Is this game still relevant?
Is this game still relevant?
If you're looking for Terraria buddies to play online with then just say so
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Here's the serb
thorium mod pre-hm
Fuck no, that shits old af f a m ;)
about eight hundred hours in terraria, starbound couldn't hold my attention much but I gave it a decent shot a couple days ago and I'm having a blast. It's a uniquely different experience that is complimentary to terraria, and the soundtracks in both games is amazing. Don't underestimate the amount of work and depth that went into starbound, it got just as much love and passion as terraria did. They finally made melee combat FEEL tight and rewarding, and also there's fucking mechs. And if you're really bad or want to skip mining 40 bars of durasteel, you can just use a simple console command instead of downloading a mod. Also also I have probably spent ten hours in the character creation alone, I've already created a dozen I haven't even played yet.
Terraria 2 when
It's weird to me that Sup Forums almost universally likes Terraria.
I like it a lot.
No one wants to play?
>space stations
>asteroid fields
>story mode
>expandable ship
>pretty much every conceivable rpg element
It's the most under-appreciated game in history.
it is, unironically, Sup Forums's favorite game. i guarentee any poll that Terraria appears as an option in, this board will vote for it every single time
Maybe not relevant. But I'm playing it still. Doing a round with mods this time, having a genuine blast close to like the first time I played it.
i started to play it again recently too and im enjoying myself a lot, the number of assets for base building is huge and the mods are great. thing is, its a little late for them to fix all the mistakes they made. they reworked so much stuff and removed a lot of content for no reason, and when they finally got things most people already jumped ship
>got things right*
terraria mods are amazing. shame most of them add a fuckton of npcs, so i always end up with commie blocks
My nephew still plays it in his Vita.
I still remember the smile when I gifted the game to him.
Yes, and still one of the best games you can get on steam IMO
Don't forget the insane amount of decoratives. Details in builds can go a long way and Starbound gives you the sheer variety to do that.
So, what's your favorite vanilla class, Sup Forums? I started my first run with my friends when 1.3 came out and I started off with melee, but at least 4 of us were melee by post-Moon Lord and we also had a ranger and summoner, so I went to magic to fill the void. After getting everything, I fell in love. Last Prism is amazing.
How's the combat? that was what putted me off the msot, aside from the faggotry of the dev. I played last time like one year ago.
Terraria & Starbound thread?
Starbound is pretty great for base building, especially space stations and such. Exploring and the new mecha stuff is pretty fun as well, but I feel like the combat in Starbound falls flat, though that might just be because I never really liked Borderlands-style random weapons.
Combat and NPCs as well as character progression in general in Terraria feels much better, though if there's one thing they definitely need to copy from Starbound it's the ability to place blocks in the background without needing to make specific wall items for it. That shit's a pain in the ass.
>puts mod content as the image
Stop baiting, chucklefuck
I wish I had a friend to play on a server with this.
I'll be your friend
After so much time, I recently bought it on Vita because there was a Spike Chunsoft sale and they were basically throwing it away.
Combat is utter trash so far but I can see why this game got so much following, don't really like to stave off zombies at night but the exploration is really fun, if not for the limited inventory slots.
>Combat is utter trash so far
How far are you? Weapons really don't get that fun until the end of Pre-Hardmode/beginning of Hardmode.
As for your inventory issue, I'm sorry to say that the only real way to fix that is with a rare drop from Blood Moon enemies.
I find the combat gets good once you have the ability to fly and a weapon with enough range.
well damn i didnt think people where still playing it
nice to see
is this buyfag friendly?
Hope Terraria 2 is better
In particular, having not terrible audio design
>hating on terraria music
audio design isn't exclusively music, though I would like to know what that user meant.
Is there a single fucking mod worth a fucking damn? I have played this game so many times and with so many different people that I need something different.
Summoner, then magic, then melee. Never been able to play range for more than like an hour before getting bored and playing something else.
Magic has by far the most variety. Melee unfortunately largely becomes magic with no MP cost/ranged weps with very little melee eventually. Summons are bae although the progression is ass
>& Starbound
no fuck off
>How far are you?
Just six hours in or so, made me some pumpkin armor, cactus sword, some hammer and various tools.
I also found a magic boomerang which is really helping me out exploring dark caves with that faint glow effect, torches and sticks aren't really practical considering all the things that crawl underground.
All in all I'm just dicking around to get accustomed to the game, I made a makeshift home underground so I have a safe shelter but I plan on making a house outside as soon as I have enough materials to make something good looking, some biomes are still a bit too dangerous for me though.
