Nier Producer Confirms New Game In Series Has Begun Development



>we will get more music and arranges
>we will get another crazy story
>we will get another game that has top tier gameplay
>we will get more worldbuilding and lore for the awesome series

i honestly can't wait


no yoko taro though

>Saito was also asked whether Yoko Taro is part of this new game. "He is… At least, I'd like to believe so (laughs). Taro-san says he will do anything as long as he gets paid for it, but there is no one else I know who doesn’t move for money as much as that man. He only wants to do whatever he wants to do. So I’ll try my best to explicitly say what he doesn’t want to do to guide him towards what I want to do (laughs)."

It's going to be Drakengard 2 all over again isn't it

Please be a shoot'em up.

Moose Vs. Boar - Battle for the Earth

>Yoko taro not confirmed

>Automata was boring as fuck and only liked because of android butt
>tfw not even a Nier sequel can capture the magic of the original
>Yoko Taro is a meme loving hack fraud

This is turning Kojima levels of embarrassing real quick.

Atleast Drakengard 2 was better than Drakengard 3.

lol DoDfans getting teabagged

oh look it's THAT GUY

fun thread while it lasted.

>It probably will release in 2020 and becomes PS5/PC game.

long ass fuck

>>Automata was boring as fuck and only liked because of android butt
confirmed pleb.
If you actually think this there is no help because everyone who stick with Nier after Automata is full on the 9S-2B ship.

That's not true.

Please don't have dumb shmup sequences, or save deletion crap, and get rid of the split endings nonsense.

literally read this thread

What went wrong with Drakengard 3 you fags?
>best final track
>best MC
>best fanservice
>best combat

>mfw it will be Switch exclusive
Screencap this, because it will be hilarious

>top tier gameplay

come now

>tfw it will get a port to the switch a year later and look and perform worse than on PS4/PC

screencap this.

>removing everything that made the game interesting

that would be funny, I gotta admit
but this sounds more likely desu

Wow who would have guessed. Next, you'll say games on XboxOneX perform better than on Pee Ass 4. Wow, incredible. It's almost as if a stronger hardware allows game to perform better.
You must be the pride of your family.

>rehashing is good
>people dropping the game after getting one ending is good
>people complaining about having to go through the same areas is good
>shoving save deletion where it doesn't belong is good

>top tier gameplay
they haven't confirmed Platinum's involvement yet user.

>>people complaining about having to go through the same areas is good
Route B was a mistake

How long did A Tomato take to make?

lmao this fucking /nintendogaf/er rage you are SEETHING boy

>nier will be milked into nothingness now


why cant i buy nier from the PSN store? take my damn money already >:(

>I-it's nintendo! I swear!

>people complaining
Yes this is good, you should actively go against and piss off the lowest common denominator.

>it's not nintendo on /nintendogaf/ fucking sony!!!! ;_;

I know you like your meme game status, but Taro should strive to make better and better games.

he may not remember, but it lead to a great game so all is forgiven

>top tier gameplay
We all know DoD and Nier are absolute garbage but muh wacky story handwaves that away on Sup Forums.

sorry poor sonybro, I have enough money to play Nintendo, Sony and PC :^) Fucking poorfags should not be allowed here, only who plays everything should have the right to speak about games without any bias toward corporate cocksucking


>remove everything that makes the game unique
That's not making the game better, it's making it blander

*cocksucking intensifies*

>fogged up glasses full of rage while hammering and crying on his keyboard

loving every laugh

Maybe this time it will be actually good.

It not unique if he keeps reusing them again and again.
He's like Uchi with E17 and ZE.