>release expansion all about faction war
>remove PvP servers removing all pvp in the world
i guess it was too toxic
Blizzard does bad choices
PvP is shit
They didn't remove PvP servers you fucking monkey. Shards are leagues better than what we have now or have ever had. Fuck off.
>people only flagging for PvP once they are BiS geared
wow yea so much fun!
>removing PvP
I love this false infofagging, OP.
Here's what's actually going down:
PvP is no longer going to be a server distinction. Players will now opt-in to PvP in cities or safe zones.
Once active, zones you enter will be sbarded zones only filled with other people who also opted in, cross server. This means anyone you find will be flagged for PvP, and entered ready to PvP. This allows Blizz to do some sweet shit in wPvP now, like player bounties, since anyone who doesn't opt in will be PvE and on a separate shard and thusly not affected.
The only people this hurts are wPvP shitters and greifers who stomped lowbies or people they overgeared. I don't have to guess which group the OP belongs to.
>Literally the best wPvP change in the history of Warcraft.
You don't even play this game if you think we have PvP servers currently with 8:1 disparities. They are effectively PvE realms.
People aren't going to toggle once they're best in slot, they're going to toggle for the rewards attached to PvP and that will generate conflict naturally, because retards can't play without their +20% exp buff.
>>remove PvP servers removing all pvp in the world
>Instead everybody can now flag for PvP, and flagging gives you bonuses while you level and grind
Wow, it's almost like they're trying to make PvP while levelling viable.
>The only people this hurts are wPvP shitters and greifers who stomped lowbies or people they overgeared
this is LITERALLY the point of world pvp. The reason we got battlegrounds is because people were fucking sick of zerging mill fighting endlessly. You want strucutre and competition, you do structured pvp you want to stomp scrubs and have fun you do wpvp and gank. The only people who think otherwise are children or people who are bad at one of the easiest games ever made. I dont have to guess which group you belong to faggot.
>inb4 it's a 5% more xp from killed mobs bonus
>it's only fun PvP if I can have one-sided 1v1s
Hahahahahahahahahahaha get a load of this faggot
hopefully it hits the classic servers as well so they can sperg out
I personally only do PvP when I am sure that I completly crush the enemy or its 3vs1. I loved the old StV lowbie ganking.
For me this change is very welcome.
There is 0 chance the PvP bonuses come out to be anything but net neutral if youre winning. The carebears would throw a fucking fit if you could be more efficient by PvPing
more phasing yay!
Those PvP world quests in legion right now have rewards lucrative enough to attract non-pvp sheep-players you can just swoop in and fuck around with. Hopefully they tune the BFA PvP incentives in a similar fashion.
Thanks for the thought out reply. It sounds like for me personally old wPvP is more fun though. To not kill a member of the opposing faction is a kindness and youre always in danger outside of capitals pretty much.
How would raiding cities work with this system? Only people flagged for pvp will be in the capitals or will a bunch of non flagged players run to the leader and then flag and kill it?
I only do them with the Val'kyr horn
>>cross server
What is the point then?
What is the fucking point.
>I can't PvP unless it's against someone 20 levels below me
Nice of you to clear that up.
Some servers are entirely dominated by Horde, some by Alliance. It is literally impossible to WPVP on those realms. It's not underdog. It's complete suicide.
>ganking faggot mad he can't unfairly destroy people anymore
what a fucking loser
the only fun parts of wow are getting kills and gear. making long lasting friendships is a waste of time
Removal of world PvP is the least of that expansion's issues.
>no new class
>no new race (allied races are literally TOR-tier recolor of existing playable races)
>le horde vs alliance maymay as the core of the story
>artifact necklace, unironically legion 2.0 weapons but without the need for blizzard to spend time on new art assets.
I probably left out somethings, it was such a forgettable boring reveal. About the only thing I liked was Zandalar zone. This expansion is literally WoD 2.0 except somehow even less interesting. At least WoD had a lot of old lore characters from Warcraft games brought back to get butchered by nu-blizzard. This is just fanfic tier shit with muh stronk undead skank vs muh tranny boiprince.
That's pretty fun for a giggle or two. No one ever expects being ganked by their own faction at the warden towers.
Cities are still the way they've always been. Walking into the enemy capital even on a pve server flags you for pvp.
Its good for people from uneven servers.
>all the loser gankers salty about this
get fucked degenerates
>>artifact necklace, unironically legion 2.0 weapons but without the need for blizzard to spend time on new art assets
>without new art assets
Are you retarded?
