Why didn't you niggers tell me how good this game was?
First time in weeks that I could play a game longer than half an hour.
Also Legend of Eisenwald thread.
Why didn't you niggers tell me how good this game was?
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off shill
How am I shilling you retard.
Is wanting to talk about anything but waifus and other pathetic weebshit shilling now?
Bought the game during early access year(s) ago.
Shit was dope and visually pleasing but lacked content.
Modern looking HoMM but with heavier RPG feel, shit worked but had nothing to offer after a couple of hours.
Did they add more shit to it?
I'm at the second chapter so I don't know exactly but I'm really digging the high medieval setting done well in this game.
Also the game had an expansion so I guess they added some shit before that happened.
Setting is solid and apparently I already own the DLC.
Know of similar hidden gems like this?
Craving something like it right now.
Maybe you would like the newer king's bounty games.
Its not exactly the same but it comes close enough.
nigga, have you seen the state of Sup Forums lately? there's your answer.
Was ist das?
>Know of similar hidden gems like this?
As in recent? Like user already said there's King's Bounty, but if you want more of an RPG bend there's two Expeditions games. I'd also recommend Battle Brothers, but it's like more Mount and Blade in a different genre.
What do you mean?
Sup Forums was always like this desu.
Game like the old heroes of might and magic games set in a low fantasy high medieval german setting.
You basically play as a lord who has to kll bandits, other lords, monsters and pagans.
Low/no fantasy games need to happen more often, it can make for some very atmospheric settings.
Low fantasy is the really way to keep magic wonderous instead of 'I throw 50 fireballs'.
Sounds bretty gool
Heroes of Might & Magic
kind of game?
moetards are just getting triggered by not being able to shitpost everywhere
Its pretty nice and it shows the situation in the holy roman empire pretty well with everyone basically being free but still united under the same emperor.
For example there is one mission where a merchant from the local city's merchant guild is accusing a baron of robbing merchant ships, the baron himself says that the merchants aren't paying the lawful tolls.
The merchants then say that they didn't have to pay any tolls because they were passing through a part of the river which isn't part of the baron's land but then the baron sent thugs to rob any ship passing that part of the river.
Stuff like this happens a couple times in the game and it really shows how urban burghers and landholders lived with eachother in those times.
Yeah exactly only it doesn't really have the city building mechanics instead it focuses a bit more on stories.
>It's a dev shill their shit game thread
>its a retard can't have any game but moe weebshit being discussed
Fuck off and kill yourself faggot
>Why didn't you niggers tell me how good this game was?
I did, I even wrote a review for it. 11/10 game, literally the most "knightly" game ever made. The music is a true piece of fucking art:
>Legends of Eisenwald is a turn based tactics game that puts the player in the shoes of a minor noble in a historical fantasy setting. The plot of the game begins with the character embarking on a grand of quest of revenge, which may or may not, depending on the player's actions, lead him down the paths of forgiveness, callous usurpation of power or ultimate commitment to his grim goal at the cost of his own identity.
>The gameplay itself consists of a healthy mix of elements taken from such games as Disciples and King's Bounty, which, in turn, take a lot from the Heroes of Might&Magic games. From the first two Disciples games, Eisenwald borrows the concept of replacing the HoM&M unit stacks with individual units, that have their own customizable equipment, are capable of accumulating experience and are upgradeable (can be leveled up) multiple times along multiple alternative upgrade paths. From the King's Bounty games, Eisenwald borrows the concept of replacing turns on the overworld strategic map by simultaneous movement of all characters and armies, it also limits the number of your active armies to one, just like KB games do.
>The combat movement system is relatively simple, compared to many turn based tactics games out there and is a compromise between ease of use and tactical depth. While the overal movement space during combat is quite limited, this does not mean that the system is lacking in terms of tactical depth, as positioning your units properly during and especially before combat is extremely important.
Compared to other turn based strategy or tactics games, the most noticeable difference is the fact that movement in combat is possible only with a certain goal in mind, be it attacking an enemy or retreating from melee range to a safe hex. You cannot simply move from one hex to another in combat with the sole intent of repositioning your unit. At first, I thought that such a system limited the overal tactical depth of the game, since it makes flanking maneuvers quite hard to execute and "streamlines" most battles into head-on collisions of two infantry lines, but after playing for some time, I have concluded that this approach forces the player to make a MUCH bigger emphasis on pre-combat unit positioning, compared to most other turn based tactics games out there, because flanking IS very important in this game and offers tremendous tactical advantages related to damage output and counter-attack capability of target units, when you actually manage to pull it off. In fact, many seemingly impossible battles can be won by a proper "reshuffling" of your unit positions before the combat actually starts, which is something that encourages the player to commit to pre-battle preparations by observing enemy unit formations and adjusting his own before the fight. All in all, I believe the huge focus on pre-battle positioning overshadows any loss of tactical depth the game has suffered from having such limited movement freedom during combat.
