This is the shanty town of Telltale """"games"""" ladies and gentlemen

This is the shanty town of Telltale """"games"""" ladies and gentlemen

If you have any criticisms about their games, they want you to stay quiet so people will buy them, because they have families to feed. You aren't allowed to point out its flaws

Other urls found in this thread:

Context? I don't follow the walking simulator market.

Um sweetie, could you, like, not?

nobody cares about your twitter beef with telltale employees

this please

did telltale die?

>hmm my sandwiches arent selling and my workers and their families are on hard times because of it
>what do I do? Try making better sandwiches?
>no thats stupid its the customers fault that nobody is buying my sandwiches

What this dumb bimbo want? Get a new job. Tell-Tale will likely look very good on a resume.

oh no people making shitty walking simulators are no longer gonna pollute the market with their shit games :( fuck drumpf and fuck white "people"

>"Wah, my life is harder than yours"
>There are also people starving in Africa, who have to walk three hours a day just to get to the only source of fresh water for miles.
As terrible as anyone's life is at this very moment, there are people who have it much worse.

She should let everyone buckshot into her mouth for one buck if they're poor


They're just another Chinese Room about to happen. Literally no one cares about their garbage games.

>another literally who on Twitter has an opinion

Shitposting aside, I doubt anyone who got laid off at Telltale was actually responsible for how derivative their modern games have been, that's management's fault.

She's a narrative writer for the telltale batman games

I don't get social media. What the fuck is the point of those tweets?

Nothing of value was lost.

I did it for you user


It's for attention whores

Hey so um sweetie...could you like um not talk like this? It's ummm totally makes you look like a dumb cunt.

this. telltale is pretty well known company after all. i doubt it's too hard to find some random job compared to let's say working previously at random small company that no one has ever heard of.

this is the first time there have been layoffs in the entertainment industry

Telltale has no one to blame but themselves.



although the most pathetic is tweeting constantly and not getting any likes. in that case, those people usually delude themselves into thinking that just putting themselves out there is brave enough.

They do it for the (You)s of Twitter. 61 hearts saying you ordered a pizza is like crack.

Do you see those numbers in the bottom?
They're the twitter equivalent of (You)s, and just like our shitposters, lots of twats are addicted to them

>make garbage
>get called out on it
>lose job
Seems fair.
Hey um... So it's cool if you're a developer and all... But this industry has been flooded with bullshit from people who want to make movies instead of games but aren't good enough to do so... So maybe hold back on the entitlement, ok?

People without friends use it for their inane comments, somewhat like you use /v for.

imagine ordering a whole pizza for yourself lol

And apparently all of those were even worse than their regular shit.

Hey so um... someone didn't grow up at all and is able to hold a job in this industry. Or rather was, hopefully.


made me giggle

would love to see this graph go to the very beginning of the business, but i doubt anything outsold the Walking Ded.

That really hurts to looks at. I think the Batman ones were even sold as physical copies in retailers. I guess Minecraft doesnt bring in the autismobucks anymore.

>heart eyes will never be real

I don't get it, is she literally saying "How DARE you buy the games YOU want to buy? We need OURS to sell too!"

Unheard of.

I've done that before. Makes easy lunches for work for most of the week and an easy dinner.

The government should shut down Telltale “””””””””games””””””””” and send them to prison for false advertisement

>work in games development
>want job security

maybe emily grace fuckface should try to organize a union if she cares so much about the plight of workers

vapid people posting irrelevant status updates is what twitter used to be for

>no one wants to keep playing the same game over again with a different coat of paint
No fucking way


According to their Glassdoor reviews, that's literally why anyone new ever joins the company. Shit out a couple episodes of something, looks good on the resume due to their size. They hired too many people, and only now are they being forced to downsize again.

y-yeah who would ever do something like that haha, especially on Thanksgiving, no way

contact lenses exist but they're garbage when 3dpd use them

Everytime I order pizza I eat the entire thing, it's a meal.

“Narrative Designer” a literal retard could do this job. It’s like writing a book but only about 1 page worth of actual dialogue

We're looking at 20-30 years before it's possible with CRISPR. So you'll already be dead.

It's all BroTeams fault if he hasn't posted the stuff about the dead guy in batman none of this would have happened, Fucking Canadian dolphin man.

>another LITERALLY FUCKING WHO twitter screen cap thread
Fuck off and kill yourself. Please hotpockets ban this faggot.

I wouldn’t hire anyone who willingly worked for a cancer factory. It’s the vidya equivalent of having “former Auschwitz guard” on your


The same game is fine as long as it's quality. Every one of those games since Tales from the Borderlands (quality) is mediocre at best.

No, fuck off. I don't care that your friends have no jobs. that's what you get for working in an industry as volatile as the video game industry. Jobs aren't secure unless you're the top brass. If they didn't know this from the get go they have no one to blame but themselves.

Only a nigger would live miles away from their only drinkable water

The numbers are very telling but you have to remember tell tale games are sold on every home console, and mobile phones, and walking dead season 1 was only availible on pc for a while before getting ported to consoles

TWD was the worst thing that happened to them.

They rode to coattails of the TV show so fucking hard and fooled everyone into thinking they were master storytellers and then licensed the shit out of every property they could think of even though all of the games play the same and there's absolutely zero variation in storytelling.

TWD selling that hard fooled them into thinking they were good.

used to do that on weekends during my time at university, so i could spend autistic amounts of time coding


Did you even read the chain?
>I think she (and correct me if I'm wrong Emily) meant that when studios close or downsize, folks tend to gather with their hot takes and knocking the team.. "They had this coming" type stuff.. doesn't help, and arguably isn't relevant.
>That's exactly what I meant. Thank you.
Fuck off with trying to get angry at literally everything. Outrage culture in video games is absurd.

>Fucking Canadian dolphin man
>Canadian Fucking dolphin man
>dolphin Fucking Canadian man
>man Fucking Canadian dolphin
>Canadian dolphin man Fucking

This but unironically

To be fair, Walking Dead was already the same game as previous ones with a new coat of paint. It's just that the planets aligned and everything "worked".

no, what's absurd is that OP isn't permabanned for this shitposting.

Man, I wish I saved that piece of the article where some Talltale guy was talking about how Sam & Max and their other old titles weren't part of the future of their company. Honestly, any company that squanders their past titles like that does not deserve to do well in their future.

I think she's more talking about the people who say stuff like "oh they had it coming because their games are shit" when Telltale downsized and people lost their jobs. I understand the sentiment. It can't feel great to have a horde of anime avatars cheering that you lost your job. It's even worse when you consider that most of those laid off were likely low level coders, writers, artists, and QA who had little influence on the direction of the studio.

are you trying to tell me something about californians

Wow look at that, not an original fucking thing.

>Canadian man fucking dolphin

Everyone and their mum will be playing classic wow anyway

no need for other games on PC anymore

>hey so um

are you lost stormfag

yas kang slayy

>the absolute states of america

It sucks that they are downsizing.
I did enjoy all the games ive watched/played/whatever
Walking Dead
Wolf Among Us

I hope they keep making shit.

Im confused.
is it layoffs at TT or did she alone just get canned.