New COMMAND&CONQUER/RTS in the works

>"Veteran strategy game designer Greg Black, who worked on many RTS titles at EA before spending the last 9 years at Blizzard working on Starcraft II, has rejoined Electronic Arts. It's entirely possible that his first game back at EA would be a reboot or revamp of the dormant Command & Conquer franchise"

>"Greg Black worked at EA since before the 2000s, contributing or designing for the likes of Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge, Lord of the Rings: Battle For Middle-Earth II, Command & Conquer 3, and left after the completion of Red Alert 3 in 2008. Since then he's been working for Blizzard on StarCraft II, but now that the series has finished he's left the company. We speculate that it would take something particularly exciting to tempt him back to EA, and that can only be a revamp or reboot of the Command & Conquer franchise. "

What will we get senpaitachi? Are you hyped?

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Are you retarded? Why would anybody be hyped for any game from EA, let alone a fucking C&C game after the abomination that was Tiberium Twilight?

>last projects were RA3 and SC2.


Yay! After the unholy abortion that was C&C 4 we get a new game with loot crates, dlc and a buggy always online client! Hyped!


They'll fuck it up as always. Also enjoy game filled with dlc and other paid shits because rts won't sell good anymore

Dear lord, they will try to make a generals 2 again with the same dumbed down art and skins.

I'm happy, actually. Whatever it is it can't be worse than Tiberian Tw*light. C&C deserves better than to have that as it's last game.

>killed westwood
>Retarded RE3
>This guy returns to EA
>Want to reboot C&C
Uh huh
I dont see any game, just microtransaction

I wouldn't want a modern RTS Esports take on Command and Conquer, that's all we would get out of EA.

>non stop generoc "save RTS" threads pops up
>EA releases a new RTS to save the genre
Really makes you think.

You should be angry user, is fucking modern EA, do you even know why we hate modern EA?

No way, i won't believe they lurk Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is tsundere.

No, please no. Let it rest.
>lootbox units
>c&c pathfinding

I'm not going to be cheering unless the C&C license is ends up to Petroglyph's hands (which probably won't happen, I don't see EA letting go of it nor do I think Petroglyph is willing to purchase it for what would probably be a ridiculous sum of money). Sure, Petroglyph's record has not been that stellar, either, but I'd rather have the remnants of Westwood make a try than witness more travesty from those who killed off my favourite RTS game studio.


>Battle for Middle Earth 2
Also C&C3, Generals and RA3 were good RTS and everyone who says that after Westwood died so did the series, can go back to playing Grey Goo.

I believe. RA3 was fun despite all the contrarians, C&C 3 was very good too especially with KW, and gen2 looked promising before it all came crushing down with C&C 4. Let's give it some time before we cast judgements ok

>the random crates in the maps are now lootbox based, you have to pay for the privilege of one spawning per match to get 500 tiberium, a rank up or nothing.

>Trusting EA game on making a new RTS
It's either a moba or another hybrid fiasco like DoW3 and it's gonna be filled with microtransactions.I simply cannot see EA going for a pure rts game given their history and business behavior.

>Are you hyped?
Naw it will just kill the dev just like every other one it has before.

I hope for a full reboot. Start at C&C 1 again. Get Kane back. Have 2 armies. Tiberium. Make an expansion. Ignore all esport.

But of course it wont happen...

>it's going to be uncancelled p2w generals 2 but with lootboxes

>generals 2
I'm excited yet horrified by the idea. (To start with, the GLA will have to be scrapped.)

Who is Greg Black? Was he anyone important in Westwood or did they just wanted to use someone who used to be on the team as a marketing ploy?

What's the reason to reboot C&C?
You have Zero Hour and RA2/YR and their shittons of mods. You have RA3 for the gooks, and C&C3 for the unit squad shit.

What fucking reason is there to make a new game or reboot anything? It's a series that has every niche want out of the game specifically handled. There's no fucking reason to make another game.

Rise of the Reds, Condition Zero and Shockwave fill every niche you'd need for Generals (as well as Pro-Gen if you want more hilariously broken shit) and the various all-stars mods for RA2 and Generals fufill the "bring the old guys into the new shit" niche.

>What's the reason to reboot C&C?
If they do it: money. You're naturally viewing this from the perspective of someone who plays video games; EA's only concern is making as much money as possible as quickly as possible. Going back to play your old games is reasonable, but that does nothing for EA's profits.

>"We are basing the factions on the modern day political climate," says Greg.
>"You can play as the USA, or the drumpfkins as we call them at the office. Of course we have ISIS, North Korea and also China. Russia, led by comrade Putin is also in the game. The story in the campaign focuses on the second year of Trump as president, coaxing North Korea into launching a nuclear missile via Twitter. This led to retaliation strikes, and China was brought into the war as allies with North Korea. Russia plays a more neutral role, trying to take advantage of the chaos, but also defending against China."

that's what pisses me the fuck off

Gaming as a whole needs to stop being viewed as another way to make profits because then people like EA or Ubisoft will just shit out low-effort games like Ass Creed, Watch Dongs, or cut corners and effectively hurt games in the lng run like Titanfall 2 and how shockingly little advertising it got.

>Tiberium Twilight

When I turn my head to the right, I can see it on my shelf. I actually spent money on this abomination from hell. Whenever I look at it I feel very dirty. Fuck, I gotta take a shower now

Needs a bingo table
>Competitive Matchmaking
>"Made with E-Sports in mind
>"Created with new and old players in mind"
And so on, and so on, and so on

I would play this.

oh god don't fucking remind me

i'm as excited for this new C&C as I am for the new AoE: not at all. if we get a nice surprise, then good. otherwise i expect complete, total and utter garbage

>Why would anybody be hyped for any game from EA, let alone a fucking C&C game

Because C&C is the only franchise EA gives the slightest fuck about, created all the best ones in the series, continues to try and revive it and made quite a bunch of games at a deficit (they literally continued making these games despite the fact they were not making any profits).

Twilight is the product of the Global financial crisis hitting them hard, thus putting anything that doesn't turn enough profits on the chopping block to keep the company alive (and guess what, these projects were in the red, thus the first to go).

Shut the fuck up. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Every good C&C game that involved EA was done either entirely or at least majorly by old westwood devs. C&C Generals, for example, a game I consider to be fucking perfect, was made by Westwood, and was developed for so long that it's concept art and design documents still have Westwood's old logos on them.

When C&C started dipping in quality, you could tell it was because EA execs wanted to appeal to demographics that weren't playing C&C and stopped giving them the proper artistic control over their franchise.

Look up the development issues in Generals 2, you'll see what I mean.

You've earned it.

countersage, suck my ass.