Xenoverse 2 Switch Sells At Least 300k


>Sells at least 300k, 50k alone are Japan with shipments upward of 400k.

Bamco is in "OH FUCK" mode. expect DBFZ Switch announcement in January

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>Either a rushed port or released too late

Well switch has no other fighting RPGs, what did you expect? Lacks of games will mean Switch owners buy anything.

What the fuck Switch owners.
Bandai expected this to fail for a fucking reason

Fighting RPG is a pretty specific genre to be able to move units on thirsty alone

They are already making their moves

this. why do you think knack 1 did so well and knack 2, which was a straight upgrade in every way, flopped hard?

Knack 1 sold poorly user

>People who buy Nintendo products and never play third party games!
Where did this argument go?

Knack sold only because it was bundled with PS4 in Japan. Knack 2 sold like complete dogshit, like 50-100k worldwide sales.

But I think you have a point with Xenoverse. Capcom was able to get even better numbers )500k) with SF2 but unlike Bamco, they're retarded and completely bet against Switch and can't release anything until 2019.

didnt knack sell over a million?

Why would anyone buy a 3v3 tag fighter for a handheld console?

More like 700,000

It's not a 3v3 fighter, its a sayajin simulator

Makes more sense than buying a 3v3 fighter on a non-portable console

At that point you might as well get it on PC
You can play online for free and it won't run and look like shit

Keep in mind this is a full priced game with no DLC either. Bamco made fucking bank.

But there is dlc

>mention a mainline Tales game being a possibility
>those triggered Sony dorks
Gematsu really is a pathetic sony hug box. It'll be SMTV all over again if they announce an exclusive Tales game on the Switch.


Why were people expecting SMTV to be multiplat again

Good, maybe now they'll make sure Xenoverse 3 comes and make it the best DBZ game ever.

Not the season pass stuff which you usually expect of a year old port at full price.

It's obvious Atlus are saving Persona mostly for Sony and SMT mostly for Nintendo.

It was pretty funny seeing people argue that it makes no sense to release it on switch because there's a entry on ps2

Is there ANYONE who can beat Nintendo Blanco?

It was a serious case of pretending to be retarded.

I think people would realize Atlus doesn't do mutiplats save for Catherine

You get NO DLC. You get the pre-order bonus and that's it. You have to buy all 4 Season Pass packs and the 2 extra packs.

And Persona fite game. Hence the 'mostly', leaving some wiggle.

But yeah. Don't expect P5 for Switch or SMTV for PS4.

Damn. That's ridiculously good.


More than four hundred thousand sold.

I think that's shipped

Its 400k shipped, but 300k in september. This means they shipped 100k since then, so it had to have sold to consumers at least 300k, which is fucking ridiculous for a new platform.

That's good enough for Bumco. I imagine they think that'll sell through Christmas.

Also Persona Q 1 and 2 (which was really weird. You're doing all that P3 and 4 wanking but you put the game on the 3DS). Shame they aren't pushing for 2 to be on the Switch with the 3DS being on its final leg and what not.
On an unrelated note I hope hear or get teased an EO game for the Switch next year. Don't let me down Atlus.


They probably bundled Persona Q with Etrian Odyssey

Xenoverse is an autism simulator in it's purest form. In the same way Minecraft is virtual Lego, Xenoverse is like having virtual DB action figures you can smash against one another. Only you also have your own OC donut steel action figure so it's even better.

You're a faggot.

These fuckers at Atlus need to remake that fucking SMT for Xbox and put it on something that's not an Xbox.

PS3/360 couldn't run Xrd at 720/60 without drops and added a special 60fps mode that basically did away with all the particle effects. It's already been mentioned that DBZF is actually more intensive than Xrd is and it wasn't optimized to run on Japanese Nesica arcade cabs like Xrd was.

How will the Switch run the game even close to 60 without going to sub-HD textures?


No. Scientology cured me of that.

Why do people like Xenoverse? I like DBZ games but this one just feels like a shit rpg rather than an a good fighting game.

I wonder if it being on sale for $20 at Best Buy during Black Friday will push it further?

It's more like:
>1st production studio: Nintendo
>2nd production studio: Sony

Remember MK for Vita? It'll look like that.

Knack 1 outsold 3D World, mate.
hahahahahahahah fuck me the Wii U was a failure. Beaten by a game as shit as Knack. I'll probably get banned for posting this considering the jannies crack the shits if you spout any anti-Nintendo rhetoric. 3D World was really good, though.

DBFZ is a 2.5D fighting game running on UE4, which Switch supports natively, something 360/PS3 didn't.

Effects and textures can be toned down. Doom fucking proves that if you put in the work its not hard. Doom is infinitely more complex than a fighting game.

There's no dbz fighting game that can be considered a good fighting game, they're all games to see flashy shit like in the anime

Customization and co-op with friends.

