Wolfenstein 2 a Confirmed Flop


>Prey: 469,115


>Wolfenstein 2: 182,472

So by Bethesda's standards, if PREY was a flop... then Wolfenstein 2 is a MAJOR flop

Wolfenstein shillls... come out to plaa~aay...



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OP is a white ass nazi pig

>f-fuck Drumpf

Prey was such a great game. Much better than the utter disappointment that was TNC

no one buys pc games retard

>Ignores console sales

Obvious Sup Forums poster

>Sup Forums still this assblasted

You do know its seems to be selling more or less the same as the new order right?

Besides the game is also being released on consoles naziboo

Nobody bought it on PS4 either

Prey has been out for 6 months and has gone on sale multiple times, Wolfenstein on the other hand came out barely 2 weeks ago and has sold nearly half as much despite being full price

>all those people that pirated it without a vpn
get ready to get vanned
they WILL blame this on pirates

it's already happening with shitty movies that didnt sell

Good, not the antifa shitters can leave.

98% of a game's sales happen in the first 2 weeks.

Not surprised in the slightest. Who did they think was going to buy this propagandized piece of shit?

daily reminder Sup Forums is being overrun by antifa shills

Yes, the game sold hardly anything at release . Have you never paid attention to a video game release?

They'll just make more generic multiplayer games with infinite pay to unlock content and lootboxes. They're looking to get rid of single player entirely.

Didn' you post this exact thread yesterday?

yeah this is true lenin here can confirm


What would Sup Forums want to see in a Prey sequel? I'd personally want to see some of the military blacksite satellites that were briefly mentioned, or get a look at Talos I pre-Typhon breakout a la Burial at Sea

yeah bro this is antifa here stop posting this reee

Probably a fuckton of people waiting for Christmas. That’s what I’m doing.

>being such a faggot that you have to have every game the moment it’s released

Sick lack of identity, brah.

do you think it sold more on console?

What about console sales?

white pigs

>mspaint strawman doesn't represent anything because actual western communists barely ever existed let alone in 2017
Sup Forums winds again bros xd

xbots bought it though

>fps are a niche genre on PC!
The absolute fucking state of brand fanatics slaves.

Where’s the proof on that? Most game sales this gen are on PS4, it was very high on either PS4 or Steam’s best selling lists.

not surprised, game looked generic and the marketing just made me ignore it every time I saw it, felt like it was trying too hard.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a commie

Man those ruskies pushed your shit in 50 years ago, and you are STILL mad

thats not what i meant you retard, but pirating is the only good thing about pc

I meant 70 years ago

kys antifa

literally not what he said you fucking retard


xbots are desperate even for the biggest shits, so i figured it out myself

Prey was out way longer and on sale multiple times

>great single player shooter
>complete retards from nu/v/ of generation Z are forcing shit memes on it

Kill yourself retards. Go play your multiplayer garbage.

kys Sup Forums

People seem to be a fairly nice grou, I enjoy spending time with them

*braps in the general direction of your blumpfh*
theee heee heee take that fasCISts ;3

Im from venezuela senpai, do you seriously think im a commie?


>thats not what i meant you retard, but pirating is the only good thing about pc
>superior Kb+M controls
>60 to 144+ fps
>true 4k
>superior displays
>superior graphical settings

Yeah fuck off pleb.

>Only literal nazis hate this masterpiece

It's not like normal people dislike communist propaganda or anything




Just kiss already!

ITT: the absolute state of underage nu-Sup Forums redditors

is that a trick question?

haha Amerikanen

I bet the nazis did this!

>only 13 hours of gameplay
>half of it is stupid cutscenes
>cringe tier memes and anti-white racism
>no boss fights
>enemy ai is dumb
>only 10 weapons
>no multiplayer
>pregnant nude woman firing machine guns and magically exploding an enemy that takes WAY more punishment in prior game
Yeah it should flop.


>13 hours of gameplay

Normies were offended by the marketing. They literally used nazified versions of Donald Trump campaign slogans, which goes back to the "everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi" epidemic. It doesn't matter if it's a misrepresentation of the game itself. That is how the marketing people decided to sell the game and normies are not buying it. If anyone's heads are going to roll over TNC it should be the marketers.

