How do we kill moeshit?

How do we kill moeshit?

kill all ronery Sup Forums types

accept that video games, like most media, have different genres. Then only play the type of games you prefer while other's enjoy their own tastes.


The same way we get rid of the idea behind "gender fluidity". By continuing to lump it in with the larger problem at hand and getting rid of trannies altogether. Anime in general needs to fucking die because it's cringy and boring and ugly to look at.

we don't
it's the only good thing Japan does

>it's the only good thing Japan does

What would a northern rpg look like?

Neptunia saved the RPG genre. It was dying before Neptune showed up.

lmao you wish you stupid faggot

All of that samey shit needs to fucking die. Anime in general. Get rid of it. Fucking swords the size of buildings.

Chrono Trigger can stay.

You're in denial

How do we kill yearly sport and FPS shit?

Go to bed Neptune

put sex appeal in the other games as well, just not all of it be about sex appeal

Good luck with that though unless your a cuck leftist

Since JRPGs aren't actually games where you role play, what should we call them?

Nice thread we got here neogaf.

Iffy best girl. I want to cuddle up with her and watch movies.

She's already in my bed, shitposting from her nephone.

No, you just have inhuman shit taste
Compile heart has never released game that even qualifies as 'decent', let alone 'good'
They're bottom of the barrel trash that's barely a notch above mobage gatcha shit

Unless your name is Compa you're going to be cuddling up with yourself.

By making it more lewd.

don't do this to me user

When you grow up you'll understand just how wrong you are.

Go to bed Noire

>imagine being this mad that people enjoy a video game

What a surprise, a CTfag is a brainlet.

character progession game

We can't. It's a big part of Japanese culture. I really hate moe too, but best thing you can do is to ignore them

You did it to yourself by being not Compa

jus vote w/ ur wallet :^)

proceeds to post decade(s) old games that would be ignored as random RPG-Maker shit if they came out today.

Why is it always the CTfags?

>ywn be ultra cutie with 9/10 naisubody and whore yourself for shares for you best friend while pretending to be dumb pure maiden

Because the sprites aren't as offensively chinese as the other shit and the game is great.

Gameplay and level design are so fucking bad though

>this mad about kusoge
better start your third nepnep thread of the day to talk about whichever characterized trope you masturbate to the most

Kind of a mouthful, but definitely accurate. The JRPGs with most revered gameplay are those with great breadth and depth to their growth system.

It's what inspired Skyrim

was valkyria chonicles any good?

>kind of a mouthful
just say cpg


Kek you're real joker pal, try to become a comedian.

tune this piano

thank you user
I can start my day.

Is Atelier worth getting a vita for? What other RPGs does the vita have that are in english?
I see that neptunia has a srpg, what's that one like?

Too busy playing Neptunia games to peruse a career

Any time my man.

>I see that neptunia has a srpg, what's that one like?
Nice try Noire, but no one gonna play your SHIT game, you can stop now.

Valkyria Chronicles is 11/10.

10 for the game,
-1 for coming out so late on PC,
+2 for having actually a good port when it did.

Fuck yes it is.

We don't. They're a niche market. Why does other people having different tastes in videogames bother you so much?

>tfw this moeshit looking tripe is a legit great JRPG

those are all shit
no idea what you were trying to prove

terrible port but yeah its okay, just neptunia without neps

>those are all shit
>no idea what you were trying to prove

>A new Neptunia project that will 1,000-percent exceed everyone’s imaginations is in motion. It won’t betray your expectations!
Are you ready for Nepborne/CallOfNep/NepKart/SuperSmashNep/etc?

My wet dream is for Neptunia to become an fps.

I'd rather have it made by Illusion.

>create game about playing as a cute girl where you can't see yourself
10/10 idea.

>western RPG
>Dark Souls


It worked for Overwatch

its a hugely overrated game, still good, that all the casual hipsters cling to because its so well known.

Overwatch is absolute shit, even when compared to original PS3 HDN game. And SFM doesn't works with anime style, so it's useless for Neps, so I don't have any idea why are you bringing it here.

It's more weebshit than everything in the moeshit column.
>start game
>tanks, lances and plate armor in the same scene
>triangle faced saucer eyed children for characters

I never made it past the intro.

Ateliet Meruru has unironically more depth to it than any othet "jrpg" from that list. Good luck beating the post game without understanding the games mechanics.

What games do you actually roleplay in?

By killing the audience.

>western "rpg"
>nu-Deus Ex

I hope eurojank categories is also there

Go kill Avalanche Abaasy, if you're so great

>start an anime-styled game
>get turned off that its anime-styled


>realism autist
And stay out.

How does one become Compa?

Go to med school

You are right except for one thing, moe is not a genre

No problem my dude. Just remember we love you, not because you're a mentally ill retard but despite it.

You don't. You embrace it and accept that it's a different genre.

Leaving this place

Slice of life is.

Affordable and customizable sexbots are the only way.

Who cares? The games in the middle are just as shit. They're just not pandering as obnoxiously to weebs.

Weebshit is weebshit.

I fail to see how i am wrong in this.

it's a way to live

Define "weebshit", my dear normalcancer.

I will not stand idly by while complete strangers have fun playing games that I don't like

"Game" from Japan with no gameplay, usually with a daggerchin sameface animu aesthetic. Either focuses on flash over substance or filling permavirgin's social voids via whyfoo faggotry.

>"Game" from Japan with no gameplay
so a visual novel?

As opposed to western games with horseshit designs and worlds devoid of any fun or depth? Westerners can't design an interesting game to save their lives. All the same boring ugly shit.

Jerking off to your whyfoos will never constitute as gameplay, no matter how mediocre western gaming has become.

>"Game" from Japan with no gameplay
>when Jap games are known to be more video gamey and western games are known to be more cinematic
really gets my noggin joggin

As examplified in your post, Japan does not only make "moe shit". They also make rpg's with a more mature and/or "normal" style. So why are you so butthurt that they also make anime games for people that likes it?

The middle column is a disappearing portion of the overall market.
Do you now how many games exist in just the Neptunia series already? Like fucking 12 or something.
You know how many of exist in the series of any of those in the central column? VC is the most with 4 games.

>Known to be
Only by delusional weeaboos who think tugging one out is playing a game.

Guess that means that people really like Neptunia games and buy them. Maybe you just have to buy more of the other type then, if you want more of them.

>Squenix Deus Ex

>woah, why did this low budget series have so many games, I want 12 skyrims too
Just stop.

correct, there are exactly 12 games

>Eidos Montréal

If you want to see a cute girl, why don't you look in a mirror?