Your 500 dollar space heater will be obsolete once the PS5 gets released. I predict early 2018. Enjoy your three months of console "superiority".
Who needs games right?
>Sonybros on suicide watch
>3 replies
>3 buttdevastated sony fanboys
LMAO the Switch 2 will be 8K 42inch portable. Sonybros on suicide watch!
You realize that Microsoft just destroyed the idea of console generations, right? From now on, consoles are just streamlined, glorified PCs with specialized hardware specifically designed for higher graphical processing outputs at the cost of adaptability. Even that last part is probably going to disappear pretty soon. Consoles are no longer difficult to make. Microsoft and Sony could release upgraded versions of their consoles every year at this point.
Not really because this is going to sell like shit
Hey buddy, listen up lemme tell you something. We don't get things handed to us in life - you want something? You go out there and bust your ass off working until you get it. Work hard play hard chief, and yes I'm talking about dosh honey. You see - after a long day all you wanna do is lean back, grab a beer and enjoy some good old leisure time. In my case that would mean playing some DOOM before heading off to bed to grind another day. Yes I'm talking about the game, yeah, you ever heard of the game "DOOM"? Hahaha.. That's what I thought kiddo, don't embarras yourself. Here's the deal, and imma take it easy on you and let you figure this one out - Dosh doesn't grow on trees hun. You want it, you go get it. Guess they don't teach that in school? Hahahaha... What a joke - Don't even get me started on that, that's a lesson for another day. You see my grammer? Where do you think I learned that kid, homeschool? Hahahaha.. don't humiliate yourself again kid. Here, lemme give you a hint: Harvard - Yeah you read that right, world class baby. People would kill to be in my position. You think I got here for free? Think again. I'm a part of the 1% kid, DON'T MESS WITH ME.
It doesn't matter, fucktard. If you took the dick out of your mouth and thought for a moment, you'd realize that cross-platform development is being pushed harder than ever and has come into full fruition with the X. Development of games on PC and Xbox are inextricably linked from this point forward. One last hoorah from Sony with a PS5 isn't going to change shit.
Hi Anthony Burch
Not even saying "HURR SONY IS DONE FOR.". I'm saying console generations are done for.
u have a fucking vape thing inside it lmaooo justlka maoaoo
DUDE uwell crown 3 is the shit!
>not owning the project scorpio edition
shit my old Xbox one still works pham but once I get a better tv you bet I'm going to buy this beauty
are you blind?
Don't forget about the PS5 plus pro bro that will be the most powerful console eva. Console gaming is so cheap and accessible and totally worth while, just like our gaming hobby XD.
no but i am retarded, in my defense that sticker still being on it made me miss it.
take the sticker off you mong
played TR and QB today. night and fucking day diffrence.
I hope you don't own a gaming PC, otherwise you probably made the most redundant gaming related purchase possible.
Got mine today too. Every game I have played from og Xbox to current games looks way better. I thought it was only games with a patch.
>implying you can build a 4k capable PC with 500 dollars
pc gaming is a waste of time
>4k capable
it's not 4k though?
It's actually easy to build a cheap 4k pc if you're aiming for 30fps
I'm not saying you're better off getting a PC you fucking sperglord, I said its fucking stupid to buy an Xbone if you already own one.
Have this downloading rn.
It is tho
I'm far more impressed with this console than I thought I'd be and I only have HDR8.
its literally the same games, don't be a hypocrite
I hated that bitch.
muh diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick
it's like 3200x1800, yes? that's not 4k, it's a marketing meme. furthermore it's at 30fps. it sucks ass dude.
apparently it's strong enough to run 60fps if the devs actually raise the cap and optimize it. problem is, they aren't doing that right now but microshit will probably start paying them to do so later
nice samefagging bro
i'll believe it when i see it. still not 4k.
Hey senpaitachi can you tell me if Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive got upgraded in some way? I miss those games a lot, would prob buy an Xbone X for christmas then.
I don't think you understand how that works.
awww baby's first bait, how cute
>The Kino Pen
This is a massive meme.
Optimisation can only go so far. Most of the time optimisation = downgrades.