>When it comes to narrative elements, Legends of Eisenwald proves a well known truth that is as old as RPGs themselves: general choices&consequences always make a game better, regardless of genre or even the type of medium. However, the presence of C&C alone does not make Legends of Eisenwald an actual RPG, since the available alternative quest solutions do not depend on the way you've built your character. Thus, I would not recomment this game to those who seek only roleplaying depth, but those wishing to find challenge and addicting, yet seemingly simple gameplay will not be disappointed.
>In the end, I believe Legends of Eisenwald is a great turn based tactics game and an amazing game overal, combining solid gameplay mechanics with immersion through the use of in-game music, which is amazing, by the way, writing and general visual design. In my opinion, the game is a quintessential and unforgettable "wandering knight" experience.
>Know of similar hidden gems like this?
King's Bounty
This is the holy trinity of the modern slav TBS ludo.
Note that deals with kites and executioners end poorly.
>we want the witcher audiance
>eador imperium
Nah, the executioner was right. To deliver the ultimate justice you have to make the ultimate sacrifice and he gives you the means to do just that, consequences be damned. Revenge path was the best path and the ending was truly cathartic.
Yep, one of the few games i actually bothered leaving a positive review for.
there are tons of good tactical tb rpgs on steam, but they are just hard to find because Valve likes to promote the latest NBA or whatever shit and their tag system is as good as any porn site's.
>but they are just hard to find
Just use the "turn based" tag, dumdum. This pic is outdated, but still shows the plethora of newer TBT/TBS games available.
Honestly I felt like I got perfectly good revenge in nothing. The asshole who committed the act is dead and the jackass who ordered it literally begs you to kill him.
Get xenonauts and enable the community version. Source code was given to community coders and they have updated so much about an already amazing game.
>eador imperium
What's wrong with it? It's basically the first Eador with decent graphics and cheevos. The people who bought it are mostly old Eador fans and they love it.
I didnt say anything as wrong with it I simply added info as its probably the best eador version.
the tag system is shit like I said in my post, dumdum. Bunch of rts games show up, just try it.
My mind is actually blown away by how SRPG/TRPG revival kinda slipped by under the massive hype CRPG crowdfunding received.
>mfw Disciples 3
Yep, the Western SRPGs are back while the Japanese ones are pretty much dead. Strange times, but I ain't complainin'.
Invisible inc is also really good.
We're taking the hobbits to Eisenwald the hobbits the hobbits
Buy Mordheim. FUCKING BUY IT, you casual shits.
is the LOLDRUMBF expac any good or just shitty year-old memes?
Because just like JRPGs, SRPGs have been stagnant as fuck since forever. Valkyria Chronicles was probably the last one to attempt a shake-up of sort with the whole "more than just grid movement" twist. Even it owes a lot to Ring of Red and other genre examples.
It's basically one huge sandbox map that is worth the price on a sale if you want the gameplay. Don't expect anything as good as the main campaign when it comes to story and characters, though.
>we are going to build a wall and make the poles pay for it
permadeath is too much for most people and they can't cheese like they can in fire emblems because of how it saves your progress. I wonder what they will do with with necromunda.
I hope Necromunda will be literally Mordheim with (more) guns and fixed pathfinding AI.
very good, but different from the main campaign. shame there aren't as many community scenarios and the best one is apparently in russian.
Is the DLC worth it? I mean, there's no story or anything so you're essentially buying more armies to play with?
Each faction has its own unique story missions, the DLC factions as well. Each DLC faction is fully fleshed out in every way and is in no way inferior to any of the base 4. I bought everything, because I love the gameplay mechanics and each factions brings a unique repertoire of potential builds to the table.
If you're wondering just how deep the character building and customization goes in Mordheim, try this:
No other TBT game comes even close when it comes to actually non-cosmetic customization of your soldiers.
I got stuck at that Vampire castle and quit playing. Now it's been so long I don't even remember how to play the game to go back and pick up.
Because Sup Forums has no taste
You really need to expand your vocabulary.
Eisenwald is super underrated, particularly the way it treats its audience as smart. You hear tales but there is no quest marker, audience is expected to figure things out by its own, put two and two together. It really respects its audience intelligence.
Its like a mix of Darklands and Discpiles, I really dig it
piss off, take your brain medicine, AS IF ANY people get payed to advertise a tiny budget game that has been released years back, fucking inbred retard.
Apart from the aforementioned King's Bounty and Expeditions (which I completed and can vouch for), there's also Blackguards. I haven't played it and never seen it mentioned on Sup Forums but I think there's a free demo so you lose nothing by trying.
BlackGuard has a fucking great combat system but there isn't much more to it than that. If you are into tactical combat I'd say its a must but if you expect more from and RPG then better give it a pass.
holy shit is that some well articulated ideas? IN MY VIDYER GAEMS?!
This game's DLC scheme is a fuck.
I'm still waiting for a Bismuth Edition to hit gog so I can have a finished product in one fucking installer.
just get the base game, the other stuff is just extra scenarios and so on but nothing in terms of quests or items that would add to the base game.