Tales of

If you're part of the new cancer, as in, the first game in this series you played was released AFTER Vesperia, don't comment, as your input is not only wrong, but also unwelcome.

Any hope left for this series? I thought it would surely get at least a game or two on 3DS, but all it got was an Abyss port. The last two releases were shit. The classic 2.5D Tales seems to be gone for good in favor of that horrible Graces pseudo third person shit, with the uninspired combo system to boot. Asking for a sprite Tales games a la Destiny PS2 or Eternia seems like a fucking far cry.

Granted, the series was really never anything to write home about, at least thematically, but goddamn were these games fun. Are they dead?

Other urls found in this thread:


playing tales when persona exist fucking dumb idiots

Why would I want to play Persona if I'm in the mood for an ARPG, like Tales?

Moreover, why would I play Persona when SMT exists?

Vesperia PS3 is the best 3D tales by far.

Tales is shit now.

2D tales is garbage, like literal garbage, i hope it never gets that restrictive again.

Tried to replay Symphonia recently and had to uninstall that outdated shit.

I think Graces has one of the best combat system in the series. And it gets even better when you get the accel mode. I always play tales in co-op.

>muh rose tinted glasses
Berseria, Xillia (1+2), Zestiria, Hearts R and Graces F are all fantastic. Stop being so autistic.

Berseria was the first game after Baba left and it was an improvement over Zesteria. We will never be free of cancerous DLC, but I am hopeful that the next game will be alright after it breaks free of Zestiria's world and graphical style.

Anything after Vesperia has been mediocre as fuck
Its all reused assets and phones games to make a much profit as possible with as little effort as possible
Tales is indeed dead

Any berseria bros here with solid knowledge of the game's mechanics? I have no idea how to keep a boss in a combo with Phi

Best you can do is upgrade equipment for more souls and use burst soul while next to the boss
Also its good to not spam the same moves because even though they work they're not good for combos, make sure the moves you use have a stun status effect to get some more hits and damage in
Add some quick steps in there for fast casting spells and you're set

When the fuck are they going to announce a new title though? I hope Baba LITERALLY kills himself

Reminder that Berubetto is still best tales waifu. Also good wife material.

Saying "the series died after x game" is completely wrong. Tales has always been a mixed bag of shitty, mediocre, and good titles.

Baba already ran away to a different studio. He's going to keep on living.


So when are they going to announce a new game? It has been a while now.


Symphonia is way too overrated since it suffers from "my first x" syndrome. 2D combat, in and of itself, is fucking fantastic though. I urge to play Eternia, Rebirth, or Destiny DC (best game in the series, bar none). Especially the latter, since it has the best movement options in the series.

You have literal shit taste. Graces combat is fucking babby mode that restricts your combos into trees giving you very limited options. This is bad, because the B style artes very boring to watch, and the movement options are severely limited. It's a glorified hold down square fest, and the very reason Tales became so shit. And that's without taking into account it's beyond shit story and cast.

Shit taste, kill yourself.

Only minimally. Combat is still uninspired, insipid shit with a slightly better camera. The fucking water colors that the series has been using since Graces are fucking awful. It astounds me that the best looking Tales game, Vesperia, is a fucking generation old.

The only credit I can give to Berseria is that the English voice work is stellar, and the cast seems interesting. And though most of their designs are pretty bad, the witch girl is a great character design.

Not an argument


>new game is a switch exclusive

I hate when devs just hip hop franchises on different systems and locks them

What exactly do you even mean by "the combat is uninspired"?

fuck you Tales of Xillia 2 is the best game in the series. Vesperia is good too but is just as overrated as Symphonia.

Zestiria and Beseria were brettygud compared to the two xillia.

The tales series is way, way, way too popular in Japan for it to go away. Especially Symphonia.

More like Tales of the Abysmal

Im sorry, i dint knew you had no friends to play with.

At least this boxes well for the new game being significantly different from the last few. Tales has bounced between Nintendo and Sony systems for ages. The only big leap was to Xbox exclusively for Vesperia.

>tfw you bought a 360 exclusively for TOV
>exchanged it for another
>never beat ToV


thats my favorite one too


Playing through Berseria now after not playing a single game in the series after Symphonia. I was a pretty big fan of the game but never purchased another game for whatever reason. I feel like the combat is really restrictive, I end up spamming the same combos for certain enemy types (not the same moves, same combos), and don't feel comfortable using anyone but the MC in combat. I'm having fun but these gigantic areas that take forever to walk through make the game feel like a chore. I'm 8 hours in and just got to the point where the spear girl joins the party, should I stick it out?
Side note, I really like the characterization, it's not quite full of "anime-isms" like the power of friendship so far, which is nice.

Bodes. I haven't slept in a couple days.

Wow, I'm in the same boat but never RRoD. Sorry to hear that.

>muh Vesperia

Vesperia was the worst thing to ever happen to the Tales threads.


When has a nintendo exclusive tales game ever remained exclusive? Even DotNW got ported eventually.

Not as good as Eleanor.

Everything about berseria is shit except for the characters. I would say to finish it just because the game isn't that long.

Why can't we just like different things while all agreeing that Zestiria was garbage?


Don't ever post on my board ever again

How much game do I have left? I'm still unlocking combat features which is kind of annoying desu

>Legendianon gets all the credit for Legendia's love
There are at least three big Legendia fans on Sup Forums including myself.

