Are quicksaves cheating?

Are quicksaves cheating?

No they're in the game for the sole purpose to be used, older games tell you outright to save often

however if you quicksave nonstop for every little thing you're a bitch and only make the game less fun for yourself

No, but quicksaving and quickloading can encourage save-scumming which is cheating.

Hard to believe he was one of the go to action stars

>save-scumming is cheating

And guys never got bothered by the fact he runs like a woman. Seriously.

>walk into room
>fall victim to a trap that you didn't bother looking for
>avoid trap
>this somehow registers as legitimate to brainlets


What do you expect people to do? Never save and do it all in one run?

Or you could just deal with your mistakes rather than undoing them all at the press of the button until you've done everything perfectly. That way you can learn from them and adapt the next time the game gives you trouble.

Are you really so dense that you think that actually saving the progress in a game counts as cheating?

Are you clinically retarded son?

>fall victim to a trap and die
>reload game
>have learnt not to fall victim to a trap

How much progress should I lose because I made a mistake according to you?

What's the point when you can just play with quicksaves until you get good enough to not need them?

>don't save
>walk into room
>fall victim to a trap that you didn't see despite bothering to look for
>start new game
>avoid trap
>this somehow registers as legitimate to tryhards

Oh, I never even mentioned death as a possibility in that example. probably should have phrased it better. If you don't at least save often enough to avoid 15+ minutes progress lost you're doing it wrong.
Whatever works for you, I guess.
low IQ post.

despite what you might think there's a middle ground between 'not saving at all like a mongoloid' and 'saving every three seconds like a diaper baby'

You should've said save states. That's the better question.

git gud.

I love that this is how the actual movie is edited and not a reedit for comedic effect, steven seagal is a pure hack

>save every 3 seconds
>you're a diaper baby
>save every 3 minutes
>you're a manly man

Depends on what the danger level is of where I am. If it's somewhere where you don't need to then I wouldn't bother doing it.
If it's an area where a overleveled enemy can spawn and take you out easily, or like those times in Persona when you can get 1 hit KO'd if you happen to encounter the wrong enemy then I'm going to save every 3 steps.

Basically it depends on how much of my survival is just RNG at the moment.

I save scum before every mission in Xcom. Not every fucking turn. There is a difference in the abuse. Quicksave isn't cheating, its just hand holding. You're letting the game decide when to save for you, instead of making that choice yourself. So I'd say it makes players lazy, and incompetent. They do not have the pressure put upon them to make choices on when they should save. Limited save slots fix this in my opinion.

what movie

That's basically the same thing, unless the game restricts on when can you quicksave

I think that you don't understand what savescumming is. Using the "save"-option isn't savescumming, but using quicksave and quickload on every situation where you could have an unfavorable result is savescumming. Such as in xcom saving before taking turn every time

The problem with this is that by quicksaving and quickloading over and over you gain the ability to clear levels that would normally be unbeatable at your skill or equipment level, but like you say it depends on the level of danger and also the game you're playing.

No, abusing the function is cheating though.

Post Seagalkino

Using an in game feature is not abuse.

>1000 ping.png

It's a time saver usually.
>Jumping puzzle to get to next area
>Falling means taking 1-2 minutes to get back to the start
>Fall 10 times
>Waste 20 minutes on pointless backtracking

It's not an ""in-game"" feature
It exists as a game function to allow you to save your progress so you don't have to retread old ground in order to continue playing.

>mfw savescumming in racing games to get perfect corners

>save my progress
>"nooooo you're saving too regularly"

There's a difference between using it every once in a while and using it twelve times in 10 mins.
If you're too dumb to see that then you should probably reload your previous save by having some lead injected into your skull.

Yet you suggest people should have to retread more ground by ignoring that function

I expect the game to have a proper system of failure and punishment and for a realistic system for quitting and continuing at a later time

the most important and integral feature to any challenge/progression based game is ensuring that failure feels good and is rewarding

handing the player savestates and expecting them to balance your game for you is just lazy

>there are people on this board who unironically think there is any difference between replaying last 10 seconds when using quicksaves and last 5 minutes when not
>there are people on this board who think they're better just because they waste more time repeating same shit over and over

If you want. I'm not going to tell you how to play your vidya.

>failure and punishment
>failure feels good and is rewarding
stop projecting your SM fetish onto others

I've lived by battle -> win -> save since the original Fallout. You'll be thankful for those saves when a game eventually throws you some insurmountable bullshit, bugs out or outright crashes

>I'm not going to tell you how to play your vidya.
but you literally are doing it by calling quick saving game abuse

>That's basically the same thing

No it isn't. It eliminates restrictions

>but you literally are doing it by calling quick saving game abuse
when did I say that?

by realistic i mean nothing ridiculous that expects the player to play the game for an hour at a time in one sitting or be forced to redo sections they successfully completed, thats just silly you should be able to quit whenever you want without any penalty and come back to where you were without issue

but (most, not all)games are fundamentally challenges to be overcome and by removing failure as a possibility there is no challenge to overcome anymore and it becomes something less interactive

even games that arent designed specifically as challenges, like harvest moon or something, still has ways you can succeed or fail, such as animals getting sick or planting stuff too close to the season ending resulting in wasted money

>random generic enemy suddenly crits you for 300 damage
>he reloads a save
>he doesn't live with the consequences

What fucking racing games have in-race save option?

They have rewinding. Basically the same shit.

So exactly what I said, it's the same thing unless the game does have quick save restrictions. Many, I would even say majority, don't.

No, it just adds a false sense of "playtime" by adding loading times and annoying mechanics (RNG rewards, lockpicking, etc) for you to brute force with savescumming methods.

Emulator savestates in old ones, rewind function in new ones.

The consequence of that is a game over screen a lot of the time

>hardcore ironmanning every game you play

When they are there I tend to use them way too much until I get out of a fight without losing too much health or ammo or medpacks etc. That's the main problem I have with same not that they're cheating.
One good solution to this problem was the one used in the original Max Payne (don't know if there're other games that do that) where the game increased the difficulty if you were "too good" i.e. tried to be perfect by using many quicksaves.

It's only "hardcore ironmanning" if you only play the game once, and if you get a game over you never play it again.

No it's not cheating, if the game allows save scumming with rapid saves and loads then that is the fault of the game design. Which simply makes for a very easy game with no challenge. I would call them dumb game developers.

Abusing savestates in emulators is debatable however, as the original designers of the games did not intend for such things. Personally I care most about developer intention, so therefore I would say savestates are cheating.