Have a great functioning guild

>Have a great functioning guild
>A girl joins
>All male guild members start swarming and belittle other member to impress her

>be autist
>play game with other autists
>opposite sex plays game
>surprised when fellow autists start drooling

Maybe, it's time to grow up.

>playing an MMO
>GM's girlfriend joins the guild
>treat her like every other autist in the game with no special privileges
>pisses the GM off something awful
It was fun watching him froth at the mouth in the guild chat.

>girl joins our guild
>she's gay
>Get to watch autists debase themselves for a chick then sperg out in voice chat when they find out the pussy they were never going to see is even more unattainable than they thought

>have a great functioning guild
>a girl joins
>nothing changes because the guild is made up of adults
When are you guys gonna stop being scared of girls? Are you all in middle school?

I had a girl guild leader back in the day. She was cool.
Only people who don't have gfs irl freak out about girls.

>have a great functioning guild
>a girl joins
>resident chad gets her to upload pics
>She's laughed outta the guild

This one's for you Bobby.


obvious underage

>run a guild
>gf joins
>retards drool over her
>one of them tries to convince her to leave me to internet date him (she lives with me)
>kick him from the guild and laugh
>mfw he never logs on again

Girls aren't scary, user. I'm sorry you're nervous around them but you're just going to have to be a big boy.

>Guildmaster has his gf in guild
instant gquit

>have great, competitive group, with great activity and skill, we always win the fights over the top grind spots
>girl joins
>noone treats her special except for one autist, things go on as usual
It's not the girl at fault, it's the games you guys play attract this sort of people.

>gf joins a raiding guild
>she starts raiding, gets flooded with bufffood, flasks and drops by a neet guy
>laugh at him irl
>I get invited a week or two later even tho I don't have time for raiding
>"so you're her...brother?"
>tell him a story on how gf and I ended up in the same bed
>he starts belittling me on every occasion since his neet char is better equipped than my lfr/ meme+ hero
>become raid-tank along the line, he was gkicked right before we got AOTC
some virgins I swear i was kinda like them when I was 17 in tbc

>playing retail wow in current year

None the less i am laffin

>when i was a teenager i got the gms girlfriend to show me her tits
>still have the pic
>she was a fucking cow and her tits were so fat that they are larger than my dog

Good times

>In a guild
>gf joins a guild
>no voice chat
>they think she's a dude pretending to be a girl

RO was fun. It hurts that it's never coming back.

>Grill joins
>panic about possibly seeming autistic
>am sure i'm acting autist while trying not to
>mute mic
>go to sleep

>have friend that plays wow
>his wife also starts playing
>ugly fat cunt with low IQ
>some guys from the balkans start chatting her up
>she goes on vacation to them alone
>then invites them to come fuck her at their home, in their bed
>they break up, have a child together
>she rides the cock carousel for a year
>finds out she is broke, calls him, wants to hook up again
>he says yes and she immediately moves in again
>he is not allowed to play wow again
True story dat

holy shit what a fucking cuck

You must be just as pathetic if you are his friend.

Women are evil and horribly misguided

wtf i hate woman now

I try not to hate them, but every time I start to have a half decent thought about them I remember the manipulative shit they pull and get away with

just do intense soul searching until you bring out your inner bi-sexual. you can just sex up men when you do that.

unless you're a sperg chad wannabe that just misinterprets women not being interested as them being biblical evil personified. also, any women dated in HS age wise or period wise do not count in the overall tally of women, unless you're a man child.

>fucking other men because you cant find a good woman who will fuck you
>acting superior to literally anyone

True bisexuality is telling your gf which twink you are gonna fuck while she plays wiith herself

You're trying to get philosophical on a total stranger over the Internet. I just hate that women are allowed to get away with things because our society dictates "it's not her fault."

>have a group of online friends who met on Sup Forums
>been hanging out on various voice chat clients for the past 8 years
>every chick who comes around, whether it's a girlfriend or whatever gets hazed until she can either handle the bants or leaves

feels good

hating cogs in the machine is retarded, hate the system for bringing up those individuals with that skewed mentality. if you hate it so much, figure out productive ways to change it, not write hate blogs on the internet.

>projecting this hard
>thinking polygamy is bisexuality
gotta be at least 18 or over to post here

>be girl
>join guild to lurk for buffs
>everyone talking about their favorite animes and recent patch
>another girl joins
>she's a massive attention whore
>tons of drama occurs shortly later
>leave after getting to the max level

But being productive is sexist and ableist user, don't you get it?

