ITT: Games only you are playing
ITT: Games only you are playing
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I made a thread about this game yesterday, it's amazing
How does it hold up against the first one?
I was actually hoping that you could design your own character instead of playing with pre-mades.
It's a metroidvania nightmare B4 Christmas game. It's fun
i enjoyed the first one quite a bit, does this one add more enemys? thats what wore me out after 25 hours or so.
It's better than the first game in every way. There's a basic character creator but you can only choose shit like gender race and like 4 hair styles+color and outfit color scheme
Who the fuck wants to play a literal diceroll simulator?
There's more enemy variety and the fights are way larger. Like I went up against 15+ enemies while I had a couple allies
The first was radical, buying the sequel this Christmas
Ye who the fuck wanted to play Planescape, Morrowind and Fallout 2
Those nerds lmao
>amazinggame with maximum comfy and soul
>nobody plays it
makes me mad
combat feels more clunky than the first one. it seems less responsive
I think i remember playing that
What's the best weapon type? I feel like two handers are just kind of meh compared to everything else.
More enemies and everything is set into kind of "arcs" with more of a story focus than the first game, complete with story based gimmics. Some of them are complete bullshit and make me want to kill myself, such as wandering around the forest constantly draining food and trying to catch some asshole thieves.
I've noticed when the framerate drops in combat the controls become less responsive I turned the resolution down to 1440p and it seemed to help
Yeah I've been having this problem. I like it but it's frustrating when you hit roll and your dumbass character takes 15 god damn seconds to register and remove the sword from his asshole to roll.
no one but me has played the avadon saga
>Playing a board game with your bro while it's raining outside of your moving carriage
It's a good feeling
I've played it, it's good shit. Redbeard is a cool guy.
You guys must have potato pc, i don't have a single slowdown on my mid machine.
swear to god i've posted avadon in so many of these threads and you're the first person to respond, good shit
Your potato pc isn't playing in 4k
way to go big boy.
My dealer is dressed in white. When does he wear that shit?
Been playing through this for the first time the last couple days.
Lately I've just been going back and playing through a lot of games I never was able to from my childhood.
I got this for free with a magazine, was it good? I think I still have the disc.
That image was from the announcement trailer before his robes were changed
Why does his face and arm look like he was practicing in Syria in between releases?
I wish someone makes a remake/sequel
It's called dark souls ;P
the first one had a less polished version of bamham combat. Did they made this one better?
I used to play this on my Father's PC when I was little. I appreciate you.
According to the mystical man himself, the hero from the first game turned into a massive cunt and made a plague. He got hit with the plague, but he uses his magic to keep it at bay. The end result is he looks like half of Darth Maul.
Meant for
Spacehulk Deathwing.
>Game has 4 massive updates now
>chaplain is in
>extra missions solo or MP-able
>new weapons
>fuckload of bug fixes and patches
>no servers up.
It’s out already?
The first game is really simple and fun. I enjoy the commentary of the dealer. The synergy in deck building is quite lackluster, the curse synergy is very crazy though which makes some of the final missions really pain the ass I hope they improve it in the sequel.
It came out just yesterday, maybe less thn 24 hours ago. I played it and it's a lot better, and the scenarios are more exciting or quest-y than "reach the end and kill the thing, also these are the obstacles we're adding THIS time"
Fuck this quest with this dumbass potato farmer who gets kidnapped every two seconds.
>Save him from skeletons
>Side track for a single moment to do some shit
>Kidnapped by bandits
>Dark Souls, but easy and looks like literal trash
No, thank you. You can keep playing though.
Is it "Dark Souls" if it came before Dark Souls?
>looks like literal trash
I think this was the game who did real time shadows for the first time.
> Mobile games ftw
If this was 15 I would have picked it up right away. 25 seems like too much.
The fuck was Xseed thinking with this release? Put it out for only 10% discount in the middle of a sale with a bunch of big launches right behind it, no wonder nobody picked it up.
It's a really good game tho, as usual when it comes from Falcom.
Playing it right now.
The combat feels worse compared to the first game.
I like everything else though.
If I'm not mistaken it appears there is a way longer animation cancel compared to the first game. You can't break away from what you are doing to avoid attacks as easily anymore.
>start playing
>horrible writing
Couldn't keep going as the writing is clearly meant for teens(the ones on the dumber part of the spectrum).
only people who care about falcom games would get it anyway it's not a really high profile release
I dont remember exactly. Its right at the beginning with the bandits and the fathers amulet.
Also even the simple crap that happens in the beginning is already jarringly unbelievable.
The tone of the writing of whats going on and the narration of the card dude clash completely.
Also, characters suddenly start breaking character and make reddit jokes and it also becomes evident that despite presenting you with choices the outcome remains the same no matter what you do.
>breaking character
>reddit jokes
>tone of writing and narration of card dude clash completely
So basically you haven't played it? Fair enough.
so no actual examples, just "oh there's things, but i'm not actually stating them, just believe me when i say they are there"?
Not saying you are lying or anything, but when you generalize things it makes it look like you have no clue what you are talking about, and are just trying to fish for replies (also here's your >you)
MP is still ass tho, gotta wait for console release
Enjoy your reddit game.
almost 40 hours and didn't finish yes
>Combat is worse
Oh no
literally no one in the west
Enjoy your buzzword that idiots have smashed so far into the ground it's meaningless. It can join the ranks of cuck and shill. But man that's sad. You didn't even bother to look up a youtube video or some shit to fake pretending to play it.
>Combat is worse than the first game
how is that even possible. The first game had some of the most bland and boring gameplay I've ever experienced
It's still bamham combat but it's way faster and more challenging than the first game
t. cuck shill from reddit
>responding to that dude
I thought the combat was better and most other people did also
The gameplay was the cards you fucking idiot.
Man speaking of games only one person plays, more people need to know about Dark Dreams Don't Die.
David Young is fucking rad
>abandoning an episodic series after the first episode. Swery a hack
Two episodes at least
I wonder what the fuck went wrong internally in Access Games
you'll never find closure with Little Peggy
My autism won't let me stop playing this game until I get 100%