I unironically dont think 30fps vs 60fps makes a difference in games

I unironically dont think 30fps vs 60fps makes a difference in games

Prove me wrong

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Can we get a voteban option for unfunny shitposts please?

its a difference of 30 frames. 60-30=30. What do i win.

!voteban op (reason: faggot)

At least use webm, retard

^here we go again, 2015 posts

Y u' e i h O , I o p e e y 0 % g e w t y u.

I unironically want you to die but we can't always get what we want

Im not shitposting though. I literally see no noticeable difference. 60 fos is just a marketing and elitist buzzword

Newsflash, moron. It does make a huge difference. You're blind if you don't see this.

>I literally see no noticeable difference

Good for you user.

All the butthurt comments ITT

Of course you're right OP, but the shills gonna shill

>I literally see no noticeable difference
Hi Ubisoft!

I had a friend in university that was the same. He actually physically couldn't tell the difference. I'm sorry, might be a genetic thing.

go see a doctor

>Show the fact
>Flagged as shill
Guess you watched too many cinematic vidya instead playing it

What a pointless fucking comment. AAA and console companies would shill for "FPS doesn't make a difference". GPU and monitor manufacturers would shill for "FPS makes a difference".

It does make a difference, I just think 30fps is very playable, can't understand people who treat it like it's eye cancer.

I see a difference with 15 fps, but 30?

gifs can't run at 60fps

And autists on Sup Forums would shill for "FPS makes all the difference."

OP, are you trolling? You must be trolling. Either that or you have never seen 60fps on a 60hz monitor. Anyone who isn't dumb or blind that looks at 60fps video on a 60hz monitor will instantly see a huge difference. And the same goes for 144fps video on a 144hz monitor. The differences are dramatic, but the differences aren't going to be obvious if you look at 60fps or 144fps video samples on a 30hz monitor.

Go to an electronics store and ask to see a 60hz or 144hz monitor playing a 60fps or 144fps stream and then report back.

It's not only a visual difference. Higher framerate means more responsive gameplay as well.

anyone else getting nausea from playing games on 60fps? i also can't keep track of what happens at times and lose my focus on what im doing when playing on 60fps. might be just the fact i used to play for years on a shit laptop with shit performance

Watch 30fps till finish then 60fps for few seconds
Or you need a doctor

30 frames is livable on games like DaS but is absolute cancer for fast paced games like shooters

of course there's no difference, that gif is 30fps you moron

>uses a gif
Good bait

>Im not shitposting though. I literally see no noticeable difference

because its a joke image and all of them are running at the same amount of frames despite what its labeled as, dumbass



I don't know man, maybe it's jsut me then
Played Tribes Ascend for 2 years on a shitty laptop with around 30fps with no issues.

You must a shitty player too

>tiny bit of particles barely moving
you are like a little baitby,
watch this

Maybe, I got accused of hacking enough times though, must've been doing something right.

That is objectively false. To use fighting games as an example, each move has certain framedata that it abides by. A move could be say, -10 on block yeah? If the game ran at 30fps it would cut the amount of frames you can punish or react to the move in half making it be effectively -5 on block, making it harder to punish. Some games 60fps barely affect at all, like most turn based rpgs but to say it makes no difference at all is ignorant.

>muh 144 fps
>muh 4K

shills want you keep buying more and more powerful CPUs, GPUs, more memory, new monitors

but, games from 10 or 5 years age looked pretty good already, and graphics, while important, are not the MAIN thing in a game

Prove yourself wrong by just playing any multiplayer arena FPS at 30 fps, you dumb console child.

Come now. This is embarrassing.

60 fps looks retarded for irl shit.

If the animation like in the OP is made in 24fps or under, then it doesn't matter if the game is running at a higher framerate. It's like asking

"Who goes up an elevator faster, a normal person or an Olympic track star?"

I can understand that maybe some people just can't detect visual differences in higher framerates but the difference in responsiveness is irrefutable.

OP posted an actual game though

This is the best way to make you sure you notice a difference, OP is just shitposting.



I don't notice the difference, oily ladies too distracting

>My eyes are suboptimal

Works for me :^) 60/30 fps comparisons I can pick out which they are pretty much 100% of the time for fast motion, side by side comparisons.

I don't mind 30FPS, I find it perfectly playable in most games. But I can't say there isn't a discernible difference and absolutely prefer a higher refresh if it's at all available. It's just crazy to me that people can't see it, especially side by side; it looks like night and day to me.

30 fps looks more real than 60 fps

It's a complex question since it deals with perception, the most subjective of our senses.

If you're used to 30fps, there won't be a problem or much difference going to 60fps. But after you get used to 60fps, going back to 30fps starts to "annoy" your brain, because he's used to 60fps now.

It's the opposite with resolution. Go from a decent screen to the best screen available and it's awesome. You get used to it and now every decent screen becomes shit because you already fried your brain's perception with the amazing screen long exposure.

I wrote too much for a bait thread

what you need to understand is that making a game in this day and age targeting it at 30fps just causes certain points of the game to dip below 20fps which is genuinely damaging to the fluidity of the gameplay just look at bloodborne at launch with sections that dip below 15fps, i also don't see anything wrong with 30 but the truth is that when a developer says they are "targeting for 30 fps" your average fps will be lower than that

this tbqvh

30 fps feels more authentic

Yeah. If 60 fps is so amazing why is 30 fps the gold standard for TV/Movies. Even IMAX is 30fps and they are the pinnacle of cinema

I agree, 60 fps makes it look like toys or models

pro-tip: gifs can't display 60 fps

This. Real life is only at like 25-30 fps

yeah what's the point of displaying anything at 60fps? Just to show off your expensive machine? Get off your high horse, humans are biologically incapable of seeing at framerates that high anyway

>first half feels like my eyes are grinding on something
>other half is smooth, or at least smoother
Like, it's good for you if you don't see the fucking difference. I'm already half-spoiled with a 144hz monitor. Don't do this if you can't afford a good card, you can go back when you tried it.

