppose he would have either bought them or had Neyla steal them at some point.
Doubt it'll be a direct adaption of the games, but I hope that they don't completely give up on the darker undertones and potential overarching storylines for the sake of pure slice of life humor.
>More gimmicky playstyles than Sly 3
Is that even possible?
Al-to Al-to Bass Bass.
I fucking hate this part
Yes, because Sly's ancestors are in the game and each of them have a gimmick. They're also permanent playable characters for each era, so get used to them. Carmalita is also playable but lacks her jump from the third game.
I doubt it will just be a copy of Sonic Boom with Sly Cooper's characters ported over. First or all, the writers would probably get bored of doing essentially two of the same show. Secondly, Sonic Boom episodes are only about 10 minutes long and we don't know how long Sly Cooper episodes will be. The shot runtime for Sonic Boom is a fundamental part of the show's format and fits well with its very episodic format.
Ghost of Tsushima will be the spiritual Sly 5
With the exception of Bob, all of Sly's ancestors play like Sly plus a special ability. Sly 3 is still the most gimmicky in the series.
the gimmicks in sly 3 are great
>Your mother is a broken down tub of junk with more "gentlemen callers" than the operator!
Replaying the original right now. Super cool they had dev commentary for every level when you beat the time trials
>You know, I've been thinking about your appearance...
>Look, if you don't got nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all! Got it?
>What, ain't got no sassy comment, smart guy?
>Oh I get it, you got nothing nice to say so you're keeping quiet. Real cute.
> really got nothin nice to say? ....That's cold, man.
This game's writing, I swear