Has anyone ACTUALLY completed the trial of the sword in master mode?

Has anyone ACTUALLY completed the trial of the sword in master mode?

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Hell no. It's damn near impossible.

I barely managed to beat the beginning trials last night. You're right, it's near impossible.

I heard the beginning trials were the worst ones though, one master mode. Lord, I hope so.


>complete first 15 levels
>have 2 hearts left
>hinox battle
>no arrows
>two weapons
Fuck master trials

Bombs nigga.

I found this guide on YouTube and it really helped. Too bad the uploader just fell off the face of the earth and never completed the guide for the next two trials.


Why bother anyway when "surviving" Master Mode basically means avoiding most of your enemy encounters which only end in losing more equipment than there is to loot?afterwards?

>mfw people on Sup Forums actually find botw difficult
i wanna get off this ride

Master trials, not master mode.
Though I am inclined to agree with you on that end.
The only person I know IRL who beat master mode was a
and she said more or less the same thing

I did. I used a guide though, no way I would waste hours to try it blind.
First trial is the hardest. Second is hard until you stock pile weapons. Third is easy, just don't miss ancient arrows

>t. redditor who's never actually played trial of the sword on master mode
Trying too hard to fit in, fag

Post timestamped full power master sword then

dont assume that just because you're bad at the game everyone else is.
Although it does look like a lot of people are bad at gaymes

There's mostly one extreme difficulty spike, with the four? Lizalfos on the floor with a bridge and mostly water everywhere. You need to take them out one by one, which is a bit hard. You can sneak around and keep sneak attack chaining them, as long as they dont ragdoll into the water.

post screen shot with time stamp then, nigger

How do you do the beginner trial that has the two black lizalfos that instantly join the fray if the green one is aggroed?

I just got around to trying these out and that one trial is cockblocking me from progressing any further. If I try and take out the green one, the black ones wake up and push my shit in, if I trick them into walking into a bomb and getting blown off the ledge, they just snipe me to death with water

t. Cupheadfag lying about his achievements again on an image board

It's harder than pretending you're a god at games on a Polynesian Coconut Whittling forum.
Show proofs or fuck off, you shitter.

are you talking about on master mode? Because I'm fairly confident that wouldn't work

Are you kidding? A lot of people did on the same week it was launched.

Chain attack is the only way to take down the 2 white lizalfos the user was talking about. You also need to be lucky they don't fall to the water

no, the best way is the fire + lightning rod method. You lay down fire, get them to stand in it, and keep zapping them, in between beating them with your strongest weapons

>Sup Forums gets triggered that easily
I had no idea you had become this casual, it pains me to see you like this

>I was only pretending to be retarded

So you beat the master trials then?

>le triggered!! Meemee
I've never played botw, but pretending to be better than you are at games and calling others casual on an anonymous image board is pathetic man.

First set of floors is aids, abuse flurry rush on the lizalfos, just don't finish the combo because that shit will knock them into the water and let them regen. The rest of the floors are tolerable after that shit

>no proof
T. Casual

there's not enough weapons to play it that way

I managed somehow

Yeah, not saying it wasn't harder than the rest of the game but it wasn't THAT hard.
I mean I've done harder things in games.

I don't know man, I'd say not believing someone saying he accomplished something (that is not even that hard come on) just to protect your ego is a little pathetic as well

I really hope they fix hard mode with the new dlc pack, I guess they can see the data of how many people stopped playing.

Do people not realize how profitable killing enemies is in BotW? I'm doing my master mode playthrough right now and only two dungeons in I'm sitting on full 36+ dmg weapon inventory at all times and 16k+ rupees and climbing.

Sure at the beginning of the game when you have crappy weapons avoiding monsters makes sense. But monster parts sell for fat stacks at shops and white/gold enemies always carry good weapons and drop rare ores to sell.

Killing monsters is actually very rewarding in BotW in the long term. Sure youll break your shitty weapons a lot early on but thats part of the deal in a game thats all about starting you from nothing and forcing you to learn how to survive and grow.

final trials were ez if you use your ancient arrows efficiently

Just how durable is a fully upgraded master sword anyway

Isn't it unbreakable?

It breaks but it regenerates.

Trying to do this now and sucking hard. I can't seem to actually sneak up on anything without both crouching and moving at a snail's pace.

I can't even clear it on normal. I do fine until I get to the level with the narrow bridge surrounded by water, with lizards charging you with spears and the faggots in the back with bows.

180-200 hits, more durable than anything else in the game, still has a recharge time though

>he can't even beat the bridge level

It's definitely something that gets overlooked a lot.

Does the trial reduce the recharge time?

