>the new historical total war game is a campaign for rome 2
Thanks CA.
>the new historical total war game is a campaign for rome 2
Thanks CA.
what did they mean by this?
They literally confirmed it awhile ago that it was a DLC for an old game you stupid cunt.
Also what is exactly wrong with this? It's a cool period, set in between the Two Empires period and Charlemange. Perfect.
I like historical titles and warhammer titles
Why can't we all just get along
U cucks wil stil buy this hahehaeee
Wouldn't have minded if they'd have picked a good Fantasy setting, desu. Not the MLP of Fantasy Settings. It's weird how both period Warhammer fan-bases are such utter cancer.
I think it's freeLC
fantasybros win again
>expecting free dlc from creative assembly
>the same company that makes you pay for blood in a war game
it is free you dumb faggot
>the historical total war virgin
>the warhammer total war chad
CA knows their audience. I predict the next game after Total War (3) will be another popular titel with multiple factions and we will see DLCs/multiple games again.
Probably LotR or GoT. Maybe 40k.
No user, you're the dumb faggot.
Does anyone actually play these shitty campaign packs over the grand campaign?
>Historycucks will buy this
I do.
>Caesar in Gaul only because the complete bullshit of Gallic rebellion is actually the only challenge I find in the whole game
But why is this not being released for Attila?
I'm guessing because Attila runs like complete fucking garbage, despite looking the same as Rome 2 it runs far worse and they were not bothered fixing it.
>playing total war after rome 1
lel how's that shit taste?
You already bought Attila, user, there'd be no point in selling you Total War: Attila: Proto-Attila Edition: The DLC
>But why is this not being released for Attila?
Attila sold like shit, it just doesn't have the install base that it would make sense to try to market an expansion for it. Of course the fact that Attila sold like shit is completely thanks to Rome 2 being a steaming pile of garbage which turned off many people from the series.
You're either a histcuck or a fantasyfag, no middle ground here boyo
Warhammer isn't too bad if you have the shekels for the DLC races.
Too bad the game still has that disgusting yellow pissfilter
I know it's still going to be ruined by ability spam "strategy", loose unit formations and maybe even crazy DLC practices (DLCeption).
The last good TW was Shogun 2...
No it doesn't, they removed it with the Emperor Edition patch like 2 years ago.
No, it's still there. Check the desert and mediterranean maps. You need to fiddle around with ENBs to nuke it, but it still looks off. I dont understand why they just couldnt keep shogun IIs colors.
I'm talking about the original filter then, the one that made the entire game dark purple. I don't mind a warm filter for desert maps but the purple filter was unacceptable.
I'm playing ME now.
Are the DLC races any good?
Apparently the Beastmen and Chaos lack a important update.
The Wood Elves I initally wrote off, but then I saw they get giant trents and dryads and whatnot, which seems really cool.
>empire divided
>rome 2 dlc
>not atilla
Purple was for the northern maps I think. Either way, the game took a massive hit visually.
Lol such impotent rage. Keep bitching, faggot.
Will it still use the same terrible engine?
>will DLC use the same engine
>DLC is for a game that sold millions and still has loads of regular players
Truly nobody could have forseen this
Why Rome 2 and not Attila though
Even CA realizes attila runs like garbage
Why not announce and release the DLC at the same fucking time? Nov 30th? For what purpose.
The last good Total War was Napoleon
Honestly historycucks should just be happy with whatever scraps they get.
>The last good Total War was Atilla
The financial failure for Atilla proved historyfags deserve what they get from now on. They don't support good games, just the settings.
Atilla was an awful setting though.
Maybe CA shouldve bothered to actually test and optimize their games first.
Attila sold like shit because Rome 2 destroyed everyones hopes and dreams.
Why buy another ''roman'' game with Rome 2 being so shit?
Warhammer sold better because it was unrelated to all that.
Thanks for proving my point lad. Historyfags deserve the shit CA serves them.
but Rome II with DeI if unironically the best Warscape Total War
>time period not done before
>It's another game set during the roman period
What did they mean with this?
the blood dlc was there to circumvent PEGI age restrictions
Warhammer is so good that I don't care if they never do historical games again. I liked the historical games as well, but the fantasy creatures and units are so much more diverse and interesting than the purely human factions.
>The entire Roman Empire was one period
Contrary to many other TW grognards, I don't mind Warhammer. It was something new and interesting. Damn shame that rampant capitalism ruined it, much like GW itself.
