Escape from Tarkov

Anybody else enjoying this? What're your thoughts? I've never flinched so much from being shot in a fucking videogame

>inb4 shill
I know the game isn't fully released yet but it's shaping up better than any other unfinished game I've seen recently.


How is the game?

The level design and gunplay is the best I've seen, hands down. Damage is dealt by the caliber of the bullet, not the rifle being used. Your limbs are damageable, meaning a bullet can break your arm and fuck up your aiming. Get shot in the chest and have no medkit or bandage? Find a nearby bush to enjoy your last minute of life, or, if your legs didn't get fucked, bolt for the exit.

It entirely revolves around risk/reward gameplay and gets your heart into your throat. Idk senpai I'm enjoying it a lot

for being made in Unity im really surprised how well it's coming along

Dude when my friend told me it was made in Unity (he gifted me the game) I was shocked. Unity blows, but I wouldn't have ever guessed this was Unity if I wasn't told so

peeople always complain about desync, which is why i am holding back right now

scavs should not attack scavs

when i first got this game i was really hyped about it... i played this game nonstop for a week or so.
but after some time it really started to wear off.

i eventually grew tired of going to the same places over and over again.
iam used to buggy games (my favourite games are arma and stalker) but at some point its just too much... the amount of times i died and lost all my shit because shit just bugged out and things dont work properly.
and the whole "realistic" gun handling and modification stuff looks cool at first but doesnt really do much in terms of gameplay.

overall i would say the game lacks long time motivation... once you maxed out the traders got fort amor, a helmet and the guns you want there isnt really any reason to keep playing and i dont feel motivated to go through all this shit again after the wipe. especially since there is a whole lot of grinding involved to get certain items you cant normally buy like keys or a document case.

at times i felt really tempted to upgrade to the maximum fuck edition and get the pay to win container because the small container and stash size you get with the pleb edition really puts you at a disadvantage... now iam very glad that i didnt do that and i wouldnt recommend it to anyone

I was very skeptical at first. Rather expensive open alpha, Russian devs and all that shit.

But man, the game is more than fucking solid, even in this unfinished state. It's probably the best gunplay I've ever enjoyed in any FPS period. Whole game is a bit different, you move differently, you aim and shoot a bit differently, so it takes some time to learn all the stuff.

Generally I'm having hopes high as fuck here. I really do hope they won't screw it up.

Otherwise somewhat this:
Which is why I'm waiting for a full release.

I like your feedback but don't you think the game will get better with time due to added content? We don't even have half the maps yet man. I heard that there'll be seamless freeroam when the game is released, which is where I think the game will really shine. We have to keep up with food and water, minimally at this point, but I see freeroam adding a whole different light to the game. I haven't experienced many bugs as I have memory leaks, but the developers have taken note of it already and are in the process of fixing it.

Agreed. What about other player-controlled Scavs though? Anybody can shoot who they want for their gear technically

Is that real life or actual in game stuff? I cannot tell

>It's probably the best gunplay I've ever enjoyed in any FPS period
I stand by this as well, I'm literally wincing in my computer chair each time I get shot and see my screen shake
>just walking in some shrubs
>screen shakes fucking everywhere from being shot and I freeze in shock/fear

It's ruined me for other shooters. Everything about the guns in this game is so satisfying. I hope they stick with the game 'cause I think it has so much potential.

Who /BEAR/ here? Filthy USUCs please go.

>Punisher part 6 gives you a 2x4 secure container
>requires you to kill 20 BEARs in an hour
>like 70% of players are filthy USEC
This is gonna take multiple tries, and a shit load of Factory, isn't it?

At this rate, I don't think release will have open world. I doubt it will even have all the maps. Open beta is supposedly planned for end of this year/beginning of the next, and we're still waiting for the second half of Shoreline.

fellow /bearbro/ here, USEC players are asking to be swiss cheese with those bright blue jeans

/BEAR/ Always. It's much nicer to play as a Slav since I understand most of it. Also those A E S T H E T I C Mechanix mpacts you wear.