Master mode trials are about as hard as the regular if you use a potion before you start

even though i feel like a cheating fag

Yes. The Middle Trial gave me the most trouble. The last trial gets pretty wild at the end when you're fighting a Lynel on top of other enemies.

I only attempted it twice so maybe I'm better now. I haven't touched BotW in a while.

You can do that? You should feel clever for beating the system.

yeah, use a dragon scale and defense/attack/etc. up ingredients and it'll last for like half an hour. I learned it from someone here and beat them all in 3-4 hours of attempts

I did. It's pretty easy after that one floor, I think it's the 8th level of the first trial. Those two Silver Lizalfos are a nightmare, but I just saved my strongest shit for them and kept doing Sneakstrike

No. It greatly increases the durability of the Master Sword and it will always deal 60 damage. It takes a quite long time to break the fully charged version.

master mode was a total mistake. makes the game more tedious instead of harder. makes the criticism about breakable weapons actually correct, which isn't the case in normal mode.

what a shit hard mode. it should have made enemies more aggressive, do double damage, and then put cooldowns on any food you ate or potions you drank. that's all it needed to do.

same. I have a problem going back to games, even if I really enjoyed them and they have new content. I haven't gone back to XV to play any of the DLC for that either. It's getting to be a problem...

Master Mode is such fucking bullshit. They take the combat, which was actually fun, and make it so tedious that half the time it feels like I shouldn't even bother fighting enemies.

sounds good

>fierce diety mask before the official amiibo is out
yeah sure

It came out months ago

I wish they made an actual hard mode as well
>swinging your sword depletes stamina
>shrine locations changed
>no fast travel
>you need to sleep and eat or else it effects your stamina and health
>eating is on a cooldown
>game keeps running while you pause, so no food spamming during combat
>being in the rain will lower your temperature and make your clothes damp, forcing you to change outfits
Instead, we got
>lol enemies r stong and u r weak

I didn't even bother fighting most the enemies in the normal game unless they were being a nuisance or had a weapon I wanted which was pretty much never after I got stocked with royal stuff and onwards. Only ever beat up Lynels for easily obtainable strong weps.

MM Link amiibo was released months ago m8

Yeah Master Mode is dumb. The regen health really fucking sucks.

I actually did. If people need tips, here are a few:
> Remember that you can bring buffs over to the Master Trials. Meals that will give you full temporary hearts and 30 minutes of attack or defense are recommended.
> Try to rely more on environmental hazards to take out enemies quickly and save your good weapons for as long as you can.
>Take a picture of a treasure chest and use the tracker to find hidden weapons and arrows.
> You'll benefit more from a 30 min third level defense boost just before the final trials than an attack boost, since the Stalfos enemies only ever take two hits at least.
>Cooking wood can provide a very small amount of recovered health, so do that if you feel you don't have enough recovery items.
>As for the room in the beginning trials with the three blue Lizalfos, kill the first one before it can spot you with a well aimed shot to the head, then sneak up on one of the other ones and preform a sneak attack with your most powerful weapon. Drain the rest of its health with arrows if he stays in the water, then quickly sneak up on the other one if you didn't call their attention.
>Get the Stasis+ upgrade. It will be your best friend against Hinoxes, among other enemies.

I just bought the DLC and I keep killing myself because I fuck around with bombs too much. God damn I suck.

Silver Lizalfos, my mistake.

It was already ballbustingly hard on regular mode so I didn't even try with the bullshit hard mode.

Problem I have is that environmental hazards don't kill anything consistently in Master Mode and if they don't die, they'll regenerate.

>Cooking wood

Excuse me what

>being this retarded

You can eat cooked wood.

I have never considered doing this.

You can cook anything. At worst it becomes "dubious" or other shit, but it's still food and it still heals.

You realize you could just cook up a bunch of ancient gears and power cores and eat them right?

Jesus dude, you may as well tell me to blow up diamonds.

What's more important, stamina or hearts?

Stamina because Hearty foods are everywhere.

For the Trial of the Sword? Hearts, for sure, but you should also get some stamina vessels so Link's slow motion arrow time lasts long. It's very helpful for getting easy headshots.

honestly it does
>fight one enemy
>break half my weapons getting him to half health
>he rolls down a hill
>by the time you get to him hes at full health

I did. The hardest part was the two silver lizards at the first trial. After that, it's still difficult but nothing crazy.

>I don't have any bombs or arrows
It's really easy to keep the regen from triggering.