Same terrible engine. At least get it right.
Tfw you can enjoy both history and fantasy, realize rome 2 was good after EE, and your not some shit taste virgin or poor fag that bitchs about ever little fucking thing because you can still enjoy fun.
Beastmen were good before the update
Chaos really needs to update to be worth playing
Wood Elves are great
There are two people that buy CA products. Historyfags and TW fans. One enjoyably posts and talks about TW. The other are historyfags.
>terrible engine
Warscape has had good games, it just needs polish.
I saw people proclaiming it would be new content for Medieval 2.
These people were fucking stupid. Of course it was going to be for Rome 2. Shogun 2 is complete, and Atilla is fine where it is. Rome 2 on the other hand has hundreds of years to draw from in campaigns.
Personally, I want a renaissance period historic game. CA would do it well.
Is norsca update coming soon? I'm impatiently waiting to click this buy button for warhammer II
100 Years War would be the best setting CA could go to. But I think we all know the new historical tentpole game will be in fucking China or some shit.
Your talking to brainlets user. Im sure they don't realize that 3$ is a token amout that after steam and credit charges CA maybe sees $.50
CA needs BADLY to get some sort of stack-limits.
No date on it yet.
If you finish the ME campaign as another race it will probably come out before you're done.
I just want empire II or victoria
You idiot. I meant this is not their 'next historical game'. This is a DLC. This is not standalone. The standalone will be a new era. Rumours say Pike and Shot.
This desu
Not free dlc, but free upgrade to the engine i think.
China would be fucking awesome. They've never done China yet, and there are lots of interesting things to cover.
A middle east focused one would be great as well.
Hundred years war would be cool too.
The next standalone will be on the British Isles based off of Atilla. The next brand new historical title is yet to be announced or even hinted at by CA. But I hope its pike and shot as well.
>1000 years
>one period
>the roman period
Brainlet. Rome spanned many "periods" of history in its many years of existence.
Napoleon > Empire.
There. I said it. Napoleon was a better refined version of Empire and the limited scale was for the better.
That's fucking horrible. Is there a way to not download that? The Warhammer engine is pure shit and made the battles sterile and boring and campaign map runs like shit. Rome 2's gore and bodies are perfect and this will utterly ruin that.
>The next standalone will be on the British Isles based off of Atilla.
Calling it now.
>Rome 2 is old
I want to go back bros
Napoleon was better optimized, but that world map of empire though. I felt like my navy mattered and loved having colonial armies.
obviously it won't be in Europe or Japan (if we take them for their word) but what period in Chinese history? 3kingdoms? The rise of Qin? The decline of Qing in 1910s might be interesting with fall of the samurai mechancs getting recycled
I've only played Attila. Is Rome2 better? Is it faster? Is it better than Rome 1?
I'll grant you that the campaign map runs like absolute ass, especially on the AI turns. How did the engine make the battles sterile and boring though?
I could see some debate for certain units making the battle boring (Lorthern Sea Guard doing everything well, for example) but the engine seems more solid than ever.
The only period westerners know about is the Three Kingdoms, so if I have to gamble it will be Three Kingdoms: Total War
I hope they do this just to see the amount of butthurt it generates.
>When your best settlement revolts
They should just do Total War: Song of Ice and Fire already
Not better but it is fun.
Too much diplomacy and politics for CA to handle. Leave that stuff to Paradox.
Go and look at battles side by side. Warhammer has no synced combat animations and interactions between units. In addition, there is less blood and gore and far fewer bodies left behind even with thousands of troops on screen. Rome 2 is a bloodbath and the ground becomes a carpet of bodies. Changing the engine will remove all of that. Huge downgrade
>15 Euros
Were you not using the gore DLC, user?
There are synced animations/kills, tons of bodies, and an absurd amount of blood. But it's all tied into a DLC that just game out when ME did.
>not playing medieval 2
What is wrong with you?
Wow, you're an idiot.
Waring States China would be amazing.
Haven't played 2 since before that came out, but I had that DLC for the first one and it made no such improvements to the battles except for some blood stained textures and some sprays. I will sit down to try it shortly and find out if you're lying/exaggerating.
Dear god...
There is a video of a few of the animations posted on the store page. It also adds dismemberment to existing animations.
Seems perfectly normal
Historyfags will still complain at the lack of unit variety, just a bunch of chinks slaughtering each other with spears and Dao's
please share more
Lol triggered