*at launch
**while bundled
***in the UK
3D World went on to sell over 5 million copies.

Take into count that Japs are autistic over Xenoverse 2 because muh OC super saiyan waifu.

>game on a Nintendo platform is a 'success' according to fans when it gets around 200k sales (Metroid, for instance), even though they don't know the budget
>games - AAA, anything in between or indies - on other platforms are considered failures at 2 million sales according to Nintendo fans, even though they don't know the budgets

More like 1 million more than that.

So about a third of the Wii U total sales?
It's like back in the Gamecube days where Resident Evil 4 cost more than the system itself.

>Doom fucking proves that if you put in the work its not hard. Doom is infinitely more complex than a fighting game.
Doom only runs at 720p/30fps on the Switch.
That is not good supporting evidence.

They are retarded, but we do know that 250k is the bar for high-profile first-party 3DS games to be considered successful because Nintendo themselves said so.

Yeah. The best-selling Wii U game is MK8 with over 8 million sales on the system's 13.65 million install base. Ironically, MK8D is already around 4.5 millions.

An indie game developed for more than a year by a studio of 10 people isn't profitable at 250k, I doubt a Nintendo first party game is.

I question that info.

Most of the times those declarations of failure or success came right from the devs or the publisher, people using it as shitpost material is just consequential

Its a mobile GPU that tops out at less than 400GFLOPS compared to 1.2TFLOPS on Xbone and 1.84TFLOPS on PS4. The fact that Switch is running the game that well is already a miracle.

I'm LMAOing at capcoms life

So how much do you think it'll sell on Switch alone in the end? 2 million, 3 million?

Indie games aren't sold for 50$

Nintendo games are sold for at least 40 bucks, so there's that.

are you implying this board is mostly shitposting? because I and many other anons take every post here very seriously

Probably 600k lifetime, which is outrageous already. Bamco probably wasn't expecting it to sell more than 200k. It was sold out in Japan for weeks.

Doom is 30/720 and has drops.

They said it was the minimum amount Fire Emblem Awakening needed to sell to be consider successful and secure the future of the series, and that's a pretty high-profile game considering the Kozaki character designs, all the animated cutscenes, revamped graphics, orchestral music, famous voice actors and collaborations with external artists for DLC.

They have more than 40 people working on each game as well, so it's not like they get double the money for asking double the price.

While we're at it, they also said a Wii U Fire Emblem would have been considered successful at 700k, but there's obviously more budget fluctuation in home console games since Breath of the Wild, likely the most expensive Nintendo game yet, required 2 millions.

Japanese developers are notoriously underpaid.

Probably about 500k because it's a first year release for the Switch and there will likely another DB game in a year or so to take away the spotlight from it.

It sold somewhere between 1.2 and 1.5 million on PS4, Xbox, and PC combined, so even selling 300k is impressive considering the current size of the Switch user base plus it being an almost-year later port.

>It sold somewhere between 1.2 and 1.5 million on PS4, Xbox, and PC combined
Bamco shipped 3.3 million copies total.


Switch owners are so fucking sad. Imagine they have to buy a shitty game just to get a good one to release. You fuckers just paid double for Dragonball Fighter Z lmao

DB games always did great on Nintendo systems.

Just check sales on 3DS for example.

What if people bought it to play it? Crazy right?

Don't worry I'm not dying anytime soon. famous last words

It got BTFO once the Switch arrived on the scene like Goku coming to help his friends from the villains.

Now absolutely nobody can say it, and the Nintendo haters are so fucking butt blasted that they don't get to say it that they're trying their hardest to make up excuses.

My bad, I just checked. All the more reason Switch can't run it at 60 tbqhwyf.

*stares at you*
There are no consoles left that are worth my time


If anything happens, it will be after initial release; they're not going to renegotiate a contract this close to release. Arc might have other plans too -- they're still developing BB-Cross and likely cooking up some update for GG.
If Switch actually got BB-Cross/DBZF/GG, I'd buy it in a second for portable training.

*Doom dropping to mid 20s gets in the way of your fighting game*

Doom is made in UE4?



Well, it's already getting Cross.

Holy shit.
I thought it would flop with how long it's been on the other platforms. Color me genuinely surprised.

really makes you think

That fantasy game of theirs will likely be multiplat

So it's not.

It was not full price. It was $50. So $10 off full price. It also includes the story of the first game as a free DLC.

What's interesting is that they sold the game as a test to get DBZF on Switch and they will look really stupid if that doesn't happen after these DBX2 numbers, but they have little time to do a port, especially since I'm not sure the Switch can handle that game well.

Xenoverce 2 already tops 3.5m copies on other platform.

It didn't get 3.5m even if you include the Switch version.

Xenoverse is surprisingly well optimized, it's no wonder.


Why do type of people like you always didnt search to source before shitposting