Who else is hype for Mama Hong?

Who else is hype for Mama Hong?

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>Work on a game for seven years
>Scrap it
>Scant details released
>Use only 700-something lines of code for OW

I wonder what other Titans will resurface in some degree or another.

Do you think current Blizzard would have the ball to release a racist character like Mama Hong?

At least they didn't get rid of the artist. Pretty good art style IMO.

This is your healer for tonight.

What game?

nice tits on psyblade

I would play as Nigga Mercy

Titan, Blizzard's canceled MMO.


This, but Mama Hong could potentially be added for Overwatch.


Its from a picture of a bunch of concept OW characters

Let's come up with ebonics versions of Mercy's lines.

Porn when

I want McCloud so much but he probably won't look like that because it seems like McCree's facial hair was based on him and I doubt they'd have two heroes with "Mc" in their name. I guess they could call him Wallace or something.

OW is what became of Titans user.

Oh shit, is that the fat lady in Kungfu Hustle?

damn recluse is a nice concept
but the junker queen will do, if they ever add her


I like this healer
Thanks Doc.

I doubt they will add her because she's a part of the map in Junkertown. It would be like adding Hal-Fred Glitchbot.

Sheeeeiiiit I forgot about this flick. Probably the best scene right there

I would love that version of Symmetra as a skin. I do not like her design at all but that one looks awesome.

>Equalizer pants will never be a skin.

Is it Genji and Hanzo's mother?

You mean kino.

>artists actually drawing lewds of this nigga
For once tumblr didn't fuck it up.

Aw man, Lucio could have had a Jamaican accent too. That would have been great.

Mercy's husband?

Isn't the artist Arnold Tsang? The guy looks like a pretty big weeb (There was an interview with him and his desk was covered in One Piece figures). Might be the source of a lot of OW's anime references.

>posts Alex Jones
>but is excitedly looking up porn of a black man

I... I don't understand.

Disregard that, I don't know who I'm replying to.

I really doubt that nu-Blizzard is going to realse a skins as rasist as this.

Audience would be fucking up in arms about it.

>we have kids so young on this board they don't remember Titan and only knows OW

....what the FUCK happened

If I like, I'd fuck, if i'd fuck, I'll state that I'd fuck. Not my fault black men have shitty style in real life.

Besides seeing a masculine guy bottoming is one of the best kinks in the world. It's only natural a masculine healer is also a greedy bottom.

You can't make this shit up

Still wish they had gone with the Doc Ock look.

>the hitbox on that

Reminds me of MGR

I ain’t no miracle worker, bitch

Why do they keep fucking up

Of course not.
If old blizzard created OW it would be game of the century.


Y'all know damn well why they wouldn't give one of their characters mother fucking tentacles.

That's because it is. They even stole the body decals.

This is the gayest fucking design and I can't understand why everyone likes it

>the gayest fucking design
>I can't understand why everyone likes it
Add 2 and 2 together user, I know you can do it!



But she's not. She's conspicuously absent from the entire map, which is funny because the entire reason Junkrat and Roadhog are delivering a bomb to Junkertown is to blow her up.

Isn't she the person who speaks when the gate is opened at the first checkpoint and she says something along the lines of "You've got some nerve coming back here Junkrat" or "You're always welcome here Mako" depending on which character you're playing?

>playing lawbreakers

Why do people care so much that Moira runs like Naruto? You won't even see it when you're playing her, because the game is first person.

>post old character ideas
>the memers and autists begin jacking off to the hambeast
>we get the hambeast few months later
>two weeks in everybody forgets about it and jumps on the next hype train for crap designs
I knew doomfist wasn't the last.

I want Recluse in the game so there will be porn of her

I wonder if they would have made her the Helga for overwatch. Someone who’d oversee the the training range and emasculate your performance.

damn nigga she thicc

Ah, here comes the inevitable contrarians.

What the fuck? I just realized that Soldier 76's color scheme is literally red white and blue. He's basically the Overwatch version of Captain America.

I mean they couldn't have made it more obvious

Why do asians find le smoking abrasive landlady stereotype so funny?

Because it is funny.

Because it goes against their own stereotypes of what a woman should be.

also spelled mans laughter

Longshot and Iris get my motor running


I mean that's pretty much the only thing the shallow Overwatch fanbase wants all of the characters to be.

Woooo, mama!

wouldn't china be mad with a triad leader mom?

>people on this board complain about SJW designs en masse
>board also collectively want the fat as fuck, non white female character who's only known ability is literally MANslaughter