You can't optimise Crysis to run on a Master System, the hardware just isn't there.
Sonybro here. What's it like? Does it seem the same as the normal Xone other than the graphical improvement? Have you noticed any vast changes in speed?
Show me a non-racing game @60FPS and I'll buy it. That shits easy as hell to optimize since you don't need to render much with the viewing level you have.
super luckys tale
you may be right but my point is that the console is actually powerful enough to handle these games at 60 4k. most of these games have been developed for another system and just ported over without any real refinement. naturally they would need to do some kind of optimization though. ultimately I don't really care much because I've never really played xbox and I'm not going to start now, I'm just going off of some shit I vaguely remember reading.
Nice last gen fidelity.
Everything I've played looks better even without a patch. As for patches for those games I have no idea.
That could run @60FPS 4k on a fucking toaster though. Are you telling me I should buy an X just for that?
now you need some actual games that won't become multiplats
500$ for a literal brick with "muh 4k" gimmick
cant get 4k with anything else at that price
valid, but it all depends on the game and the visual fidelity it's trying to achieve.
There are too many things to factor in, like post-processing, physically based lighting and real-time shadow mapping.
These things if done to the extreme would make the strongest of PCs choke. It all basically comes down to comprimise when developing.
Engine optimisation for a per hardware basis can help, but remember the One X is basically a PC with x86 instructions. It should pretty much be directly transferable (minus the Microsoft software guidelines developers have to deal with).
>most of these games have been developed for another system and just ported over without any real refinement
and being the xbone this will be the case with every single game in the future as well. I really wanted to love the xbone, I was a huge xbox fanboy at the start of this gen, but the bleeding of exclusives, and ms seemingly trying to kill off the xbox brand has left a sour taste in my mouth. I have a gaming PC so lately my xbone has been used only for watching TV and Netflix.
at what cost? i doubt any game can go past 30 fps anyways
>the console war arms race has entered a new age
"new" consoles every what 2.5 years isnt a good thing
yea, I think these companies are starting to emulate PC with its upgrades and what not
I have hard time believing you're a big enough fanboy to go through that whole Kinect period and then drop it now because it's too much
No, it's not a good thing, but you don't lose anything by refusing to be a shill. These "new" systems are getting nothing exclusive to them, and unless you're autistic, the visual upgrades aren't necessary.
Don't buy it then?
I might be retarded, but why do console fags keep mentioning that it's cheap 4k when every 4k monitor/television is expensive as fuck? At that point if I really wanted 4k I'd just buy a superior PC. Is every Xbox owner secretly a poorfag with a superiority complex?
I dropped it quite a while ago, whats happened even in the past year has done nothing to sway me. I get all my multiplats on either the PS4 or PC now. This wasn't something that happened to me overnight, it was slow, but I eventually jumped ship. I was also actually for the always online DRM, it could have done some great things, and it's not like you can get away with not having a connection with consoles this gen.
Oh boy, time for some 1080p games with anti-aliasing
I didn't suggest buying it, quite the opposite, friend.
>build a powerful console
>still having all games developed to run at 30 fps
Shame there's nothing good to play on it
No. I was informing you that you don't have to buy it so you can finally stfu.
There's plenty to play on it, problem is you can play all those same games elsewhere too.
Having the consoles on their sides fucks up the disk drive eventually.
Isn't that what a fucking console is anyway? Just a bootleg PC with a ridiculous pricetag?
I don't need to be informed that I don't have to buy it, chum. I never had any intention of doing so.
are you trying to show everyone how good the 4k is with 1080p images?
fuck i hope this is a troll thread
>microsoft destroyed
Just like he destroyed consoles by making built in HDD default amirite?
Yep, they're catering to the whales who will upgrade their console every year or two just like retards do with smart phones.
is it really good ,? i mean seriously i want to get a good gaming platefomr and i am too poor to upgrade my pc
>medium textures
>paid online
>most games aren't even 4K anyway
No shit
shit like the pro and x make me happy I decided to build a pc years ago instead of moving to the next gen.
What on the pen?
Rich kids. 4K is too expensive. 8 games for 4K max. A joke.
Fruit flavoured cancer