TBC didn't have a new class either
>no new race
Allied races have their own class restrictions and racials, they are effectively the same as adding new races.
>opt in
So you're literally adopting the same rules as a PvE server. Which means removing PvP servers.
Stop shilling so hard.
>The carebears would throw a fucking fit if you could be more efficient by PvPing
Oh fuck off, people who hate PvP and had always been on a PvE server should not have to sacrifice for faggot pvp'rs. It's a stupid system to incentivize playing one way or another. They should give you PvP currency or some other PvP related buff. Keep the two things separate. There are a lot of people that can't stand PvP and have in more than one occasion been forced to do PvP related material for PvE progression (Mists legendary quest line for example).
We don't need another DH/DK meme.
6 new races.
Core of the game, you mean.
It's better than artifact weapons.
I will smash your fucking head and eat whatever comes out if you make this thread again
Fuck off.
It had two new races and the option for Horde to play Paladin and Alliance to play Shaman. Not to mention the introduction of flying and arenas. BC had a lot more going for it. It was also pretty hype lorewise.
In other words Blizzard made a change to appeal to triggered SJW snowflakes who couldn't adapt to an environment, that's the bottom line here and why SJWs are fucking cancer that ruin games and game companies. This is why anti-SJWs are on the rise, why Trump won, and why he'll win again in 2020.
>new races
those are reskins
so this is the typical shitter who only plays "hero" classes and nothing else
uninstall, the game will be better off without subhumans like you
>reading shit they've implemented over the years
>gear doesn't matter anymore in pvp
what the fuck???? did they forget this game is an rpg and not call of duty?
Holy fuck, Blizzshills are literally brain washed. You can't be serious. They are quite literally reskinned old races. Nightborne are literally Nightelves, Void Elves are identical to Blood Elves with a Death Knight skin tones. Who gives a shit about some meme racial.
>people getting camped by players with 30 levels and BiS gear on them
wow yea so much fun!
>i guess it was too toxic
Remember, this is the same company that's cracking down on Overwatch to create a safespace for SJW faggots who can't adapt and use the mute/report button, and the same company that had a "Diversity is our strength" panel during one of their major events.
When SJWs are represented in ANY major gaming decision it's always fucking terrible. Pray Blizzard stops being such SJW cancer so they can stop fucking up their games.
No, just someone that wont pay $15 to a developer that clearly doesn't care anymore. Ironically I don't even play the hero classes. I've only consistantly played Warrior/Mage/Druid since vanilla. Just because I don't care for hero classes doesn't mean I think they shouldn't be added. It's an incentive to come back and try them out. It also actually feels like having something new. Unlike getting some new zone and the same old hamster wheel. You guys are fucking drones. Pure and simple. You'll be paying for loot boxes with epic gear when Blizzard decides to introduce those into the game as well.
Incorrect, and I'm not shilling. The PvE server rules let you flag or deflag at will from any zone anywhere, and current cross realm grouping also has you able to "hop" from PvP to PvE servers.
This will not be the case. Much like talent changing, you can only make this choice in cities, and any realms you hop to will also be PvP shards of those realms until you opt back out at a city.
This solves a huge list of problems, including but not limited to:
>Horrendously imbalanced PvP pop servers (Sargeras for Alliance, Illidan for Horde come to mind)
>wPvP exclusive content in a space where it won't affect PvE players
There's a lot to like.
They wanted to make PvP serious and serious PvP has to be skill over gear
>haha here is a 7mil shuriken storm have fun bro-with-only-5mil-hp
no they removed any kind of brainpower and preparation you needed, they even removed gems and enchants and just normalized everything, so that brainlet plebs can just "jump right in" to their dumbed down babby game, a huge part of skill is previous preparation btw
Hero classes should be thing but they should be hard to get.
Like getting class to max level and then doing special quests to turn your class into Hero class(when sacrificing your current character or something).
Gear hasn't mattered in PvP for years.
Everyone basically gets scaled to each other to put them on even grounds as far as gear goes.
I'm just mad we are getting fucking artifact garbage again. Its what killed Legion and it was nothing other then a time sink and a terrible one at that.
Just give us an expansion without shitty gimmicks like Garrisons and artifacts and a story that tries to make you into the fucking messiah
I like your idea but that isn't feasable for an MMO. Imagine a Blizzard-esque end game legendary quest line. Were you have to gear up you character with at least heroic raid tier item level. Raid for about 6 months to get flagged so you can then delete you character and use him as your base for unlocking a hero class. Not to mention that hero class could not be more OP than normal classes or it would cause massive butthurt from the rest of player base or everyone would play that hero class. It wouldn't work for an MMO.
