Give it to me straight. Is new WoW worth it?

Give it to me straight. Is new WoW worth it?


right now, maybe not, you should have played at the begining of the year.

Right now we've been struggling with the argus campaign and it's a pain in the balls

I dont know, but i bet Anduinn's boipucci is worth it all

Legions Colour Palette is giving me cancer

Now? No.
I quit drinking alcohol to live long enough to play Classic WoW. My liver will last for a frew more years. Fuck nu-WoW faggots.

I almost bought it today, all this shilling on Sup Forums making me nostalgia, but still almost 70 for Legion and sub.. fucking tokens 186k.
Put that shit on sale already you cunts, you don't deserve 70 for what you've done to WoW.

No dount touch retail it’s fucking shit

Classic servers will be THE BOMB though

Hurry the fuck up blizzard


I'm also waiting for sale to try it.

All forms of WoW play like shit, I don't see the point.

People are only talking about it because they're hyped for classic.
Blizzard knows they're game is shit now and that nobody wants to play it, and they've finally swallowed their pride and gave us what we thought we wanted.

Do you like shitty WoW gameplay?
You quit for a reason -- the reason was that the game doesn't offer you much in terms of gameplay, and it never did.

nah family

not worth it.

Stupid dog. Don't buy it. You will lose interest after a week.

You guys must be lying. A real vanilla server?

I don't know I think you guys might be getting your hopes up, I'm definitely also interested to see how "vanilla" classic will be coming from nu-blizz though.


Wake up

I only got back into legion because I'm so hyped about classic

just watch the lore videos in youtube bro

They're removing PvP.


>Classic servers

Inb4 you have to buy the latest expansion to access them

>new expansion is $80 because it's bundled with wow classic

That's crazy. Why would they do that?

I wish they would unfuck token prices so you could play WoW again without the hassle of paying real money for monthly subs.

Only worth it with wowtokens, but it's engineered so you'll always earn less money in a month than a wowtoken costs, so only stockpile auction house fags can play for free

Legion is actually a pretty good expansion, especially compared to previous ones.
The 7.3 update that made everyone's artifact level the same (the thing that everyone was grinding to level up since Legion launched), makes it easier to get into and catch up even if you're late at starting the expansion.

Though if you wait for next month, Legion might get on sale during the Christmas sale if you want to get it for cheaper.

>developers so ashamed they wont even publish sub numbers anymore
>i-its actually n-not that bad guys.. they recently scrapped something central to the game that they spent ages working on.. so.. its getting better :^)

he's shitting you. they are removing the distinction between PvP and PvE servers. Whichever server you're on, you can toggle between PvP or not in capital cities.

>tfw this was Blizzard plan all along with saying they make classic server
>bait some weak cucks like this guy into their daily wow fix because in reality they just want to experience classic again but get cucked into retail

truly evil.

I'm playing Legion in the meantime because I'm hyped for classic servers. Legion is pretty fun, although a bit easy,and BFA looks really good too.

t. shill

Used to be when the community wasn't shit and the world had its mystery.
Now the fast travel and dungeon finders destroyed all that.

The fact they are doing it speaks to how desperate they are, they'll likely keep it as pure as possible at first, you'll get maybe a year of good before the slippery slope of QoL "improvements" trickle in under the justification of "it's classic not vanilla" and Nu-blizz will show that even with this golden opportunity they still have learned absolutely fucking nothing.

You can already do that on PvE servers, so basocally every server is becoming PvE.