It's like Syrim but not complete shit

It's like Syrim but not complete shit

So was Calaan a bunker?

Fok u
Skyrim is a gift from the gods
Your just too much of a pleb to appreciate it

>a retarded mix of modern technology and medieval warfare
>better than anything

It's much more story driven than skyrim, the fuck are you talking about

I can't get past it's art style.
Why is torn between medieval and technology.

Fur and neon lights don't ever go together. You look like you just threw on anything.

more like fallout 4 but not awful

It's like Skyrim, but somehow even worse.

I really wanted to like this game. I really did.
But after 10 hours I just had to say enough and uninstall this piece of shit.

it's better than anything bethesda shat out.

whats wrong with it?

asking as a person thats never played

you know in skyrim when you do something like say rise to the leader of the magic school the npcs give a fuck about it, in elex they respond to almost everything. the quests and world feels connected and your decisions impact the people around it. there sure are flaws but when it comes to exploration or immersion this game is top notch. also the shitters are massive

pic related

thats a pretty big toilet user you werent kidding

The stat system is fucked up. Everything needs really high stats to wield, so that axe you found at level 1? Probably can't equip it until you are level 7.
And you pretty much need to invest points into every stat in order to get skills.
So your melee warrior with 60 str also has 40 int.
The enemies are bland and boring, prepare to fight the same monster over and over, just with higher stats.
Also if you see a rat, dog or anything on four legs really. Then expect the same move set from all of them.
Also, killing enemies hardly gives any xp at all, so just run past them and do quests instead.
That being said. The quests are pretty boring.
There are no interesting characters (including the MC).
The voice acting is horrible.
The combat is absoloute shit. I am not even joking when I say that I found Morrowind's combat to be better.

I only played it for 10 hours, so maybe it gets better. But I seriously doubt it.

>in elex they respond to almost everything. the quests and world feels connected and your decisions impact the people around it
>when it comes to exploration or immersion this game is top notch

This is such bullshit it's not even funny.

I tried playing it but the movement and animations are janky as hell. Far too bad to enjoy.

This, but unironically.

>join faction
>no name npcs from faction now speak in friendly voiced one liners to you


I decided to rat out the MURDERER that followed me like a puppy. He obviously got upset and decided to attack me. I can understand that part. But the people that I just told that he was a murderer. The same people that would surely arrest him just sat there and watched as he killed me. You would think they would arrest him at the spot. Or at the very least help the person that solved their murder case from being murdered right in front of them.

The combat looks even worse than TES combat. I'm interested in the game but I just don't think I'd enjoy doing anything when the combat is so utterly terrible.

is there any easy way to lower coldness?
i checked my cold stat and apparently mellow is considered "bad" and its pretty high on the coldness meter.

Its actually a good game that was advertised terribly and shitty cover art

>The stat system is fucked up. Everything needs really high stats to wield, so that axe you found at level 1? Probably can't equip it until you are level 7.
ELEX pots.
Also first weapon upgrade does not need high stats at all

>There are no interesting characters (including the MC).
Companions are fun and have tons of unique dialogue, which the npcs also respond in different ways to

>Also, killing enemies hardly gives any xp at all, so just run past them and do quests instead.
Wrong, only early game enemies give shit xp.
Rippers = 60, Skexs = 120, Stone Claws = 90, Mutant Bugs = 200 etc

>Also if you see a rat, dog or anything on four legs really. Then expect the same move set from all of them.
Yeah, while there are many "reskinned" enemies they often have the same animations according to their type (bird, dog, dino, humanoid, troll, rat, robot, drone, fatass etc)

>And you pretty much need to invest points into every stat in order to get skills.
And what exactly is wrong with this? Stats all cost way higher starting from 31 and 61, most first rank of skills does not require high stat investment at all considering this.

>The voice acting is horrible.
Eh, it seems mostly fine barring some.

>That being said. The quests are pretty boring.
Quests often have multiple ways of solving them, fetch quests are nowhere near as numerous as let's say Gothic 3.

This game looks like fucking garbage, how do people play this?

Coldness is only lowered by dialogue choices
Maybe you shouldn't have gulped so much alien cum like the elex junkie you are

I wish berserkers had more "techno-barbarian" look instead of plain old viking and weren't so adverse to any technology (even though they claim that they only hate elex tech)


yeah you should stick to skyrim

If the choice is between Skyrim and Elex, I would pick Skyrim every time. At least Skyrim can be enjoyable with enough mods.

Just remember to pirate Elex. Don't waste your money on these fags.

>Why is torn between medieval and technology
....because that's part of the story

bought 2 copies just for you

If you want to have that kind of shit opinion, please say that sort of thing at least 100 posts in, otherwise you disrupt the thread flow for people with good taste.


I actually avoid going even near Goliet because Ican't listen to those clips anymore.

I agree that the levelling up system is bs and way too tedious. It's way too much busy work and it takes way too long. But hey it's a german made game, you work hard you play hard

Is there a way to get more than 10 points after a finished quest?

Should’ve gone cleric

Berserkers should've been something like Horizon: Zero Dawn people but more barbarian.

>busy work
Trainers are great though.

what's up?

Two questions: Is it worth it to sell EVERY animal trophy or do any of them have any utility?
Also, I already got the Redeemer with extra companiong dmg gemstone, 2 levels of ranged weapons and mutant killer, can kill anything and precisely because of this I can't bring myself to do shit but walk around one shotting pack leaders and mutants. What do?

I only keep mandibles to make mind changer stims

Some of the amulets and drugs might require animal trophies to make but you can just buy them back or buy it from hunters anyways if needed
Basically if you arent outlaw for drugs sell all that shit

>Be faithful outlaw
>Do everything for them
>Make them rise in power and influence
Fed mana to the hybrid

Is it better than Amular?

I'm not a graphics whore.


There is no logical reason for using medieval-style arms and armour in a setting with automatic firearms

You could have prevented this.

Berserker weaponry and armor is enhanced with magic/elex.
You can literally ask that question to about two berserker npcs

the rocket

The text and message differs wildely, depending on the chosen language.
"Balance of power" vs "they are sneaky hypocrites"


Amalur is SHIT

>have to do at least THREE quests that involve killing of innocent people to join (Cleric, Stormson, separatists in the valley)
Berserkers are the worst

You don't have to do any of those to join.



Is this game worth pirating?


i am sorry user, but i am unable to read the dialogue on the left. Could you please post bigger version?
Its that guys fault for being a loser unable to learn magic. Also, by using superior berserker armour, it is completely possible to survive using melee weapons (as long as they are good quality - that is mana infused superior berserker steel)
Berserkers are literally the only faction that was able to take down Alb converter

Berserkers are just shitty Albs.

Outlaws have the best armor and the quests have been fun so far. I thought stim consumables would be a pain but you find a ton of them exploring and they're pretty easy to craft/buy.


>Shilling this hard

Fucking adorable.

What keeps me from going outlaw is the lack of magic
Using consumables as a replacer for magic seems awful