It be cool as hell for a dungeon crawler game like Diablo or an RPG though.
Nah man, It's all ogre. It's the same shit with flying. Once you open pandoras box you can't close it again. They saw that the majority of the playerbase ate up their shitty artifact grind system and it's an easy way for them to artificially gate content. They will keep milking iterations of that system until the servers shut down.
I see someone hasn't done any wPvP in Legion whatsoever, where none of this happens.
The best part of Everquest was/is AA,
AP is the same idea as that, dull implementation aside.
I don't know why people are so opposed to progression at the level cap.
If these aren't in fact the same triggered shithead, here's a heads up.
Catering to "S j w"s, or more correctly, NOT catering to any specific group is bad business. No proper company goes out and straight up says "Hey X group, we don't want your money."
Blizz does progressive, positive PR snd hiring, and still churns own nice shit like in HotS that would trigger any feminist or "S j w".
You're just not seeing past the screen, probably because you are an idiot.
Well there were jedi in the old SW MMO.
Also new char would keep all rep it would be more like prestige class just hard to get.
I mean what is the other point that bragging right?
>hurr flying pandora's box
Stop mindlessly regurgitating Blizzard talking points. Vanilla was fine without flying because it was a completely different game. There were 50 zones, it took the average player 10-15 days /played to even get to max level. It was about going on an adventure through Azeroth.
Modern WoW is a theme park all about grinding the same dailies/heroics/raids day after day after day. 5 zones full of cinematic set piece quest lines. Traveling between the same daily quests for the 200th time is not content, the only reason Blizzard pretends it is is because removing flying drastically increases downtime for players. It's padding out their user activity metrics for the shareholders, it has nothing to do with gameplay.
True, I did play a little bit of SW: Galaxies but it was right before I started playing Classic WoW so I didn't get very far. I remember hearing from players that Jedi's killed the game though.
Nah it was after they remake the game so anyone could be a jedi.
That patch fucked everything.
Ohh that would make sense. With all those people that put hours into the grind only to have it be meaningless later on. The housing and space battles were pretty cool though. I remember having a lot of fun on my shitty starfighter.
>Gankshitters bitching about how they wont be able to gank lowbies anymore to stroke their ePeens
Oh no, you might actually have to PvP with people who *gasp* ARE ACTUALLY PREPARED TO PvP. THE HORROR.
>"Gee, I want to PVP when I finally hit 110 but you know what's better? Being camped endlessly by a 110 Rogue while I am trying to quest and level a class I never played before!"
t. noone
what is this lame ass shit.
where is the danger, where is anything, Opt-in? as in you can Opt-out, no nothing will happen to you, no pressure, no danger..
this is the lamest, gayest shit i have ever heard, SURE FEELS LIKE A BATTLE FOR ASS-UR-OTH
>Who gives a shit? Blizzard can't balance the classes they DO have. And apparently they won't ever fix warlock because they're 'happy" with them.
>three "reskins" for each faction basically equals one fully new race.
>The most Kino of expansions focused on the Horde vs Alliance war and ended with old-god BS, exact same as BfA
>artifact necklace is literally better than artifact weapons and still keeps the "level ups past max level" experience
BfA feels like it's going to be better than legion and hopefully on the same tier of MoP.
5 Reskins and 1 new race, Zandalar Troll is far from a reskin.
>ganking is fine in classic but retail is where it is a dick move
i don't understand
>removed gems
>removed enchants
Haha, what? They removed professions too?
Nightborne aren't reskins either really, they have a distinct rig from Night Elves.
Zandalar troll is literally the Night Elf skeleton with troll features. You have to be tearing up from gagging on Blizzcock to not see this.
Resource competition.
World bosses.
Rare spawns.
Fishing tournaments.
As someone who can clearly see the "reskins" are literally that, they at least have different racials. And since there's six of them they're just as valuable as two new races.
Plus they're adding upright orcs and superbuff humans. That's "eight" mini-races. The fuck else do you want? Ogres and Naga as a race is a meme.
Why complain about the skeleton? It's the animation work that matters.
If it's as lazy as the Jinyu, obviously it's an issue.
But it's still not nearly as reskin as Dark Iron Dwarves, Highmountain Tauren, Dranei with Beards or DK skinned Belves.