What would be the trick?

maybe publishers should pay a little more attention that devs adding their holier-than-thou current-events polical views and boring anti-Trump preaching into games where they don't belong doesn't really jive with their intended target demographs

fuck Machinegames and fuck developers like them. Not even DICE isn't this retarded

>calls someone with a contrary opinion a nazi
>get's assblasted when called a communist
leading with "nazi" is a communist tell.

>western communists barely ever existed let alone in 2017

What the fuck is antifa you stupid fuck, there are communists fucking everywhere. Look at your average corbyn rally you waste of DNA

you sure showed me

>the only good thing about pc
I would say yes... If PS4 actually used gyro controls that are sitting dormant in its controller. Twin stick aiming is archaic and retarded.

>try to sell Fuck Whitey: The Game to majorly white audience
>it doesn't sell well

>I'm 12 and I've never played a Wolfenstein game in my life.

turning your country away from being a commie shithole would be quite a magic trick.

>bbbut it was supposed to be a progressive game!!! REEEEEE-

Ignoring console sales, release time, and dev time + team size

Why do Bethesda even bother with this shit? They've been trying to seem like some sort of legit developer/publisher for ages now, but all they release are crappy games people forget within a month of release.

Bethesda need to get over the whole not wanting to be seen as the developer of Elder Scrolls games and just stick to making Elder Scrolls games.

Given that you do have internet, I'll go with no.

>kill people in GTA
>this is ok
>commie on screen

No one wants to pay $60 for a 8 hour games.


>1 hour and 8 minutes

ahahahaahha *inhales* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>pander to SJWs
>game flops


>fun, action-based game with no tacked on multiplayer or loot box bullshit
>anti-gamers root against it

Really makes you think.

Not on steam

>literally projecting

Is prey worth it? I just picked up an XBOX yesterday and want to add to my collection but I think it will probably drop in price soon

Clearly you haven't. This pile of shit is nothing like RTCW or Wolfenstein (which was mediocre honestly). hell, that game even has a group called the golden dawn.

>implying gta is trying to convert you into a murderer
hello brainlet

We have a winner

Id give you a cash prize but our money is worthless

A sequel didn't work as well as it could've for System Shock, nor Bioshock even though neither were bad. If there was a Prey 2, I'd like as much of the world and writing to be original as possible at the least.

If you enjoyed System Shock or Bioshock, then you'll enjoy Prey.

>someone took the time to make this

>Drumpf wins the election
>good games start selling like shit
You idiots deserve everything that comes after this. Screencap this post for future whining.

>games make you violent
>games make you mysoginist
>games make you commie

More like 4 hours of gameplay

maybe it also shouldn't have tacked on political agenda, then it would've gone great, like D44M.
but that's what happens when you leave development to 3rd parties (from Sweden lol)

I hate you fucking nazi idiots. You had to pile on shit Sup Forums memes on the game and made people think it had a "fuck white people" or whatever message just because you can't stand seeing your virtual comrades get shot. Follow your leader, eat a bullet.

>4 hour $60 game filled to the top with (((SJW))) bullshit propaganda
>expecting gamers to like it

What the fucks even your point?

>You kill people in games, so why not shove a bunch of obnoxious Marxist overtones into the game

You really are an antifa shill who can't meme.

whether its ideological or not, they pandered to Amerifats too much

nobody else has any special feeling for Nazi. its just uninspired stale enemy in entertainment

hope they stop sucking up to Amerisharts

I was being generous and including hunting down all the items and 100% completing everything.

Too bad magic aint real


Sad, pathetic, and gay.

>implying it isn't
It trivializes killing innocent people for fun.

If you want this game to flop, stop shitting out 10 simultanious threads about it. There is nothing worse for sales than utter silence.
Meanwhile, the only reason I know W2 was made at all, not to mention premiered, is non-stop shitposting on Sup Forums

>anti-gamers root against it.
>that reaction image

get out and crawl back to whatever hugbox you you came from.

>Killing Nazis is now SJW propaganda
Ok friend. Whatever you say.

>all these people celebrating this game flopping because it triggers them for being progressive
Sup Forums has taken over this board.

this game flopped as hard as your lame ass lightly pink-haired world view

My point is that you get offended by commies but theft and murder is ok