>the only real way to fix that is with a rare drop from Blood Moon enemies.
Uh, guess I'll have to wait a lot for that.
I don't know, the melee is ass and the only ranged weapons I got are boomerangs and some shurikens, which are also ass, but I mainly fought zombies, slimes and some flying stuff, those plants in the jungle are a pain in the ass.
What's the modlist?
Thorium adds a lot of content, like weapons, new ore tiers and enemies (including bosses)
Spirit is second best
I need the Switch version to restart my world.
No news on it yet?
Learn how to usr Shift button, it's an universal shortcut for items, makes placing torches and mining an ease.
is there a mod that adds a flyable apache yet
mainly thorium with some qol mods
I seriously hope that Terraria 2 or Otherworld has Apaches
Especially that early in the game, as long as you are dropping the shit you don't immediately need in a chest, you shouldn't really be having inventory issues. Once you start getting a lot of items that you always need, just buy a piggy bank and bring it with you.
>Especially that early in the game, as long as you are dropping the shit you don't immediately need in a chest
That's what I'm doing, I already got three chests filled to the brim with materials, potions and whatever I find while digging, but going back home to fill chests every now and then is pretty tedious, especially since I make longass tunnels, then again, I'm new to the game and I'm still not really sure of what to keep and what to throw away when I find chests, I should also try to make some housing for NPCs I guess.
>just buy a piggy bank and bring it with you.
Does that give me more slots or is it something like say, Brandish' dimension boxes where I get another page of inventory for a main inventory slot?
The music is pretty damn bad, but still, these weird groans that players make when they get damaged, and the fact that all enemies and bosses pretty much used the same sounds is pretty awful
Just drink up the Recall potion to teleport back to spawn (make a bed and "use" it to teleport right into it)
Or just die. That works too.
The biggest pain in the ass early game, like most games involving digging/resource collection, is mobility. I'd recommend getting some hermes boots, a cloud in the bottle, and a hook. You'll be moving around a lot faster with those three.
>Does that give me more slots or is it something like say, Brandish' dimension boxes where I get another page of inventory for a main inventory slot?
It gives you a second inventory screen. The only caveat is that you need to place it on a surface to use it. You place it, drop what shit you have inside it, smash it, pick it up, and drop it again when you need to use it.
The Blood Moon rare item the other user spoke of is a flying piggy bank that removes the need to constantly place and pick up the item. Useful, but it shares the same inventory space as the piggy bank. Eventually you can also acquire a safe which acts as a third mobile inventory.
Also, a huge help with the current version of Terraria is that you have a button near your inventory that automatically moves all items in your inventory, that already exist in a chest, to that chest.
So if you drop a bunch of shitty crafting mats in one chest, anytime you get more, you just go near the chest and press the button. All of those items that are also in your inventory will automatically move into the chest. Saves a lot of time just make sure to not put anything important in those chests or you'll end up never finding them. Don't put torches in the chest either or you'll never have torches
>but going back home to fill chests every now and then is pretty tedious
The game has an "auto-stack to nearby chests" button, and you can teleport back to your base instantly with a recall potion or magic mirror. You can walk back pretty fast if you have Hermes boots and a hook, or play with a friend and use a teleport potion for instant travel. About the piggy bank, it's a character-specific chest.
>just make sure to not put anything important in those chests or you'll end up never finding them. Don't put torches in the chest either or you'll never have torches
If you alt-click items it will mark them as important, those can't be auto-stacked.
Learn something new every day. thanks
>Or just die. That works too.
But I'll lose money that way.
Already found the Hermes Boots in a chest, but I don't have the cloud and the hook.
>The only caveat is that you need to place it on a surface to use it.
Better than nothing I guess, the Blood Moon item sounds really neat though.
Can I do the same with normal chests though?
>The game has an "auto-stack to nearby chests" button
Not in the Vita version, which is the one I have.
It's no biggie though, the real pain is just going back to base to drop things and then go back to the tunnel I'm digging.
Guess I'll need to craft some bottles to make potions, I have plenty of sand to make glass though I need to look at the ingredients for the Recall potion.
Thanks for the help anons.
>Can I do the same with normal chests though?
Nah, chests can't be moved with items in them.
>But I'll lose money that way.
Magic Mirror is the way to go. Incredibly useful item. I also hope that you're storing your money somewhere. You'll need a lot of it throughout the game.
>fell for Starbound
>now it's forever stuck in your Steam library as a constant ridiculing reminder that you fell for a shitty scam
Never again
Actually I got cube world too
>Nah, chests can't be moved with items in them.