>more content=better game
in my personal opinion i dont i agree with that although i think that might be differnet for everyone.
lets take the game squad for example... when it released in early acces 1 or 2 years ago many people said "yea it looks promising but i come back when it has more content". but for me it was core gameplay itself that was really fun and the reason why i kept playing.. now there are more maps, vehicles and all that stuff but the core is still the same.
with tarkov i dont expect it to be different. if the core right now just isnt enough fun to keep me playing then i dont see how more content can change that.. but again thats just my personal opinion that might be completly different for some people

also another thing. tarkov is all about finding good loot, getting some kills and making it out alive.. and of all the maps we have right now, customs is the only map thats really worth raiding. shoreline is ok but doesnt have much loot, woods doesnt have any loot at all and is very risky, and factory is extremly risky and there isnt much loot to be found there either.
customs has all the good loot spawns and the scavs are scattered around the map so you can avoid them.

the desync is one of the worst things holding this game back. i really hope that they can fix it but i have never seen any other game that had such a bad desync problem and got it fixed at some point. feel free to prove me wrong i just dont know of any game that did it

There's a lot of desync problems in the beta, don't touch it until that gets fixed.

>seamless freeroam
also i would take that with a grain of salt i dont think it has been explicitly said that this means open world... it might just mean that all the areas are connected like hubs in stalker

The only thing keeping me from getting it is the game mode, I'd prefer a larger map with a slower pace and room to spread out and go for a trek. Gunplay looks great, love the movement options, and the loot goblining is my kind of thing

Reading your feedback is like a breath of fresh air because it's actually civilized instead of totally shitting on the game.

Me personally, I've always wanted a shooter with Tarkov's gunplay and urban environments. The thumbnail for the City of Tarkov map in the loading screen alone makes me giddy, all those apartment buildings and city streets/alleys? Gonna be so fun, a dream come true for me. The gunplay alone is enough to keep me playing for a really long time.

You're right about Customs being the best though, it has everything from woods to the dorms to the gas station and industrial sites. Multiple exits too so faggots can't wait at the exits as effectively. The other maps come up short compared to Customs because they only offer a fraction of what Customs offers.

Death trap with only one exit that's next to impossible to get go
I don't ever play factory, it's a guaranteed death from somebody more than likely doing something cheap like camping the exit
Huge, not as good of loot as Customs

I also haven't had one issue with desync, which makes me lucky I guess due to how big of a problem it seems to be for some

Hey man that's more than enough for me. Tarkov is essentially STALKER 2 in my book, minus the mutants. Are there plans to add anomalies?

Is this piratable? If not I don't give a fuck about another early acess survival scam

ok buddy go play another one of your weeb RPGs we don't need you

so its DayZ -the zombies? and another shitfest where you loot and then kill others for their loot like PUBG? yaaaaaaaaaaawn

look mommy i shitposted again

Thinking about buying it to get into the beta. How does it run on a 970?

As someone with 250+ hours in the game, I can agree with what you're saying about the loot. Looting on anything other than Customs and a couple, specific parts of Shoreline is really lackluster. A couple of the changes this last patch were a step in the right direction (Marked Room on Customs and the ritual circle on Woods got buffed), but it's still pretty bland.

Desync has gotten a LOT better for me since beta started. My issue now is the memory optimization seems to have gotten worse for me.

>Are there plans to add anomalies?
i dont thinks so... it seems like theyre keeping it pretty realistic in terms of story and enviroment
>Tarkov is essentially STALKER 2 in my book
well... i dont really know why people compare it to stalker... it has some slav vibe to it (not as much as stalker though) but its a much different game. if i had to compare it to something its more like dayz with stalker hub areas, a start and finish line and scavanging gunman instead of zombies. except that you can bring whatever gear you have into the raid

Dumb nigger did you even play the game? You probably did or are one of the faggots making the game because it's literal trash
Gun play is so pathetic and dull I have no idea how the fuck they did it. I don't even know why it's called escape from tarkov if the entire point of the game is to kill other players in a small box or a big field of nothing

Don't buy or support this game. if you want a tactical shooter, buy or play Raven Shield, or any other shooter

Server issues aside, the way the maps are designed is fucking frustrating.

>Limited spawns all in one small area of the map
>Exits at the other side
>Fixed loot spawn locations

It makes the game way too predictable and repetitive.

