Xbox One Gamertag

Hello v, what should my xbox gamertag be, remember it must be family-friendly

something edgy with lots of x's in it




Man fuck this board, what is v a fucking christian website


>what is v a fucking christian website
I could be wrong but I think Sup Forums is a board for talking about videogames on Sup Forums. I'm not too sure though,

>some cuck deletes 99% of replies in the thread AND ops pic instead of just deleting the thread
What a world we live in.


Why shouldn't OP be allowed to ask for Gamertag suggestions?

Fuckass I was asking for a gamertag sorry if incest tickles your prostate

it's obvious he wasn't looking for serious suggestions by the pic he posted

>sorry if incest tickles your prostate
I think it has more to do with talking about incest not being talking about videogames. If you just want to talk about incest there are like 10 boards that have non-stop threads about it, Sup Forums just isn't the place to talk about that.

>posts daddy incest magazine cover
He was just looking to make an incest thread.

Might aswell ban me too, fucken permavirgin kikes rule the internet now, guess it spread to 4chinks also


>the jannie deleted everything but left the thread up

Fuzzy Waffles

Faggot its better than your cuckold porn

I'm not sure why when you decided "Man, I really want to go on Sup Forums and talk about incest porn" your next thought was "I should make a thread on Sup Forums"

Instead of getting angry, try not being a sperg and thinking for two seconds.

witch translate in arabic to
My hand in my ass
You can do shit stuff like

Fuckin kek this guy right here just close my shit down already you fucken nigger

Did you expect different in [current year]?


>he does it for free

You're right i guess i shall flee to 8ch then

If you're going to throw a fit because you can't have an incest thread on Sup Forums you probably belong on 8ch, its like reddit but it looks like Sup Forums, you'll love it

No, fuck that Sup Forums is the new reddit shitterhole, this thread proved that point

>this thread proved that point
Again, you made an incest thread on a safe for work board for videogames, do you have literally no idea how Sup Forums works and just listened to the "HURR DARKEST PLACE ON THE INTERNET ITS LIKE THE DEEP WEB REAL WEIRD SHIT HAPPENS THERE" shit you read in Fox News articles?

Its a fucking videogame board you retard, if the thread isn't about games it gets deleted. Talking about incest isn't vidya so it got deleted. Just go to a porn board if you want to talk about porn, its not like browsing multiple boards is a bad thing. I'm not sure what your problem is.
Quit being a fucking sperg and lurk before you post. You're obviously new and expected something different here, but contrary to what you might have been led to believe Sup Forums does have rules.


What are you doing you fucking idiot? Just delete the whole thread, fuck's sake.

>safe for work
it's only sfw in name, everybody knows it isn't which is why you need to be 18 to be here. Also what's wrong with some perverts having an incest thread in the dead of night?


>it's only sfw in name, everybody knows it isn't which is why you need to be 18 to be here.
Again, I know you're new here, but you should read the rules.

>Also what's wrong with some perverts having an incest thread in the dead of night?
Nothing, but if its not videogames you can't have that thread on Sup Forums

It's clear they do it to spite the poster. Well worth it though, it drives the dumpers mad.

There are always non vidya related threads up, why does incest bother you so much? Does it annoy you that not everyone here is a faithful Christian?




Thank me later, go have fun ;)

>There are always non vidya related threads up
and there are always non vidya threads getting deleted and non vidya posts getting deleted.
What you're seeing is the stuff that slips through the cracks.

I'm not mad, however I'm not sure we could say the same about you, I'm just having a hard time understanding why you're so shocked that your blatantly non-vidya thread wasn't allowed to happen.

You honestly sound like a 15 year old that read about Sup Forums on some meme wiki and expected just a shitload of different themed porn boards.
Sup Forums is 18+ sure, but that doesn't mean every board is NSFW. Any board that is allowed to post porn becomes completely dominated by porn even if thats not what it was intended for. This is why SFW boards exist, this is why /gif/ recently got a SFW variant, people that wanted to post non-porn gifs were totally drowned out by the millions of dudes jerking it
You're acting like this is some radical shift in Sup Forums operations or the result of some kind of SJW witch hunt, but all this is is the result of not reading the rules.

>everyone else is posting off-topic garbage so it's fine for me to also make this board a worse place to browse
People like you are the reason why it was so hard to find actual on-topic vidya threads in 2011.

>It's clear they do it to spite the poster.
Honestly I think its hilarious when mods force these kinds of threads to stay on topic

How about an edgy name?