30 FPS isn't the standard for films/movies, it's 24.
>comparing an all visual media to an interactive one
Piss off.

That same argument applies to devs who aim for 60fps and fail. I'd rather have stable framerate at 30 than one that goes from 60+ to less than 40 constantly.

>Stream #0:0: Video: gif, bgra, 640x360, 25 fps
>25 fps

No human has 16ms reaction times. A dozen frames would have already been displayed by the time a human reacted even if it was 30fps. Your example is bullshit.

>t. dog

it's fucking 12 for us humans

>Spend my whole life playing on screens not higher than 1366x768
>Get my first job
>I bought a ultrawide screen + a 1080p monitor
>Playing most games on it make me nauseous or give me headaches so I get headaches
>Lost my muscle memory because of the higher resolution
>tfw I play every game on a 1366x768 window

>It's the opposite with resolution
but then you go on to explain how it's the same with resolution. Did I miss something that you were trying to say?

I said

>60 fps looks retarded for irl shit.

I remember the times when 3d acceleration was in its infancy, and 20fps in contemporary 3d games was considered a pipe dream and something like 15 was considered a-Ok in the OG Voodoo days.

This combined with decades of exposure to TV makes 30fps good enough for me, and more, to be honest - feels weirnd to watch on a screen.
In most genres 30fps+++ is frankly - unnecessary outside of elitism and dick waving. You don't need 60fps in strategy games, RPG's or your standard single player games.

I do appreciate 60 in fast paced multiplayer games, for quicker control response if nothing else. And i guess that competitive E-sports gamers need each and any advantage they can get.

It does. You probably only play games in 30fps if you say shit like this.

I hope you're baiting. Just in case it's because 24 fps is the least frames you can use without your shit looking really fucking choppy. Also they use some tricks to make it looks smoother too and it works just well with 24 fps too.
For real these days i can't stand some movies because they feel too choppy for me.

Or just play on PC so you can ensure you're getting a constant framerate instead of being subject to the whim and decisions of the devs.

I meant to say it's the same. I had a brainfart

>durr real life is 30fps
>he hasn't surgically implanted mantis shrimp eyes to see in 60fps

I can't afford to keep throwing money at my pc because some devs are just that bad at optimization.

Visual comparisons are useless cause the real benefit is how it feels to play it, not how it looks like

You can't tell the difference because your arm is hiding your eyes.

>I'm an oldfag with terrible eyes, please cater to me

hur dur, playin at 30 fps, not bad
>kid, this looks like shit, you need new GPU and computer to run this game 60fps
oh geez, thanx

but, sir, looks weird now
>no worries, you need a more powerful CPU because it needs motion blur and shit to make it look like 30fps
ohhhh, thank you sir, you're the best

It must feel bad having literal down syndrome.

Then lower the graphics.

They aren't bad, most publishers just don't care. Optimizing requires that you have a "final" build (All the assets are finished) of the game to playtest and fine tune. Publishers think "final" builds are already fine to ship and that's it

>you don't need 60fps
No, YOU don't need, retard. Good for you if you think that it's elitism, but 30 fps just feel really off to me. I don't own a console exactly because of this shit.

>This many people shitpost about not being able to see the difference, when even if they actually had garbage 3rd world eyes that ACTUALLY couldn't see the difference they ignore that higher FPS means more responsive input

You're all fucking sluts for the big game companies making shittier and shitter products because you're retards with no concept of how tech works.

I play at 120 fps and turn motion blur off because motion blur is a gimmick to mask shitty framerates

>30 fps
>in 2017
Consoles, ladies and gentlemen.

>I'm a retard with no reading comprehension.

I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone, only throwing in my 3c.
I can see the difference between 30 and 60, but don't care about 60 enough to sacrifice graphical fidelity, outside multiplayer - and even that's probably placebo, since no human has a reaction time of 16ms, much less 7ms.

No its a literal empirical measure of processing speed.

> Critical thinking

Good luck out there fellow traveler...
Ignore these kinds of shitpost... all hope is gone here

That's only a final pass. It may not even be necessary because optimization is something that happens constantly throughout development, it's not something that is only done once at the end.

I think it looks nice in some games like RedOut to convey speed but otherwise I agree.

>(((You))) don't need 60fps in strategy games

IN HD 720P

> 50fps webm

good one

You can't put them all in the same video you nignog, the interpolation will make the lower framerates appear smoother than they would if the video were rendered at their native framerate.

Not him, but you really don't if it's some turn based 4X type game like Civ. Definitely want 60 FPS in an RTS though.

You aren't accounting for the start up frames or active frames of the move which give the player time to prepare to punish the move. The unsafe frames are just the window of time the other player has to input the move that will punish the unsafe one. You can still do things like buffer a motion during the block if you want to punish with a special move or super as long as the start up frames are shorter than the negative ones from your opponent.

Not him, but he's right YOU DON'T NEED IT. 30 additional frames won't make you perform any better in slow paced or point&click games - it's simply a preference we have and pretending otherwise IS elitism.

Guess you have only played fps games on consoles only then?

>60 FPS


Well game companies don't need my money either.

30 fps would be more tolerable if it actually meant a stable 30 and not with a bunch of dips in normal gameplay.