>Get in right at start of raid
>Rush to exit point
>Hide and wait for other players to get there
>Kill them, take their gear and immediately escape

Gets boring, fast.

look mommy i did it again

The game itself isn't what i wanted, and when i asked for a donation, they told me that i couldn't get one because no actual legit reason. I never signed any forms or application forms.

>i felt really tempted to upgrade to the maximum fuck edition and get the pay to win container
I felt similar but concerning the bigger stash you get. Then the devs announced that stash size will be linked to the player hideout that's coming, which can be improved over time.

Fence actually sells bigger secure containers every now and then, as does the US trader on the highest level. The last quest of the RU army trader will give you a secure container larger than the pre-order one.
I really hope this will stay like this.

>first person pubg
i played fortnite for a day and had a blast until it bored me to death. Call me when they add a singleplayer, mutants and chernobyl

Holy shit I sperged there..
When I asked for a refund*

50 raids this patch. It's been pretty moderate for me. Larger maps and player count increase the chance of it happening but it's been acceptable lately.

They will never do it. I bought it in hopes they'd add some kind of pve with friends to have fun.. but instead they fucked me and my entire friends over..
Good game if you want to be mr tacticool with yourself. Shit game in 8 days

Sorry dev, i dislike this genre. Dont ever compare your game to stalker ever again to lure me into yet another bait. enjoy your game i dont care

Can I play this offline?

do you have screenshot of this container because i have a hard time believing this.
as far as i know there is the
-alpha (4 slots)
-beta (6 slots you could get that one when you maxed some trader before the quest update)
and gamma (9 slots and only for the maximum succ edition)
i dont know of any other but i havent played much since the wipe. but ahving a container bigger than that would beat the purpose of this super expensive edition


What do you guys think of the AKM so far? I'm liking it a lot. 7.62x39 HP ammo absolutely destroys anything that isn't FORT armor. Wiped a team on Shoreline last night with pic related. I wish we got a little bit more in the way of potentially reducing recoil on it, but it'd be OP as shit if you could just spray 7.62 at long range like the M4 and AK-74N can.

The Epsilon container is actually one slot smaller than the Gamma. It's 2x4, and gamma is 3x3.

Don't listen to this idiot. There's an offline mode you can enable where you can play against scavs (bots)

Your leveling and gear that you acquire isn't saved in offline mode though

It's online only and multiplayer focused

this mode will be removed later on

ok so the the epsilon is new.. ok

>What do you guys think of the AKM so far?

>can turn a 74N into stealth black beauty
>fucking akm always retains that scratched/rusted part
triggered tbqh

Yeah I really don't like how the AKM always looks like a beat up piece of shit. I'm hoping we get another variant that has a pristine receiver and dust cover.

whats with all the reddit spacing and reddit-tier blog posts in this thread

Picked it up after being pretty pessimistic. But after playing for a few hours I have to say this is probably the most unique idea for FPS MP game. The gunplay is hands down the best out there right now. The weapons handle almost as realistically as they do in real life, especially the scopes. The light rpg mechanics and loot adds a lot of depth to the game. However I don't want to play the game too much because there is still a lot of missing content.

I wish the game was bit slower, the healing mechanic is still retarded. You can run and use an IFAK to fix your leg for some reason. The fixed spawns and fixed loot locations really limits the endless the possibilities for interesting scenarios. They do need to fix the issue of exit campers and scav on scav hate crimes.

>I wish the game was bit slower
Same here, I know 45 minutes is a decent amount of time for a match but given the size of the maps and how vulnerable you really are, you wanna take it slow and check everything out. Changing it from 45 minutes to one whole hour would make a difference in my opinion. Because of how slow and vulnerable you are, I'm unmotivated to loot and just want to be cautious of other players that are carrying loot. As long as player-controlled scavs are spawning in periodically, there wouldn't be a loss of action as time went on. I think we need an hour per match, not 45 minutes

Is the Desync still terrible?

>what's with all this discussion
Fucking idiot stop letting this website make you a fag. You come on here too often

Anyone else with performance issues on Shoreline and Customs? When beta first hit, I was running high settings on all maps just fine, but now I get frame drops and lower FPS on those two maps. I'm gonna end up caving and buying another 8gb of ram.