>he thinks two guys fucking isnt bisexuality when the top makes his gf watch
>he thinks polygamy and bisexuality are mutually exclusive

>Girl joins
>Becomes Guild leader

It's not just social it's genetic. Almost all men are inclined to protect women and children to ensure the survival of the species. It's so ingrained in being human that those fucking justice shills can't even see how women are totally taking advantage of a genetic weakness.

>Rule 1
No girls allowed

Now this is a guild I wanna joine

It's like watching an oil fire getting closer to you and all you can do is back up an inch at a time

it's not, you just go to Sup Forums and MGTOW conventions too much.

aw, you completely missed the point of my post, come back in 4 birthdays :^)

You don't have a complete wanker in your group of friends? Dude you are missing out. Endless fun.

It's hilarious how SJW's and feminists are totally up everyone's ass for abusing genetic weaknesses like hereditary diseases and mental conditions but they themselves are the biggest culprits.

>be member of old-ass gaming community
>girl joins
>posts "look at me" shit constantly
>always trying to get sympathy because of minor things
>no one gives a fuck
>we're all 30+ and married, and she isnt anything special
>she eventually gets bored and leaves

I do have one in my group of friends but i dont consider him an actual friend or assosciate with him unless its with my other friends and he just happens to be there

You are the company you keep

>tfw u had a milky mommy brit slag drood officer
I don't think during vanilla from MC to AQ40 I've had a single male druid in the guild...

her main job was calming down autists to didn't get their sword or armor piece because someone else outbid them because they simply had more dkp.

I had a zero tolerance position on grieving and begging for loot because some (often more skilled) members found themselves to be special snowflakes.

Implying Sup Forums is wrong about the shit women have gotten away with. One is leader of Germany and ruining Europe for the 4th time
That's cognitive dissonance for you

Video games

That's what you get when you're not selective with the people you accept.

Sup Forums is completely null & void in any discussion now thanks to stormfags. you should know this.

pretty much this.

>tfw spent many nights playing with my RP guild leader who was a 13 year old girl
Fun times.

I think I understand why guilds do applications and in person interviews now


Exactly. Except for the you are the company you keep bullshit. I also have female friends and a gay friend. That does not automatically turn me into a lesbian.

have you tried telling him he's being a pathetic fag?

> meet girl irl in class
> only two gamers in the class
> invites me to join her guild consisting of herself and two younger sibling
> just started playing the game so low level
> girl and her sisters are much higher level than me
> they always pretend to be damsels in distress and act like I'm there hero white knight although they are better at the game than me
> get into a into a lot of funny situations where my forced heroics gets me in a situation where they need to save me.
> tell me how brave I was after the fact
> eventually we all get max ranked and have done everything there was to do in the game.

We still keep in touch, although we don't play much together anymore. We're thinking of getting "the guild" together to play Anthem once it comes out.

Had tons of fun with them, since most of the time we were just messing around and just really role playing.

I was underage myself then.
>tfw one of my female friends from school encouraged me to go visit her and fuck her
>might have done it if I had the money for trip abroad

He is the laughing stock of our entire town.

Should have done it. You'll never have the chance to fuck an underage loli ever again.

>dodged the cringe bullet by not playing mmos as a kid
>don't even play them now
Feels good. I would have probably been one of the spergs mentioned in this thread.

Honestly if done ironically enough, RP gaming groups can be the most fun.

Joining "hardcore" guilds can be quite frustrating sometimes. Especially when they act like real life is less important than the game and kick you if you don't make it to an event.

edging for years on end with no release in sight is not healthy user.

Not him but from ages 8-12 i edged relebtlessly because i thought if i came i would make a girl pregnant (didnt know what cum actuslly was, thought it was like magic)

When i came for the first time i basically went into a coma

>thought cum was magic
>first time I came I basically went into a coma.

>Join guild
>Eventually me being gay comes up
>Start getting online stalked by that one weird guildy
Do girls have to deal with this all the time?

The girl was cute, but she is a like a little to hyper for me. One of her younger sister is pretty hot and calm though.

But she is 18 and I'm 20, plus would be kinda f'd up if I started dating her sister although we met and were friends first.

Probably. Most girl gamers I know who play online games typically don't use there mic because of this. Only talk in private parties with friends.

Just be a true polygamy alpha and fuck them both.

Yeah, but it would suck if it ruined our gaming group and I'd have to go back to playing with autist try hard guilds.

Like if/when I break up with either of them would probably not like to play again.

It is kinda like "don't make bed where you bake your bread" except with having guild mates.