>Throw a bomb
>it knocks him farther away
And you don't have many arrows early in the game, I barely played master mode

But they will do more damage than just hitting them. Plus, their health regenerates to a certain extent, so no enemies will go from nearly dead to full health. Focus on one enemy at a time instead of trying to attack all of them. Single them out, draw them away from the others, do what you have to do.
And hazards aren't just limited to explosives and barrels. Anytime an area is surrounded by water or lava, try to knock Bokoblins, Moblins, or even Guardian Scouts into it. It's especially easy when you have an Ice weapon, since you can just push them in.

>And you don't have many arrows early in the game
You have tons if your aim isn't bad.
> I barely played master mode
So you don't really get to talk.

>their health regenerates to a certain extent, so no enemies will go from nearly dead to full health.
This. If you get one nearly dead, it will only regenerate to something closer to 60 or 70% HP instead of 100%

>This. If you get one nearly dead, it will only regenerate to something closer to 60 or 70% HP instead of 100%
But killing them isn't the problem, the problem is that the weapons you get early on are frail as fuck. Most of the times I died at the trial was when I ran out of weapons and just let myself be killed.

>the problem is that the weapons you get early on are frail as fuck.
Yeah, you're supposed to rely more on environmental gimmicks at that early stage. Even just igniting your boko club in a campfire is huge for actually making you deal enough damage to matter.

I did, after you beat the first trial the other 2 are a piece of cake, watch some videos on how to deal with Room 10 of the beginning trials cause that room is a bitch to deal with if you dont know what youre doing

I had Fierce Diety, Squidward Sword, and the Hero's Shield before those amiibos ever came out, I also have all other amiibo gear for free and all my favorite weapons are indestructible. Hack your Wii-U and save edit, it's great.

The first are manageable with bombs, but once you get to the two silver lizards bombs don't help at all.

Never said my opinion was fact user. I played most of the Plateau an I found the game to be extremely tedious in Master Mode. I think you don't have enough weapons to deal with enemies. Every time a weapon breaks it sends enemies flying. Every time an enemy isn't being hit for 1 second their health starts to regenerate. Even environmental stuff doesn't do much unless it's a one hit kill. I just think Master Mode makes the durable weapons complaint even worse and makes the game not very fun.

That's when you need to start relying on your runes. Use Magnesis to drop metal crates on their heads or Bomb runes to keep their health from regenerating. Mastering stealth kills, perfect dodges and parries can also help save on weapon durability. If there is an archer, let him shoot a few arrows at you and collect them from the ground. Make sure to check every area throughly after you're done for additional weapons or arrows, maybe even some food you can cook later. If that doesn't work, open up more weapon slots so you can carry more weapons.

I already beat it months ago though. I'm only saying that it's the hardest part of the trial on Master Mode.

It pisses me off the master sword still breaks even after completing the trial

>t once you get to the two silver lizards
That room is legitimate trash and the only right answer is to cheese it. I will never defend that room. It's not fair.

>I think you don't have enough weapons to deal with enemies
You're wrong.
>Every time a weapon breaks it sends enemies flying
Dealing double damage and making them drop their own. What's the problem? Too dumb to sprint after them when you knock them away?
>Every time an enemy isn't being hit for 1 second their health starts to regenerate
It's much more than just one second
>Even environmental stuff doesn't do much unless it's a one hit kill.
That's not true either.

> I just think Master Mode makes the durable weapons complaint even worse and makes the game not very fun.
You don't have to like it user, but I'm gonna drop you an uncomfortable truth bomb here: You're bad at the game and if you got better at it, you'd find Master Mode less tedious or not tedious at all.

Who is the one trying to protect their pathetic ego here, I wonder

Remember that you can find better weapons and gear on the floating rafts with the balloon octorocks. And I honestly found Master Mode to be a refreshing challenge after easing my way through normal mode. Sure, more could have been done with it, but the changes were enough to make me start thinking more about my environment and find ways to gain the upper hand. Though once you sneak into Hyrule Castle and use the Freezing Rod in the prison to keep enemies away from you and loot the place, it becomes manageable. Tough, but manageable. Still wish they mixed up the puzzles in the shrines, though... Made them trickier to solve.

It was hard but not impossible

they should have just put more scout guardians in the shrines.

>Food stacks infinitely
>Yellow hearts lets you tank at least one shot without dying, regardless of health
Anything in this game, near impossible? kek

It still does break, yes, but it not only is the most durable weapon in the game, but it is easily the most powerful one handed sword (if you don't count attack buffs, that is). Not only that, but it only takes 10 minutes to recover. What used to be a weapon only used in certain situations now becomes the single best weapon in the game. I say that's a pretty good reward.

I don't really get the point of master mode in Zelda. The combat isn't good enough to warrant enjoyment out of the added "difficulty", which is just one shotting and health sponges

It makes you work harder. It makes enemies legitimately dangerous, which only serves to heighten the sense of adventure.