So it was all just a ruse for Snake to git gud the whole time?
Jeez what a dumb story.
So it was all just a ruse for Snake to git gud the whole time?
Jeez what a dumb story.
>So it was all just a ruse for Snake to git gud the whole time?
>git gud
Not even. The Boss takes a dive
MGS plots are always clear as mud.
here is the story of MGS3
>m-muh mary sue
>muh patriots
>muh big boss
there, done.
here is the story of MGS3
>Somebody: "Something something"
>Snake: "Something?"
there, done.
>Japanese conversational norms don’t translate to the West
Whoda thunk it
>kill Volgin
>take back Sokolov
>sabotage the Shagohod prototype
All possible within the first 10 minutes of the game if the boss wasn't being edgy and melodramatic.
What is it with mgs 2 and 3 that confuses people? They very clearly explain everything, theres nothing even remotely confusing or convoluted about them yet i always hear people acting like the opposite is true. Im convinced people are just brainlets and have horrible memory and cant retain any of the information given in long exposition dumps
her original mission was to recover the philosophers legacy
after the prologue her mission was to get killed by snake/an american 'unwillingly'
if you want to complain about about silly things then theres a lot of things to complain about in mgs. like really, philosophers legacy? come on
Not really, it was a way to both get rid of The Boss and get Philosophers' legacy, cause everyone but her closest associates seemed to be corrupted and evil and hating on her being so damn good.
>philosophers legacy
A huge stash of money collected during WWII is not really a new concept, it was the biggest motive in a well-known novel The Holcroft Covenant, makes me wonder if Kojima read it or at least saw the movie.
correct me if i'm wrong but from what i remember it was money collected by the allied forces legally and to be used to in the war against germany which would make it not like nazi gold at all because its not stolen and the allies didnt have a huge debt to pay post ww2
Mgs2 is pretty convoluted. Agree with mgs3 part though
Yeah, nigga
What's why we see that shit in all the other nip games too, huh
Don't be retarded
Sorry for not clarifying, I didn't mean it literally like in the book, but rather a huge amount of money hidden somewhere that everyone wants and there is a spy game going on to get it.
>implying it’s not a real thing
Are you really a weeb?
Agree for 3. for 2 liquid's arm has no clear motivation. Also, there is no reason for solidus to want to kill raiden at the end because raiden opposes the patriots after they tell raiden everything. And why did the patriots give that info to him anyway? And why is snake not involved in the fight when he shows up right afterward? Plus, the after-credits stinger that the patriots have been dead for a long time is not surprising since they already told raiden (and the audience) that they're computer programs. The whole ending of 2 is poorly thought out
Kojima has said it himself in interviews that each MGS was basically based on something cool he read or saw and thought "I rike, I meiku gemu"
Story makes way for characters in MGS, take that as you will.
>Remember the basics of KFC
I mean it's real that their language is so shit they have to constantly confirm with each other what they even talking about to stay on the same page
>Ocelot takes his time to explain how he played everyone
>2 seconds later Liquids arm takes over and explained that nope in fact Liquid played everyone including Ocelot
I honestly believe that 3 has a pretty good story and that many of the cutscenes take on new meaning once you know who each character is really working for. I think it's cool that the plot works on two levels: the first time through, it seems like Ocelot's a goof, Eva's a thot, and The Boss is unprofessionally conflicted, but on later playthroughs you see how all three of them are just playing Snake while trying to stay undercover.
>MGS4 ending
>Ocelot is revealed to have fooled Liquid into thinking he had played Ocelot the entire time when it was actually Ocelot fooling himself into believing he was Liquid who fooled Ocelot but was actually the one who had been played by Ocelot all along
there are two relevant characters in MGS3 and one of them dies. nothing else has any relevance whatsoever.
mgs4 is honestly one of my most disappointing games ever
i could have stomached it if it wasnt for 99% of the characters being shit
It works, but it's really, really cheap at this point. The most common critique people give to MGS writing is it's too anime-like, part of that comes from a bunch of characters going:
>I was pretending to be this way all along!
it works the first few times, but you shouldn't be doing that to every character
>MGS plots and universe
>not highschool fanfic tier
I loved MGS3 but the story is so cringy in retrospect
I think it's appropriate for a spy game. I think the real reason that people malign 3's plot is that 2 broke people's trust in the series' writing. I played 3 first and thought it was fantastic, then I played 1 and thought it was great too, then I played 2 and was disappointed in a lot of ways. But looking back, maybe I inadvertently picked the best order.
i think its a good staple for the games, but i also feel like it became a problem because they felt like they had to one-up the previous "pretender" every time, its just silly towards the end of the series/mgs4
I don't understand why Liquid came back in MGS2, let alone got dragged back for MGS4. Kojima should have just admitted it was a shit idea and canned the Liquid persona in the break between 2 and 4 or dropped it in the first act and let Ocelot bullshit for the rest of the game like he usually does.
agreed, hearing liquid crying about his cursed genes got old real fast
seeing him in mgsv almost made me angry. i'm glad they cut mission 51, although the scenario in itself seemed pretty cool
I enjoy Liquid in MGS1 but that's it, the guy's entertaining but shallow as fuck compared to other characters and his gene angsting and revenge against Big Boss plot got old fast. Mantis being in MGSV and not getting a single line or having anything to do was probably even worse than Eli though.
Liquid turned out to be more popular at the time than Kojima first expected, I take it as him trying to use him again in similar style to DIO coming back, only it didn't turn out so great and covering up tracks made it worse.
Kojima really can't write himself out of a mess.
If you cross this line, you'll fall. At this height, it will kill even you.
Have at you, Snake!
It wasn't one mission, it was seven, per references in the files.
>johnny meryl subplot
>that guns of the patriots scene
>"lol i trold you all along I was just pretending to be possessed"
Drebin and the Final Boss fight almost made up for this dumpster fire. Almost.
So did The Cobras know that the Boss was just sending them to their deaths? Or did they legitimately think they we're supposed to kill Naked Snake and work with the filthy commies for the rest of their lives?
Either way, did none of them have objections to how fucking retarded her plan was?
>To the Boss
I want you to think about that for a minute.
>Hey, Boss, this is a shit ide-
>Pain, get in the cave. You're going first.
It wasn't an accident that they were all psychologically tortured or just welcoming of death like the End. They knew from the beginning.
>mmm, you’re so good! - Revolver Sanderslot