How the fuck did this game get a 9/10? It's a 5/10 at the very best

How the fuck did this game get a 9/10? It's a 5/10 at the very best

-The game is really short. I beat it in around 6 hours and 20 minutes on the do or die difficulty. Someone who's better at FPS games will die less than me and can beat it shorter length of time
-The story is really bad. It's pretty predictable, the big twist happens in the first 20 minutes, a lot of sub plots are never resolved, and we do not get a proper ending.
-There are way too many cut scenes, cut scenes alone are easily half of the game.
-The game is horribly optimized. Sometimes the FPS drops to 5 when nothing is really going on, other times during heavy action packed scenes the FPS remains at a steady 60
-Way too many bugs.
1.BJ kept falling through the floor. I do not know what causes this, but sometimes BJ just falls through the level forcing me to restart from a checkpoint
2. Some nazi officers can summon infinite waves of re-enforcement.
3. The game crashes if you try to alt-tab out
4. The sound is pretty buggy. Robot soldiers are the only enemy types who consistently create footstep sounds
-The new resistance members are unspectacular at best. Others like Grace are fucking horrible and they make the game worse.
-Every time Grace speaks or does anything it makes me wish Tekla survived the last game.
-The levels aren't really memorable. Nothing in this game can compare to the Moon base or the museum in TNO
-Sigrun is a poor replacement for Klaus
-Max's character arc in this game is really dumb.
-Weapon variety is poor. The only new weapon is the SMG, everything else was in TNO
-There are no boss fights. The last "boss" is actually a QTE. There are supposed to be two mini-bosses immediately before the final boss, but you can skip this fight if you leave the area during their long entrance.
-Shooting mechanics are pretty fun
Thank god I pirated this mess

You get to kill Nazis, that alone makes it 8/10.

It's not a bad game. People want it to fail for non-gameplay reasons.

I could over look a lot of my complaints if the game was longer and it had more gameplay sections than cut scenes.

It's a bad game. People want it to succeed for non-gameplay reasons.

Trying too hard.

Like what? Making Trump's brother even richer?

I mean, c'mon, OP gives you this laundry list of criticisms and all you can respond with is "it's not bad", and "people only dislike it because they're Sup Forums". How dumb is that?

>How the fuck did this game get a 9/10?
Same way every Bethe$da game does.

Well, thats what threads about Wolf2 devolve into every damn time.

The game is no where near perfect. 6.5 maybe 7/10 depending on when I start achievement grinding. I haven't run into any glitches or bugs. Endless waves of enemies are a thing that has been around for a while. Usually have to advance so far before it stops. It looks pretty, and it's mindless violence.

Explain Prey, Evil Within 2, and Dishonored 2

western AAA games automatically get more than 8.5/10 except for those AAA ones like "this cant be an issue and hurt anything if its below 8/10"

all about money and rep on SNS

the story is pretty fucked and sets up so much for the next game that it almost forgets to do anything here

Aside from that i had fun playing the game

>Trying to hard

Look at this faggot. Someone puts valid criticisms of a game up and this bitch immediately starts crying and jumps to its defense.

This game isn't worth controversy. It's a 6/10 game that I beat in 4-5 hours. The gameplay was fun but the cutscenes were boring as fuck. TNO and OB were much better.

Because muh Nazi's and Fuck Drumpf


Bethesda likes to selectively sabotage studios to buy them out or keep them from making games they don't like.

prey had massive critical flaws that literally stopped you from being able to complete the game or even play it in many cases. Even on consoles.
Evil within 2 was a sequel absolutely no one asked to, to a universally panned mediocre third person shooter.
Dishonored 2 just had 0 fanfare around it. I honestly didn't even know it had a sequel until like two months ago when I heard about that expansion.

>OP lists a dozen specific points that he thinks are bad
>yeah nah it's good and people who don't like it are Sup Forums

Finally someone with legitimate criticism of the game without going MUH COMMIE PROPAGANDA STOP KILLING NAZIS REEEEEEEE.

I also find it amusing that there's a difficulty in the game that fuck all people have beaten because it's so hard. You have to beat the game in one life with no saving on the hardest difficulty that may or may not be harder than the previous one. There's not been a proven case on PS4 or Xbone yet I think without hacking. Most of the GIT GUD fucks on here seem to be conveniently ignoring it because apparently it's only not acceptable to be shit at Dark Souls. I reckon they were probably one of the people to petition the removal of the fucking trophy based around it.

white ass fascist nazi pig

>You have to beat the game in one life with no saving on the hardest difficulty that may or may not be harder than the previous one
Wasn't a similar difficulty level in Doom 2016?

