>PS4 has no game-
PS4 has no game-
Other urls found in this thread:
>inb4 -s
*takes a breath*
AND Bloodborne
>b-b-but muh games!
t. buttblasted xbot
>they listed GR2 before Bloodborne
As opposed to this weebshit?
>They listed Knack 2
There are plenty of actual PS4 games, why is half the list shovelware?
i want to fuck the green girl
They listed Knack 2 and didn’t list Bloodborne
petition to filter weeb to "wapanese" so we can go full circle
>gotta lump in PlayStation as a whole because the ps4 itself actually has next to nothing unique
Oh yeah! I can't wait to play Everybody's Golf, Knack 2 and That's You. Those xbots will be surely salty. Oh and I missed Lawbreakers.
All those were on PS4 dumb dumb
>b-b-but muh games!
>b-b-but muh games!
It's equally shit everywhere. Dont pretend it's exclusive to just one console
>tfw not a no lifer NEET so I pretty much have no reason to buy and play multiple current gen systems at the same time so I just bought a PS4 and am 100% satisfied
It's really the only console you need if you were to pick just one.
>bragging about Knack 2 of all games
Maybe some day Cerny will learn how to make a good game.
Everybodys golf is actually really good
>listing a dlc expansion of horizon: zero dawn
that just looks desperate
jesus, that filler.
I feel almost sorry for the sonypones now.
>muh weebshit
no good game isn't weebshit kid
now go back to madden
>After the success of the Xbone X sony is so esperate that they need to shill their games on twitter
top kek
*Takes a breath*
and Nio-
Please tell me how One X sold a million in a day
It's sad how many illiterate people there are on this board. It really doesn't make sense.
I feel sorry for you. Maybe someday you will get a girlfriend and you will stop fapping to anime.
t. buttblasted xbot
hey screw you
>sony only make movie shit and never take risks on low budget titles anymore knowing they will flop
>Knack 2
>i-it doesn't count
Now lets see the 2017 list for xbox.
It's not a "best of" list, it's a list of all the games that came out so far in 2017.
>b-but muh marioshit! marioshit with cars, marioshit pretending to be fighting game!
>b-b-but it wasn't a success! I swear guys!
I still can't believe that Knack 2 got a sequel. Did it actually do well in sales? Everything I saw was mediocre at best.
That's a sopa de macaco hand if I've ever seen one.
Unless Knack 3 just got announced, Knack 2 has not gotten a sequel
Here's the list once you remove games that aren't HD Bundles, VR shit, or are available on the PS3/other consoles
Sup Forums is the only place where video games don't count on a list of video games. You guys are pathetic.
>no proof of success in sales
>i-its a success i swear guys
Knack sold 3 or so millions but that's 100% due to being bundled.
>be pcbro
>even introduced to those games
>I would still buy a Switch
Stay mad sonynigggers
>lists only 17 games
>*takes a breath*
>a multi billion dollar company actually tweeted this garbage
Wow, sports and racing games. I sure can't wait to not buy a PS4.
This, PlayStation is all you need.
Why is PSUK tweeting out Sup Forums shitposts?
Every time.
Only games I care about is BB and Persona 5. PS4 has a shit library to be honest
>ironically playing Persona 5 when Yakuza 0 is better in every way
Enjoy your cutscenes for travelling everytime you want to explore the town
Thats still more than any other platform.
Objectively, PS4's library is pretty great. Looks like your tastes just might be shit.
Where's Dragons Dogma?
Persona and Yakuza are two completely different games. Why would you expect someone who likes Persona to automatically like Yakuza? Just because they're both weeb trash?
>Implying more than 0.5% of people who are currently browsing Sup Forums were there for the original filter
>Implying 17 games in less than a year is bad
How many Xbone exclusives came out this year?
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>HZD: The Frozen Wilds
>Listing games and DLC separately
If someone gave me a PlayStation with all these games for free, I wouldn't play a single one.
>people are calling stuff like Yakuza and Gravity Rush weebshit
Anyone using the term has a double digit IQ. It means literally nothing at this point Jesus Christ this board gets more insufferable and retarded by the minute.
I like the way dunkey put it.
"It's a 3D platformer with de-emphasized jumping. That means when you walk up to a jump, there's a cutscene of knack jumping before switching back to regular play."
But the clips of him having to do all the "Press Square button repeatedly" parts really guide his point home.
*gets emulated by 2020*
heh nothing personell sonybro
>no Bloodborne
Bloodborne PC port confirmed!
*this starts blaring in the background while a chicken clucks*
I don't understand what this is meant to imply, as though Mario isn't the staple for good game design.
It's bad when a good chunk of them are fucking garbage.
I really want to play Omega Collection
>Persona and Yakuza are two completely different games.
Both weeb Tokyo simulators, there is no way anyone can play Persona 5 and then disregard Yakuza 0 as trash
They are entirely different games, which both happen to take place in Tokyo
End yourself moron
>6 years in the market
>only 16 games
>Only on PlayStation
>For 2017
Nice damage control response, Persona 5 is a shitty tokyo simulator where you can't do anything when you go in to town
I LOVE my ps4, but there is only one good game on there, and its a collection of old ps1 games
16 games released in 2017
I wasn't interested in getting Xenoblade 2 until I saw this. Some of those characters loom great.
>only 16 games in a entire year
>*take a braeth*
So it's official, sonigros are mouth breathing retards let by mouthbreathing retards?
this, its been a terrible year for games across the board
I don't give a shit about any of the console war bullshit, but there are and astounding amount of people that cannot read in this thread.
Not if you bother to look more than surface deep. I've been playing fun games almost all year. There were since definite regrets in there though
*Takes a breath*
BUT I already have a PS3.
wipeout was ok, but I bought all of those already. crash at least got a huge facelift
That's true, I found a lot of smaller games. I loved spintires and tiny barbarian
Prey, Mario, Zelda, Yakuza Kiwami, Gravity Rush, Guilty Gear Rev2, Totalwarhammer 2, Divinity OS2 were ones I definitely enjoyed. And those are the ones I could think of just off the top of my head. It wasn't a bad year, just bad games sprinkled on top of my normal purchases that sting enough to drown out the good until I think about it.
this. its over bros.
>Gravity Rush
>Yakuza 2
>*takes breath*
>Persona 5
Is the guy who runs this a fat fuck? Jesus Christ, how winded are you from just four words?
Oops, I meant Yakuza 0 of course.
The real question is which one of us shitposted this britbong to make this tweet
whats next?
>Lists an old PS2 port
>HZD twice
>Has to leave out Nioh
>P5 is on PS3
Kek, 2017 was a shit year for PS4
>sports games
I like you sony but come on now.
>counting knack.
wew lad