3 switch games made as much revenue for Ubisoft as the ENTIRE XBOX ONE ubisoft library

>3 switch games made as much revenue for Ubisoft as the ENTIRE XBOX ONE ubisoft library

Can we FINALLY stop with the "switch is a failure" meme?


ubisoft and nintendo stands for quality

Only because Nintendorks have nothing else to play.

Nintendo is unstoppable, this holiday sales should be insane

Hopefully ubisoft will finally put more people of color in the switches white washed line up.

>make a good game
>it does well
wait, what? Someone please explain this to me

no its a failure because i dont like it

Delusional nintentards doesn’t even know rabbids +mario didn’t really do that well. The sales were breakeven for Ubisoft’s part at best kek

Most problem is its spec. can we expect their AAA games come to switch in the future ?

There's already 2 Mario games for Switch

Hasn't it done really well? and hasn't launched in Japan yet either?

>we expect their AAA games come to switch in the future ?

maybe with pair down graphics and shit and sold as "portable" versions of the game.


>Source: My ravaged anal cavity

>Mor poc in ubisoft games
>Ubisoft is a french company

top kek

inb4 Ass Creed (those aren't really video games you dumb cunts)

woooow companies have different profit margins, color me impressed

I'll color you white so your opinions aren't seen as irrelevant and trash.

I hear this has a rabbid fanbase

Did you know gaming: Rabbids derive their name from a mash-up of the translation of their French name, which means "Rabbit idiots".

Pretty obvious that M+R costed a lot considering Ubishit had to pay some sort of royalty to nintendrumpf because they are showcasing their company’s mascot for a Ubisoft game.

It’s a fucking breakeven. You’d be delusional if you think selling above 1m is already pretty good for Ubishit. No company who likes to develop AAA games would be sane enough to make games for Switch and sell only a million copies

You forgot your Carlos, Carlos.

The goalposts are moving on their own

lmao no one has arguments in front of the facts, nintendo wins

>The goalposts are moving on their own

Hey, I liked that level in Mario 3D World

based soliani

What's there to understand? People just wanna play video games. I knew EA was full of retards, but this is beyond ridiculous.

Who even cares about the sales? The people got a good game.


Question we should be asking is, why don't Xniggers buy games?

they're trying to figure out what non-dudebros would play

>no nothing website
>Nintendo thread
>completely fabricated claim
I fell for the bait.

The more you know.

>late ass ports of rainbow siege and asscreed

yay give me those full priced late ports ubisoft t-take my money!!11

My god are you even old enough to post there?


it's almost like the switch fags are thirsty and will buy anything they have

>"shit, we have to make an actual game?"

>Game does well
>"All its fans are stupid and desperate"

What the fuck, people aren't buying our yearly lootbox simulator? What the fuck do these people even want?

>greentext something
>it's suddenly false

What's the deal with Ubisoft? They make garbage mega hits that no one talks about online like For Honor and The Division but they find the time to make passion projects like Rayman, Child of Light, Kingdom Battle, and the South Park games.

Because you have ubisoft canada which produce all the trash
and ubisoft france who don't

Child of Light 2 on Switch when?


This is a pretty low bar to clear. No need to be mean :)

all Visceral Studio games for example: Dead Space

Isn't AAA a meme? Do you seriously care about seeing the hair folicles on Mario's ass? Aren't the gameplay and story/themes the only important parts?

It's the most powerful handheld ever created.

Now post a comparison to a console people actually bought.

What makes it better is he'll respond to you on Twitter if you write to him. He really loves what he does, and Ubisoft was damn lucky to have him to helm the rabbids project and to have Nintendo green light it.

What did they even release besides Rabbids last quarter? Just Dance and?

Wasn't their Last quarter big releases manly switch games? i can only remember M+R, Rayman Switch and Just Dance.

here you go senpai

Child of Light was developed by Ubi Montréal though, and Ghost Recon Wildlands by Paris. Though Ubi Montpellier with Ancel is probably their best studio. They also made Valiant Heart for example.
I think that like any big company they need money to please the shareholders, but in the end it's still a family-owned company with employees who really like video games.