Its not a bad game, but it feels like TNO did pretty much everything better.

Didn't realise 7-8/10s meant universally panned.

Ultra Nightmare I think at least allowed you to save. It also most likely wasn't as difficult as this considering a fair amount of people have beaten it and there are tons of speed runs of it.

it is. Anything less than a 9 is pretty much straight up fucking trash. Have you not noticed the slide of ratings in gaming media to be "it's good" or "it's bad" lately? When you shit talk a game the publisher will never again give you review copies, severely damaging your bottom line. So even if a game is bad, and they say it's bad, they rate it at a decent number.

So it's got the same problem as Max Payne 3? Great gameplay ruined by the fact that there's less of that than cutscenes?

>How the fuck did this game get a 9/10? It's a 5/10 at the very best

I see this posted in front of so many threads referring to so many different games

It's a meme at this point, isn't it? Goddammit.

Ultra Nightmare lets you interrupt your playthrough between chapters. But D44M's difficulty is not really comparable to something like Wolfenstein's because D44M has no hitscanners. I'm pretty sure that it's theoretically possible to finish D44M with zero damage taken.

It's the same as TNO with less stealth and approach options, so no. It was very mediocre.

If the main nazi killer was the black woman this game would be a 11/10.

Its a fairly unmemorable game that is worse than both previous ones but these flaws will never be discussed properly cause of the shitposting about the "message".

I loved TNO and The Old Blood , this one was just meh.

>DLC with three new characters had the potential to go really wild and do new things
>they play exactly the same as BJ and are only diferentiated by each getting a different one of the three contraptions (slits, ramming thing, stealth thing) that BJ gets in the main campaign.

Did you even read OP's post?

it has already been beaten on PS4.
Git gud.

And the gameplay is really dissonant from the cutscenes.

It's incredibly easy to make a video game hard, and when your difficulty is mainly based on limiting the amount of tries you can make due to the time investment required (spend 3 hours to get to the hard point of the game, die, spend 3 hours again), it's not very fun. That's why no one gives a shit.

because game-reviewers are clueless retards that are too afraid to give low scores


console peasants are THAT starwing for games, and want to play movies instead.
All modern Bethesda shit is just that: feces.



you'll LOVE Wolf3D then


>Check out all these hitscan enemies
>Meaning higher difficulty is more of duck, shoot and memorizing enemy spawn than running and gunning
Fucking idiots. It is like they took one look at doom and decided that the best way to make a video game is to make the anti-doom.

TNO has had novelty value.
This one is played like some sort of shitty intemedia/sequel

>No one gives a shit
>It's only alright for a game to be difficult if Dark Souls does it
No one on Sup Forums gives a shit because Sup Forums doesn't play video games. Actual people have started a god damn petition to remove the trophy based on it.

>It's only alright for a game to be difficult if Dark Souls does it
Am I speaking to a complete brainlet? Do you not understand that games can be made difficult in several different ways, some of which are good and some of which are bad. You can make a game that requires several frame perfect inputs in a row? Is it difficult? Yes. Is it retarded? Yes.

>Actual people
So autists who are after as much gamerscore/trophies/whatever who bitch about them being hard to get sometimes? What's your point? They don't give a shit about the game, they simply care about the trophies.

I got this yesterday and havent been able to play it all due to it not starting up with "Could not write crash dump". Does Bethesda even check the games before they release them.

How is Dark Souls any better with its shitty hitboxes, slow as molasses combat and shitty bottomless pit-filled level design? Really sick of it being a sacred cow when it's so fundamentally flawed on a technical level itself.

Nah it was alright a good 7 or above. shooting was fun but I would recommend picking it up on sale, definitely not full price. Even just watching the cutscenes would work, the gameplay doesn't really work into the cutscenes and make them stronger like TLOU.

Because nearly all video game journalists are coastal city liberals plagued by white guilt and they inject their personal politics into their reviews.

As a fan of the series, this game was a fucking mess, so glad all i did was watching cutscenes on YT.

>VICE: "Nazis in America? Is this about Trump?"
>Pete "Lore-breaker" Hines: "No, it's about Nazis."

At least we now know that Pete Hines is not as retarded as VICE and knows that real nazis don't actually exist.