I have an issue of the game randomly freezing during loading or when I am selecting a map to play on.

Sure, the dorms and custom office have a lot of good loot, but the bunkers and scope shack aren't too bad either.

Only half a map right now. We'll probably get access to the power plant and resort building whenever the full map gets unlocked.
Besides, the villas aren't bad and I pulled entire graphic cards out of the gymbags in the regular houses before.

High risk, high reward map.
Yes, you have to be careful as fuck not to get shot by a camper but on the other hand fort armors spawn in the shower room and I saw an AS VAL in the ruined office.
Find the Factory key or throw grenades in the exit room if you hear shots coming from inside the unlocked exit.

Not to mention the 4 safes in those two villa houses. I pulled two cat statues and a lion statue out of those in a single raid last night. Not to mention the gold chain potential.

It's very unpredictable but seems to relate to the size of a map and the number of players spawning at the same time. It's especially bad when you spawn as PMC on a big map like shoreline but it doesnt happen always either.

>Raiding the villas with a friend
The weird thing is that 90% of the time nobody bothers with those high value loot places. It seems like most players just sprint towards the exit while farming whatever PMCs and scavs they come across.

>Open beta is supposedly planned for end of this year/beginning of the next, and we're still waiting for the second half of Shoreline.
Doesn't the fact that vanilla content is still in development mean that the game is still in alpha? As i understand it games aren't actually in the beta phase until they are content complete and beta is where the majority of bugfixing and polish takes place.

This thread is honestly infested with shills.

>62 posts
>25 posters

Also look how most of the thread is written, its shillcity.

Yeah I dunno. Once you reach a certain point with your stash, you stop going for loot very often and just look for PVP, but I doubt most people are at that point yet. I barely find any good PVP 'cause most people are running around with scav gear or hatchets, so I would think lots of people would be heading for those right now. I really do hate how people just beeline for exits though. Outside of doing it for specific tasks, it's probably the same people who spend weeks doing hatchet runs because they suck shit at the game.

Yeah I tend to call the EFT beta, alpha 2.0. They call it a beta, but in a traditional sense, it's really alpha.

Core features are there but plenty are not or not fully implemented. Content is barebones.

Mostly feature complete and at least core content is present.

Right now Tarkov is somewhere between the two, especially with features like player hideouts, flea market and trader services not yet being a thing. In terms of content its already beta. Though, most videogame open betas tend to happen when 95% of the game was done with only 10% in the beta. Usually this is done to stress test backend servers, drive up hype and pre-orders or to act as a today's version of a demo.

How does one avoid getting 180 1 banged by scavs? I seem to lose firefights to scavs more than players, i'm certain i've died more times to scavs than players anyway.

Scavs did shit like all the time a few months ago. Not so much anymore but instead they've gotten better at patrols and camping.

As it is dont make too much noise, use cover whenever possible and go for a clean headshot before they are aware of you.
Once they know where you are they will blast away every time you so much as peek around a corner. Your best bet is to change position and flank them, though breaking sight with scavs is also risky. They now try to flank as well and actively look for hiding places behind cover, corners and bushes.
Supposedly they infrared-xray sight has been fixed so they'll no longer spot you through thick vegetation in the middle of the night. Their reaction time has always gotten slower unless they are already aware of you.

That's the average numbers for game/theme specific threads of this size, though I'm also 95% sure the thread is made by shills. Not the first time either.

Keep your distance; use cover; don't stand still for too long; retreat and flank when you feel you need to.

play at night

I've always found this boards connotations with shills pants-on-head retarded. I understand that there ARE shills, but shills are often required for games that are flat out bad. You really don't think that there are players ecstatic about Tarkov? It's not a bad game by any means. Just because somebody is possibly samefagging doesn't mean it's a shill. You guys are ridiculously paranoid when it comes to this shit, I don't know why you guys think anybody, especially developers, actually cares what Sup Forums thinks

It really is disappointing how small the stash is for people you didn't drop 100+ on this game. Kinda kills my reason to play the game until they introduce a way to make it larger.

