What do you think of Puyo Puyo, Sup Forums

What do you think of Puyo Puyo, Sup Forums

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Pleases my Monstergirl Fetish

It's a really clever puzzle game. I hate how every puzzle game is a derivative of Tetris or Bejeweled

Game is too fucking hard

Very good versus game. One of the best.

I wish I was good at it because I think it's a lot of fun but I just can't get a grasp on any of the advanced techniques.

>still posting that shitty greentext
>not even posting any of the well made ocean prince fetish material that came out of /trash/
get some taste senpai

One of my favorite games.
Fuck the 24 limit.

why did people make ocean prince into the lewdposting character i hate this

how do i git gud

Lrn2GTR, lrn2stairs, and lrn2sandwich


Follow the gtr flowchart


Is she supposed to be breaking the 4th wall and looking at me? Or is she just idly glancing around?


I picked up Puyo Tetris like a month ago.
It's pretty good and I think the two work really well together
I'm honestly amazed by how seriously people play the game


Never played puyo puyo, but I love kirbys avalanche. Will I enjoy this game?

Kirby's Avalanche is based off Original Puyo Puyo, which uses a bunch of really outdated rules. Standard Puyo in every game since then has been an offshoot from Tsu, which is way better on a mechanical level.
Basically, if you hated 4-5 chains being garunteed wins in Avalanche, you,ll love it.

I actually loved it in kirbys because I would always win that way. Its the only game I'm legit good at because I can basically 4-5 chain as fast as possible

I mean, 4+ chains are still dangerous (especially against AI players), but the major addition from Tsu was Offsetting, which means that your chains will always clear garbage about to drop on your field before they send garbage to the other person.
Fever mode (should you choose to play it or the fames built around it) builds on this further by giving you meter towards a super mode every time you offset. At the higher jap levels of Fever mode play, this basically means some stupidly long matches.


>that fucking entrance
>we will never get a fever 3 tournament at E3 with shit this ridiculous

>crowd and announcers shouting out the spells
this is too good


I like how the giant blobs and other things that only show up in the tutorial in Kirby is part of the game in puyo

It's shit

panel de pon is better

3D Puyos look weird.

tetris attack > panel de pon

I;m Thinking About Thos Mean Beans

meen grean beens

What's the deal with puzzle games always having anime girls in some way or another?


I'm really bad at it.

The series started as an RPG, user. Anime girls are pretty common in those.

If you don't main Green, you are casual shit.


Post waifus/husbandos


But these are mean beans

Puyo puyo tetris is THE couch game with friends at my place. I was hesitant to drop $30 on the game but we've already played over 70hrs so it was well worth the investment.


good taste, she's my second favorite


any puyo miiverse art?
i don't think i've ever seen any

Seh doesn't even have a name.

She doesn't need a name to be gr8

It's become fucking weeb trash that I would be embarrased to play in front of actual people.


I rike it



post the peeled apple again xD what a naughty girl ringo

try posting without anime, friend.

I know you can do it if you try!



Puyo isn't an anime. It's a game.

Reminder that there is like hundreds of Dracos in puyo universe.

And none of them know how to rotate their pieces.

>implying it wasn't that way from the start

I think this applies to Harpy too
And Seriri is an OC Merrow And Rulue is his mom



anyone here like to swordfight?

>"Nice of Pierrot to invite us over to the puyo circus eh Carbuncle?"
>"GU! GU! GUU!"

*madou universe
Current Puyo Universe is Chronicles/Suzuranverse, which is 2-3 universes away from Madouverse.

Hold the phone, didn't they merged all universes since 15th?

>Look closer
>Chicken Wings having human flesh and not begin pure Scales

I’ve felt that way about it ever since Sun.

Whatever do you mean user? This is just wholesome fun for the whole family.

7 came after 15th, which is why people hate it.

How can there be an entire race that is mentally retarded? You'd think they'd have all starved or died in some incredibly stupid way and yet they still live.

Never forget.


Maybe the Dracos are asexual and reproduce through budding?

That or they lure men to the island with their cute looks and make lots of babies with them.

>implying 20th art is better than 15th/Fever art
bad meme
unless i'm remembering wrong and that's from 7

I FREAKING LOVE Kirby's Avalanche.

Draco best girl(s).

Arle should be smug and cheeky.

Draco's reintroduction was in 7.

Alright Dracofags, please explain your attraction to her because I don't fucking see it. All I see is a dumb green haired dragon girl.

Dracos have nice bodies and look good in just about anything.

I find her retardation endearing.

As if we needed more proof Witch is best girl.

She is a good wife material unlike the smelly witch you posted.

>Draco in Aruru's clothes


>not liking Witch
why Dracofags, why

New kids who know her more from her interaction with Draco in that bonus chapter in PPT.


Well why don't you like Draco?

That explains why she's in the back.

Her voice in dub-PPT makes her sound like an old hag, too.

What if I like both of them?

It's a damn shame she wasn't in Schezo's story. They have the best interactions.

Most of the new guys took to Ringo, from what I've seen.

I don't dislike Draco, I'm neutral on her.
Yeah I guess that's fair.
Then you have good taste.

>Not begin Seriri Masterace
Get Fucked by Ecolo

Choose your Witch.
Witch is okay, I just like Arle, Draco and Rulue more is all

That chapter felt like a waste in general. A moment with him and Raffina could have been funny too, but I guess we needed shit like Lidelle and Ocean Prince talking to him instead.

it actually seems 50/50 between Ringo and Draco from my experience. Both of them always clutter up threads the most.

>tfw dub ocean prince sounded like shit AGAIN