Fucking retard.
I swear.

>Join guild
>Be liked by the guild, but really piss of female GM and Officers
Can't handle banter

Nothing better than shittalking in class channels during MC/BWL

I had similar coworker.
>Manlet but talkative and always talking how he is great with girls and how great his girl is
>seen once his girl on the market with him
>two heads taller than him and large hambeast
>he cheat on him later and leave him with unpaid rent and take his PC and move to another guy
>I was like ough that hurt(especially PC) but shit happen, do not make similar mistake again
>another guy get bored and kick her
>he go back to manlet and he take her back
>after that nobody treat his talking seriously and you could see that he is broken man
I still do not understand why he take her back. Why?

We had a french girl in our LOTRO guild, was breddy gudd and didnt disrupt anything

Cause he wanted his PC back

some people have a weird sense of what they can get / they deserve as a couple
also, some people like to suffer or being victimized, so thereĀ“s that

You english, are you from the balkans by any chance?

Well that at last make some sense.
Eastern Euro.

>Playing Overwatch in a group of five
>Invite the random Mercy playing with us into our group
>Immediately gets on mic and says "Hey guys, don't want to surprise you but I'm a girl!"
>One of the two women already in our group proceed to say "Uh, ok. Hi."
>The Mercy doesn't say another word and leaves the group after the match is over
Nothing shuts women down quite as quickly as other women.

>She cheat on him later and leave him with unpaid rent and take his PC and move to another guy
>She go back to manlet and he take her back
Fixed. Must proofread before posting.

>Go to a convention with my wife
>One autistic weeb begs her to go on a date with him
>She tells him that she's married
>He says that it's fine and I can come too but he just needs to go on a date with her
>She says no again
>He starts sobbing and runs away

>takes his pc
i'd murder that cow

I think they take them back because of fear of ending up alone. What if they can't get another person?

>in a "USA general" (/cum/) thread on Sup Forums
>normally very chill threads with good conversation and wit being tossed around
>one poster reveals herself as female
>entire thread collapses into chaos
>she mentions she wants to learn French
>entire thread now speaking French and trying to convert the general into a permanently French-speaking one
>they get her to post her ankle
>everyone turns into a grovelling worm, begging her to be their "queen" and "goddess"
>nothing at all being discussed
>entire threads begging for her attention in shitty French and giving this chick over-the-top compliments and sweet talk like she's the second coming of christ

sounds like a problem with your guildmembers

not really the girls fault if you autists sperg out over a girl

>Not the girl's fault
And this is the problem with society.

Yeah that its true.
The enablers are worse than women.

>girl joins guild
>she's a bit bad, but we were hard up for manpower at the time
>starts whispering me all kinds of sexual stuff
>like, unseemly shit making me feel weird
>this even happens while we're running dungeons with her boyfriend in the group
>she eventually quits due to work
>mfw I miss her whispers

>It's the girl's fault for a bunch of autists showing their true nature

>Girl joins
>2 people end up sperging out kicked out of the friend group
>One guy goes for the puss next
>He makes it
>dating online
>They meet irl
>They break up
>They both become gay after

Get friends that aren't spergs then.

You don't just go gay after you're like 18

I mean how does someone go you know I actually like penis/vagina guys who knew

>You don't just go gay after you're like 18
Kevin Spacey sure did.


They said it themselves so I'll leave it up to whoever's reading to assume if they're actually gay or not. Since I'm not sure myself. However, I will say that the grill claimed she was bi before and then said she was gay after. She had already dated a few chicks before. (I met one of them she was really weird)

>it's the girl's fault millennial men are mentally ill
every time

This. Whenever I play OW and a girl joins our team chat I just use some voice alteration program that came with my headset to sound like a girl and they immediately fuck off.

>A girl(male) joins the guild
>He's the guild healslut
>we regularly take turns cumming in his ass at the guild meetup

>be a girl
>join guild
>manchildren start orbiting around me
>i love the attention
boy am i laffin

>Actually leave the house
>Actually know how girls playing mmos look like
Hiding their faces behind a video game wall is their only way to get any male attention. Trust me, you would really regret ever "scoring" such a chick.

>he actually met up with a girl from an MMO

>Meet up with """"""girl """""" from guild
>Fly halfway across the world
> """"""she """""" turns out to be 4 guys
>get mugged on arrival

You liked it, didn't you?

>intentionally treat any females in any gaming focused group like shit
>call any guy who associates with them an orbiter

do your part to keep the roasties out

oy vey it's anuddah shoah for replying in an obvious bait thread