Ah, that sounded too good to be true.
>Magic Mirror is the way to go.
I'll keep that mind, and yeah, I'm storing all the coins I find in one dedicated chest.
>Can I do the same with normal chests though?
You can't break chests down if they have items inside, so no. Piggy bank and safe work because, like you said, they're pocket dimensions that are tied to the character (they even work between maps, so you can open a piggie bank in another map and find your stuff). It's worth mentioning that NPCs take into account money put in the piggy bank, so just drop your money in there and forget about it.
>Not in the Vita version, which is the one I have.
The game is cheap on PC and it has all content, try to get it on Steam if you can.
I haven't played Terraria in years, I should probably replay it soon. I miss playing it for the first time back in 2011.
put money in piggey bank. or dont since you make tons all the time from everything and most items are cheap. dynamite and the light hat both cost nearly nothing
>(they even work between maps, so you can open a piggie bank in another map and find your stuff). It's worth mentioning that NPCs take into account money put in the piggy bank, so just drop your money in there and forget about it.
That's amazing, I'm definitely getting a few of those ASAP.
>try to get it on Steam if you can.
I don't use Steam, I'll probably get it on GOG though if I end up enjoying it enough, I picked the Vita version because it was on sale and costed three bucks or so, I just mainly wanted to see what the fuss was.
I'm still not all convinced whether I like it or not but I do see what people find fun about the game, some things are definitely well made and enjoyable even for someone like me who doesn't like builders.
nice pasta
The start is definitely the slowest. A lot of the combat revolves around having a number of different weapons and armor sets that are made to support specific builds. Magic is especially fun with the number of different spells you can use although again, you need to find the spells first. Once you start finding weapons with interesting abilities it picks up pretty quick.
>I'm definitely getting a few of those ASAP.
Multiples don't work, you get one Piggy bank inventory and one Safe inventory. Everytime you open one, you access its inventory. The game's combat gets crazy later, and if you really dislike building look up how to build commie blocks for your NPCs.
Some items and prefix rerolls get pretty expensive later.
>That's amazing, I'm definitely getting a few of those ASAP.
>A few.
Actually you can only have:
>1 piggy bank page regardless of how many you buy, they all share the same page.
>1 safe page regardless of how many you buy
>1 drawer space regardless of how many you craft.
Seriously, I don't know how you can fill up 3 chests and have no inventory space, you don't need to hoard that much in the early mode.
The best advice I can give you is to roam the surface and scavenge all chests until you reach the beach and then suicide for the beach chests.
After that, rush a gold/silver armor (Although if you are not playing expert you could kill Skeletron even naked, like wtf.) and start killing bosses.
If you are having problems, get a few bombs and destroy a shadow orb to make a meteor fall and build full meteor armor + space gun.
Also, magic early is very shit unless you know where to get good easy mode spells (like water bolt and demon scythe) so don't even bother with magic until you kill Skeletron.
Try to go a hybrid melee/ranged+summoner for now.
You should be able to steamroll everything with the shurikens though, like nigga how bad are you lmao.
Yeah, I can see that, the game looks pretty meaty so it's totally understandable.
I'm going to take my time and savour it though, it looks really interesting but as I said, I'm not much into builders so I'll have to play for a while and see if the game clicks.
>Multiples don't work
Figures, oh well, I'll make do.
>Seriously, I don't know how you can fill up 3 chests and have no inventory space
The answer is autism, user.
>The best advice I can give you is to roam the surface and scavenge all chests
Haven't found many chests on the surface though, outside of the jungle all the other biomes had more stuff underground.
>If you are having problems
I'm only six hours into the game, I really haven't met anything I couldn't kill with a magic boomerang yet, but I guess that's because I spent most of the time digging shit underground, I like digging.
Roam the whole surface and scavenge some caves but don't go digging until you are done on the surface,
You'll get a couple of chests this way plus a few good accessories like the aglet or the cloud in a bottle.
Alright, I'll run around for a bit then.
Also, I noticed that the higher you go the less gravity there is, that's pretty neat, is there anything noteworthy up in the air though? Considering the elevation you could reach there's gotta be something nice around.
>Also, I noticed that the higher you go the less gravity there is
Are you playing on a small world or something?
Yeah, floating islands around the 300 (small) 450 (medium) and 600 (big) worlds. They contain the best gear (arguably) for easy mode so looking for them might be a good idea. You could do a sky bridge for easy movement through the surface plus easy star farms.
