

is it any good?

Don't do it, user, don't do it

it's good

Just wait for the expansions to come out so you actually get some content

whats the current content?

It's just more Destiny. If you liked Destiny you'll like Destiny 2. The story kind of sucks compared to the first game but really you'll just be rushing through it to unlock the meat of the game anyways.

It's good for about 15 hours.

Give it a couple years.

You really need a fair-sized group to chill and bullshit with, otherwise you'll burn out quickly. The game is nowhere near difficult. So if you want to get shitfaced, its still playable. Pvp is still a cesspool of tryhards.

havent played 1 but heard that it was really meh, so I thought that 2 would improve the game

Even less than D1 Y1. You've a campaign that can't be replayed unless it's one of the 3 weekly heroic missions, like 4 strikes and the raid. pvp is shit as always, trials just isn't fun anymore.

No. Despite all its fucking monumental flaws 1 still somehow manages to be better than 2.

If you are on console wait till Black Friday.

If your on PC then well game looks gorgeous and that's about it. It's shallow as fuck.

D1 year 3 with DLC's was easily 9/10. D2 is worse than Vanilla Destiny. Give it time and Bungie will add back fun. Atm it's not worth $60.

I want to play through it co-op with 2 of my friends, how long would it last? No interest in pvp.

Well the point isn't to "playthrough". The game will straight up level you to cap if you just run through the story at minimum levels (need to be 15/20 for the last mission)


Year 3 was shit. 1 and 2 were great, RoI just killed the game for me.

About 5 hours. You can run past everyone one untill you hit a door that doesn't open which means you need to clear out room. There is no difficulty setting and dieing in campaign is really hard. AI is dumb as fuck. After you beat the story you are gonna do same thing over again 1000x time until you realize how pointless it is.

Go ask /dg/ how much fun their having. Literally everyone hates Destiny 2.

Why are you guys talking about just running through the game past all the enemies?

I'm having fun with it. Its got more content than I expected. My only real gripe is that the PvP is really lack luster. Ultimate's are cheep, Swords are cheep, the maps are small, teams are small, some weapons are flat superior to others to the point that it can completely unbalance a match making it frustrating to play because your team members will immediately bail when the enemy team has them. Seriously I had a game where the other team had this auto rifle that just utterly shredded us. We would 2v1 him and he would mow us down before we could kill him with both of us shooting him. Every other member of my team left after the first few minutes.

It would be much better if you had to pick load outs of predefined weapons and ultimate's were disabled.

Cause story doesn't matter. Your endgame starts when you hit lvl 20 but to get there you need to beat the story. Every piece of armor, weapons nothing matters until your 20. Then you start earning big boy weapons that actually do damage.

I wasn't aware that Destiny is an MMO.

It isn't or is. Bungie itself isn't sure what Destiny is. Mixture of everything.

I played all day yesterday and my power didn't go up at all. This system is fucking retarded. Whose idea was it to lock content behind power rating then make it fucking impossible to get there?

Isn't it just Halo with leveling up and repeatable "dungeons"?

It's alright for a time waster after work.

do you remember the name of this weapon perhaps?

It's shite

Uriels Gift

High Caliber Rounds are cancer and Uriels has fastest TTK. Add HCR to that and you got yourself OP autorifle.

No idea but it fired fast as fuck. Is there a way to find out what they are using? I cant even find out whose on my team because TAB just pulls up the fucking map which is fucking retarded. I should get stats when I hit TAB in a PVP match. There are times I don't even realize people left the game because the boxes stay the same color up top. I just notice us fucking losing after I killed three people because suddenly I'm alone and its territories.

There is a reason players are dropping like flies mere weeks at launch already

I cannot understand this shit. Played layed for a few hours. Some crucible matches were fun but the main story is shit. I'd rather play cod. I don't get it.

press U and on the left side of the screen you should be able to inspect every player currently in the match

How do the PVP rewards work? Does it even matter if you win or lose? I seem to get the same loot both ways.


>I played all day yesterday and my power didn't go up at all.
How is that possible when the milestones just reset and you're guaranteed exotics from public events?

He's mentally retarded, nevermind him.

Its absolute garbage and its already dying

Youuuuu got it.

>use the token exploit today in EDZ to get 750 tokens total
>only get 2 event weapons from packages
fuck this shit

I was expecting the game to be way worse than it was. Playing the game feels pretty good. The movement is fine, and the shooting is satisfying. The problem lies with the content, there's no fucking way this game should have been released without the two DLC packs. In fact I don't really know why they didn't just make a giant Destiny 1 expansion pack and bring it out on the PC at the same time.

Oh yeah, and power level is fucking cancer. Really boring loot system they've made in this game.

>you're guaranteed exotics from public events?
All I ever get is blue trash even from heroic events. My exotic drops are always from random shit I kill.

>How is that possible when the milestones just reset
Are you talking about the "Powerful Reward" I get purples from them and they are what normally increase my power but everything I did got me jack shit it was all equivalent to what I already had or worse. I got the damn titan armor with the fuzzy shit around the neck three fucking times. Each one was 3 or 4 points below what I already had.

It's good if you don't mine every enemy being a bullet sponge. Personally, that's not my cup of tea, I find it to be incredibly boring.

>being this much of a lucklet
my fucking sides

this makes me wish dawnblade was actually good

Jeez why the fuck did I but this shitty game.

Because you're an actual retard.

The endgame is dog shit compared to the first one. No modifiers for Strikes. Only 6 strikes.
Shitty Time Limit on the Nightfall. The Raid is the worst content Bungie ever created.
There is nothing worth to grind for. All weapons feel boring, there is not a single exciting weapon. Remember Gjanlerhorn? Vex? ice Breaker? Thorn? Last Word? Sleeper Simulant? Razelighter?

Nothing in this game comes even close.
Don’t bother.

Just so you know, I played Destiny 1 for 2000 hours, did everything multiple timeS and I liked it.

Destiny 2 is shit.

Don’t get me started on the PvP. Holy shit what a crapfest

Cabal are wasted potential: the faction.

I mean, fuck you got
>The Fallen which used to own the Traveller
>The Hive who are personal slaves to the Darkness
>The Vex who are time traveling squids who want to literally encode themselves into reality itself

Then you have the Cabal who were built up in the first game being a huge empire that blew up planets and moons for shits and giggles. Destiny 2 let me down in that aspect.

Oh and the campaign is over in like 5-7 hours and except for the prerendered cutscenes it is the same shit as Taken King

You're an actual faggot cunt.

>The Vex who are time traveling squids who want to literally encode themselves into reality itself
But's thats wrong you noonga, Vex are humans from the future

There is nothing to suggest they are humans. Destiny outright states what the Vex really are.

Desinty 2 anyway.

Of course not there is no outright statements but there are hints through D1 and D2. Destiny 1 was supposed to be a total mindfuck of a story but got fucked because of activision. Trust me Vex were ancient humans.