The thing that I think is funny is that there a lot of posts in the thread addressing the numerous faults of the game, like desync and missing content, and people are still crying shill.

Yeah the small stash for those of us who didn't wallet drop on the game is absolute fucking cancer. Upgradeable stash size can't come soon enough, but I think I heard that the hideout has been delayed until full release instead of open beta, so fuck us I guess.

I don't understand people's issue with the standard stash. Sell your huge blue bags that make you stick out from a mile away and use the transporter bag from scavs, you don't need more space than that + a vest. You should basically be dressing as a scav until you can comfortably afford to upgrade your weapon and mod arsenal

Because either you can play as a scav or as a tricked out PMC. Not both like players with the fucking huge stashes. Right now I can fit one bag, two vests, and maybe 2-3 guns+ammo. I can't have a reserve of gear, if I die a few times its like I am starting over. The smash stashes just make it so the games are filled with hatchlings. People are too afraid to lose their gear because the small stash forces them to have nothing.

The main issue is with gear you can't just buy straight up. I have 7 sets of fort armor in my stash and 1 equipped, as well as couple extra VSSs and VALs. And it's not for a lack of using them. I've used and lost 3 VALs already since the wipe, and still have 3 left in my stash. 162 out of 230 spots in my inventory are occupied by rare shit. Then you have shit like filters or quest items (fuck these car batteries). It just sucks man. If Fort wasn't so good, I'd sell one or two, but PACA no longer does shit against most rifle cartridges.

I guess I'm not as attached to my gear as others. I view playing as a scav as a safety net, even if you go in and leave with whatever you spawn with you still have a vest and weapon + ammo for said weapon. I basically play as a scav at all times and save my PACA & helmet + AK for when I have nothing left and need to do a serious run.

The less value you put on your equipment, the more fun the game is. I enjoy hobo mode in STALKER so I have no issue with it here in Tarkov, but I understand that not everybody is going to want to play like me.

>The less value you put on your equipment
The huge stashes thats fucking easy to say, but the standard stash doesn't allow for that kind of thinking. Everytime I hear someone say "dont be attached to gear" they have the fucking $100+ massive stash.

Not buying your game, you can fuck right off.

No dude I have the $45 edition just like you and other anons. I just play hobo mode and haven't gotten to the point where I'm overrun with guns, fort armor, and other shit. I have three shotguns and a modded AKS that you start with, and hoard vests + transporter bags. I haven't had much of any problems with the stash size

So you play like a hobo while the huge stash guys get to play like hobos and tacticool pmcs.

Considering it takes a tremendous amount of skill and planning to get to the point where you're having to literally choose what to put and discard in your stash, I don't really care. If I'm a decked out PMC, and can only be that due to my stash size, I can just play as a scav every half hour. I got shit to do to make a half an hour pass. Having to make space for stuff is just a part of the game, just like it is in STALKER and all of its mods

Fuck this game until they let people upgrade stashes without buying maximum kike edition, it's such a fucking limiter on fun.

Isn't it russian? Better not bother.

Isn't part of the fun risking everything you have? Where is the thrill if you can just safely fall back on your unlimited supply of weapons and equipment?

Shill, it's not fun having NO room to work with in a tiny inventory. Tell me when you idiots fix the desync issues as well. also fixed loot is fucking retarded and makes it repetitive

Yes, don't trust the shills unless you fork out $120 the game is tedious as fuck with the inventory

>No room in stash
Nigga, I have literally half a dozen guns and as many rigs in my base tier stash. I keep having to sell saigas and AKMs because every scav and their entire extended family carry one now.
I keep gettings guns, rigs and armor back from raids where I died because people aren't even extracting them.

>Fixed loot
What do you mean by that?

>Nigga, I have literally half a dozen guns and as many rigs in my base tier stash.
Fucking webm now of you scrolling through your "BASE" stash with all this, or shut your mouth shill

They dont come any smaller than this.

>4 guns is half a dozen
>needing to keep two on you
>no fort armor
I assume those packs are stuffed to the brim as well

Honestly dude the fact the game makes you play musical bags to fit your shit is retarded and is clearly designed just to make people shell up for EoD edition