Dending on the size of your world there should be 2-4 floating islands and 1 floating lake.
HOWEVER you did say you are playing the Vita version so I'm not sure just how far the handheld version of terraria is in terms of updates. The ultimate experience can only be had in PC tho, keep that in mind.
I made a few different worlds of each size, I'm currently playing on a small one though, is it like Dwarf Fortress where world size influences the biome variety?
Mobile versions have smaller worlds to begin with. You're hitting the space layer.
Neat, I'll look around then, I have enough materials stored to reach the sky and then some.
>The ultimate experience can only be had in PC tho, keep that in mind.
Yeah, I'm aware of that, iirc the Vita version is the same as the PS4, so a bit behind the PC version but better than stuff like the 3DS, I can't remember the exact differences between that and PC though.
>You're hitting the space layer.
I see.
are there cool bosses i can fight?
what really makes terraria for me is the amount of bosses i have to gear up for and then fight with my friends
Just don't roam the space, there's nothing up there until pre-moonlord hardmode, the sky layer is good but you'll get Harpy rushed kekekeke.
To be honest, your goal should be building a couple of houses for NPCs, get some bombs, destroy shadow orbs and craft the meteor armor and space gun.
>your goal should be building a couple of houses for NPCs, get some bombs, destroy shadow orbs and craft the meteor armor and space gun.
I'll see to that then.
Thanks again for all the babysitting, anons.
Me too user
No pro dude. See you in 400 hours.
I too need help.
>Installed Calamity because autism boss bloodlust
>Try it
>Fucking hard m8
>Stuck on hardmode because there's just so much shit to make and I don't know what the best weapons that are easy to get are
Someone with Calamity knowledge could help me? I don't really feel like grinding but my next goal is getting 500hp from life fruits, I already cheesed The Destroyer but I'm pretty sure any other boss will destroy my bum.
The giant snowflake kicks my ass as soon as he goes "derpy". HELP!
I like to bing on it every year or two after content updates. It’s still lots of fun.
I started this one a while ago. I beat the sandworm boss, which was easy, so I went on to fight Eye of Cthulhu
>gets into second form almost instantly
>that fucking non-stop charging at low HP
Getting my ass reamed by Eye of Cthulhu was a humbling experience.
best advice for vanilla summoner playthrough? early game and whatnot
Don't be a summoner early-game
Going full summoner pre-hardmode is a very bad idea. Make the desert armor.
i really dislike summoning.
magic is cool because you need to gear up and get mana to be able to use it.
melee is cool because you need hp and shit.
ranged is cool because you need arrows and aiming.
but every single one of these is better if you add a little bit of summoning. there's never any reason not to have a couple of summons. i wish summons were only permitted by armor.
>Also have Sushi mod and the boss health bar mod.
>there's an item that costs 15 gold called overloader that basically spawns 10 of the boss you fuse the summoning item and overloader with.
>However it's bugged so it never stops spamming bosses but the limit is still 10.
>Mfw killed 69 Eater of worlds and ended up with 10 platinum
This mod is bananas.
I just bought a house and haven't set up internet yet because I'm so busy but I've been happy to play Terraria, homm3, and AoE2 all offline.
So I should mage/summoner then?
Early (pure) summoner is impossible without sushi mod because the drop rate on the slime staff is abysmal. The best you can hope for is mid easy mode full summoner because the earliest you can be a useful summoner is with the bee armor and bee staff.
The queen bee is not an easy boss either.
Actually you just won't get the full experience which is a shame and a waste
Incorrect, Going melee and later ranged + summoner is a big mistake because the bosses also have I-frames to stop cheesers from nuking them, meaning a summon will cause a subpar DPS.
Only use a summong to mine and to explore, not to fight bosses.
you can cheese plantera
There's basically no way to be an early summoner pre Queen Bee. Just use whatever you can get your hands on until you get Bee armor.
I'm playing on non-expert to introduce a friend to the game now, and boy I miss that extra trinket slot, as well as Shield of Cthulhu.
No you can't.
>Fag throne is nerfed
>Can't get close to plantera
>Cheese consists of teleport pads and guns
>Still can't cheese it properly because expert petal rain.
You can use expert items in expert worlds but I guess you are giving him the vanilla experience.
Still, not going expert even on the fight playthrough is kind of a shame.
I'd suggest getting to hardmode AND THEN switching to expert. You'll blow his mind.
Starbound is what taught me to not trust early access and kickstarters although thankfully I didnt back it
Who is he Sup Forums?