Finished this a couple of days ago and I'm having serious withdrawal...

Finished this a couple of days ago and I'm having serious withdrawal. Can someone recommend something similar on PC that's just as good?

No, I'm not going to buy a console for one game so don't even think about it.

What did you like about aHiT?

How is it? I know very little about it but is it a legit good platformer? I could do with one of those

And I don't mean good platformer in the same sense someone might call the Lego videogames good. They're alright but they're so basic it's not really fun. A bit of challenge and some puzzles would be nice.
Is it on PS4 yet?

Mostly I liked how movement felt. Was really responsive and satisfying.

>on PC
>No, I'm not going to buy a console for one game so don't even think about it.

Tough luck. Maybe there's some unheard-of indie game somewhere that hits the same points but I doubt it.

Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers is alright and I've heard Poi is pretty good. PC doesn't really have much in the way of good 3D platformers outside of HiT. You could try some Mario 64 romhacks like Star Road, that's probably your best bet for a lot of 3D platformer content with solid movement mechanics.

Obviously you know about Mario Odyssey but I can tell you, it's fucking great, if you ever do get a switch (or whenever switch emulation becomes viable) you should definitely play it asap.

>No, I'm not going to buy a console for one game

Odyssey and BOTW aren't worth buying a console for unless you're a diehard Mario/Zelda fan anyway, if that's what you're getting at.

It handles very well very tight controls kinda easy but it doesn't ruin the experience I'd definitely recommend it if you like cute and comfy platformers.

its somewhere between SM64 and BK in terms of platforming, but the maps/level design kinda suck ass. just feel like a bunch of stuff thrown around. and there are only like 4 worlds.

it makes up for its flaws in charm though. it reminds me of something like Paper Mario with its characters and writing

PS4 version comes out later this year supposedly

Why not just emulate something? There are a ton of PS/PS2 era platformer/collectathons that still hold up well today.

The movement feels nice, but otherwise, I don't know if I'd actually recommend it. It's pretty easy, the level design isn't too good and the game tries to carry itself by being "quirky" more than anything else.

I wouldn't say the level design sucks. Subcon is great all around, Alpine has a lot of great platforming segments even though storywise its kind of threadbare, and bird studio has a lot of fun spectacle. Mafia level is a little lackluster but I think it's still decent.

platformers designed with a controller in mind will "move" better because of the existence of an analog stick for movement. Turns out alot of PC devs don't think about controllers as the primary peripheral, so you will rarely find a platformer on the PC with "smooth" 3D controls
I suggest you just start looking into emulators

>PS2 era platformer
The only ones that really hold up well other than the obvious Mario Sunshine, are Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Daxter, neither of which emulate well at all.

It's not like there are many console 3D platformers with competent controls either. It's not exactly easy to make something that feels as good to play as Mario 64.


Jet Set Radio

Thanks for the thoughts lads. How easy is it? I probably gave the wrong impression when I said I don't like easy games. I just meant in the sense it's not so simple that you could practically play it with one hand, which is what the LEGO games are. Even a little challenge is alright.

I guess if the PS4 versions still not out I'll just wait for it to go on sale or something. How long does it take to beat?

it's not hard but it's not incredibely easy either

Mario is the only thing even remotely similar, sorry.

I feel like Psychonauts wasn't much of a platformer though. Its a pretty cool game but its pretty much a collectathon in the truest sense


Not even shitting.

Then emulate Mario 64, Galaxy & Galaxy 2.

>3D platformers are popular again
What happened?

Nothing happened. Tomb Raider never went away, and inFamous was a big thing for several years recently.
>but those are not 3D platformers
Denial is not healthy.


Buy a Switch and get Odyssey.