Additionally, I wish I could choke on Blizzcock. Feeling about as lukewarm about all of it as I did with MoP. Not a single feature is really worth getting excited about. "The same ol', just doesn't have much a ring to it.
I mean, lore wise this makes sense.
To be fair zero people level through questing nowadays, since queueing up for PvP or Dungeons is just better. Not that that's a fucking good thing.
Maybe this will change with the world scaling in the expansion though, that might be nice. My biggest problem doing the quests was queuing up for a dungeon and questing while it ticked down, only I'd inevitably level from the dungeon and suddenly be too high for the quests I was doing. Even just following the quests with heirlooms didn't flow quite right because that +~50% was enough to make you outlevel the zone before you were done.
>low pop 3:2 server crs an extremely high pop 1:11
Before flying, doing anything was fucking impossible. I didn't pay for this, I paid for and joined a low pop mostly balanced server.
I then discovered how ridiculous server hopping is and now I'm pretty much on a pve server when doing wqs
The scaling works for dungeons as well, so they will be more diverse and quicker to queue into, making them even more appealing.
Zones scaling should make questing between dungeons more viable though.
Miss me yet?
God, no. It's your fault we had the worst ending to an expansion, the worst expansion to follow, and a whole slew of other bullshit. Fuck you and stay dead.
I miss Garry bullying me for playing a Pandaren. His dialogue was always fun to read.
Guys what if blizzard is tired of making new expansions, and made this reveal tarsh on purpose, so people get hyped for classic only, which would be way easier and cheaper to run than making a whole new expansion. Not to mention the insane hype it generated, and the potential to jew out people even more for classic.
>t. Anduin 'the boipucci king' Wrynn
>whining this hard on a gasket-painting forum
holy shit dude calm down, just play classic servers...you arent a casual retail faggot are you?
>being so much of a nostalgiacuck that he thinks Blizzard would kill WoW to bring back Classic WoW.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? I played vanilla it was a great experience back then. I'd rather put 9 inch nails through my balls than play that garbage again today. Blizzard wouldn't intentionally murder their cashcow to get people hyped for something a small minority of mouthbreathing neckbeards want.
Classic is going to be very niche, and Blizz knows this.
>this is it. WAR! horde vs alliance epic warfare
>20 man pve instance
It's fucking stupid, right?
At least they're ""considering"" a PvP off-shoot.
I wish I was this retarded. Life must be way easier.
Nobody cares since they announced legacy servers. Retail is literally irrelevant now.
I enjoy the tears of gankers.
Cry more about how you actually have to fight people who can fight back now, kid.
Alright so I've read a ton of threads on the wow forums, mmo champ and now some Sup Forums threads and are the changes that need to be made according to the overall classic community.
Many revisions done and things retracted.
>LFG tool most likely through addon
>better mail system
>no regreants
>60 minute buffs
>mage tables
>no more soul shards
>no hunter ammo
>itemization overhaul (no more paladins in cloth warriors in leather etc)
>updated models toggle *universally wanted
>Cheaper level 40 mount
>more quests, quest chains with no backtracking.
>AV timer
>more than 2 drops per boss
>reverse timewalking (modern day raids in vanilla)
>new raids later
>newer classes added in somehow *universally wanted
>hunter pets immune to aoe from pve sources
>pvp system revamp (honor points some way to buy pvp gear)
>guild banks
>dual spec
>more graveyards
>improved AH
>aoe looting
>improved interface (autoloot options)
>more flight masters
>progressive patches from the start
What do you think, anything else I'm missing before we send this to blizz?
bait picture and bait pasta this is gud senpai
anyway got more of these desu school girls or sauce?
it's OC that i took while teaching english in korea
Agreed. People are fucking faggots these days. The possibility of being attacked anywhere you go without consent is what makes an mmo fun. "B.bbut muh griefing" get a group and fight back ffs. In archeage not only could you be killed, but you could lose hundreds of gold, yeah it sucked but its also made things exciting. Mmo's have been destroyed by normies and now most games dont even have a fucking pvp server.
>cross server
I fucking hate cross server so god damn much
Remember, only gank with her consent kids!
>fight back ffs.
What a waste of time. I usually sit down or jump off a cliff or something so it's over faster.
these crybaby faggots should try eve online sometime, id love to see them kill themselves when they get legally ganked and lose months of hard work
in eve we have a saying: "harden the fuck up" - this is something you wowbabbies need to do, instead of slurping down every shit decision nubliz makes to ruin wow further
I bet you're swedish