Which edgy pokemons game is your favorite?
nocturne, 4 or digital devil saga for me
Edgy pokemon/smt
I love Persona 5! :)
Personally I love Strange Journey the most
people claim that their MC was on back-up duty but my MC had REALLY fucking good stat-ups and completely fucking demolished the game
i havent got to try it yet but i loved 1-4, the catherine engine is a good look for it
i still need to play that one along with a few others
like devil survivor and devil summoner
I gave Devil Survivor a go a while ago
shit's tedious trying to fuse good demons to keep up with the story
not difficult
just tedious
first day on the internet huh?
>Megaten predates Pokemon
>It is in fact the original monster catching RPG
You don't get it don't you inbred idiots?
The plural of Pokémon is Pokémon you morons, never tried to imply that Pokémon isn't a SMT ripoff.
Jesus fuck, do I need to spell it out? getting it wrong and saying Pokemons on purpose is the oldest joke in the book
go to bed
honestly it was just a typo so like idk senpai.
thats what ive heard but honestly fusion is my favorite part. i just sit there for like an hour fusing shit
Ohhh the "ad 4chanum"
Soul Hackers was the good shit, they need to make a new one like that
i was thinking of picking that one up on 3ds, im still relatively new to the series so im glad im getting so many suggestions
Personally I prefer the Dark Souls of Persona.
Liked the story ideas in this and apocalypse. Probably gonna use them in my own stuff without the horribly executed uguuu animeme stuff included.
Except genki childhood friend, cause that's what makes them fun to abuse and derade
It's not the Catherine engine, they ended up remaking the entire engine.
Falling into the play a real shin megoomi tensay meme, but I really enjoy Nocturne and Strange Journey
SJ also has the best themeing
reminder that chaos is the correct path in SMT I
the games with this cutie patootie in it. (´・ω・` )
>going neutral route
>get to second ouroboros fight
>he's 15 levels above me
>"dude you don't need to grind in smt"
>can easily kill me in one hit
>alright maybe it just this fight i need to grind a little for
>takes fucking forever but i get to equal level with him so he can't instakill me
>fight is pretty fun
>get to boss after Asherah
>similar situation, 10 levels above me
>end up having to grind a few levels to not get rekt
>ok well surely that's the last time i'll have to do that, there's no grinding in smt afterall
>get to judge zelenen
>10 levels stronger than me
i dropped the game there
i don't remember grinding for ouroboros and yet i was still on level
Best boss battles, contender for best music and atmosphere, and 3D models are a big plus.
Ororboros is and the last boss of N/C routes are bullshit. But for the rest you just need to git gud.
the last boss of neutral is a meme and it hurts even more knowing if you want to cheese it all you need to have is reflects