Because Tales threads are forever ruined due to Vesperia. Vesperia is put on a pedestal and treated as God's gift to humanity and every Tales afterwards is put up against it.

I like all of the tales games. Including DotNW, Zestiria, and Link.

Tales has been a shovelware JRPG after Symphonia

Everything before that was pretty decent though

Where the fuck is the new Tales? Are they trying for more dev time or something? It's not gonna live up anyway.


Probably around 15 hours or so if you don't do any extra stuff

Gotta get that planning time in for the season pass

I love it despite its clear flaws.


Friendly reminder:

Destiny Director's cut=Vesperia=Rebirth>Destiny 2=Narikiri Dungeon X=Hearts R>Eternia>Xillia 2>Xillia>TotW3>Phantasia PSP>Innocence R>Graces>TotW2>Abyss>TotW>Legendia>Symphonia>Symphonia 2>>>>>>>>Shit>Tempest>Nu-Tales

>skits aren't voiced in Symphonia

Seriously, any Tales game with skits that aren't voiced at all are pretty shit, and really give me no reason to watch them


>Not good

I'm especially salty about Abyss, since I love the English voice cast

>Asking for a sprite Tales games a la Destiny PS2 or Eternia seems like a fucking far cry

fuck it hurts. best looking tales game by far translation never

>any opinion other than mine is wrong and doesn't belong here

Mostly right, but Graces goes in Nu-Tales.

The cookie cutter combos, you fucking dimwit.
And yeah, Ludger is pretty fun. Nowhere near as fun as fucking up niggas in the sky with Judith though. And the fact that his best mode is a literal Gary Stu mechanic sickens me.

>b-but muh opinion
>not knowing that an opinion is formed based on claims, and that these claims can be critiqued
>not knowing how to argue
Pic related.

Everyone is too dumb to prove me wrong. I'm being kind and I'm trying to save them the embarrassment, but they won't listen to me.

>my opinion is right
>b-but yours is so WRONG

Friendly Reminder that the english patch for Tales of Destiny DC is almost done

judging from the pacing of the progress I expect it to be released sometime next year

Persona and Tales are nothing alike!
I could understand saying
>Playing final fantasy when dragon quest exists
But tales and persona have very little in common.

Tales of Destiny was my first Tales game. They don't give enough callbacks to it, which is a shame

>Playing Persona when SMT exists
you need to go back

You're one of the slow ones, right?
Never said that I was right or you wrong. All I'm saying is I can substantiate my opinions better than what you could ever hope to elucidate, and that I can mercilessly crush your infantile thoughts. Interpret that as you will.

BTW, you're still not arguing, or getting any closer to making me think you aren't a bumbling idiot that is indeed incapable of coherent and thought and thus can't formulate a simple argument about why you like the things you do.

What are your best experiences with tales games, Sup Forums? For me it was on tales of phantasia many many years ago. I stumbled unto morlia gallery severly underleveled and i autistically refused to leave, most enemies wouldn't even take damage from my attacks and they were absolutely terrifying, for me nothing will ever beat the feeling of surviving to find the wyvern at the end and barely manage to fuck him up.

>playing FF when literally any other JRPG is available
Sure 20 years ago in the west there was an excuse but the series as a whole is just not good

I NEED THIS. Looks like it got restarted a few times, that's a shame. Is the guy doing it on his own?

>Phantasia SNES nowhere to be seen

How dare you

I like Symphonia

Haters gonna hate

>not knowing that an opinion is formed based on claims, and that these claims can be critiqued.
You're one of the slow ones, right?
Never said that I was right or you wrong. All I'm saying is I can substantiate my opinions better than what you could ever hope to elucidate, and that I can mercilessly crush your infantile thoughts. Interpret that as you will.

BTW, you're still not arguing, or getting any closer to making me think you aren't a bumbling idiot that is indeed incapable of coherent and thought and thus can't formulate a simple argument about why you like the things you do.

>If you're part of the new cancer, as in, the first game in this series you played was released AFTER Vesperia

Rude, my dude

I like it too. I think it was very good at the time of it's release. I enjoyed the story and the short simple dungeons. Despite >Sakuraba, the OST was rather atmospheric. Symphonia did not age well though. The battle system is painfully clunky and it's clear how weak the party dynamic is now.

I still like it

Thats fine, its a solid game even, if it is overrated.

>Destiny Director's cut and Rebirth are JPN only

>Tales of Destiny remake on PS2 english translation still isn't finished

How playable is the game if I know the original in and out?

>Friends show me tales
>3-4 player co-op through xillia, PS3 vesperia, Symphonia, & Zestria.
>Had banter and all of us played differently making fights fun.
>All of them moved a year ago.
Shit was so much fun. I miss co-op tales so much.

Between Abyss and Symphonia I don’t really feel like I need to play any of the others desu
Symphonia has that nostalgia + story + Lloyd is muh negro
And I love Abyss’ combat as well as the hateboner I get for all the characters + the story

Everything after Vesperia looks like horseshit anyway and I’m not motivated to waste money on an Xbox, or learn moon to play vesperia

PS1 Destiny > Shitty remake

Tales of Destiny is objectively the best Tales of game.

Absolutely go straight to hell

I want to play symphonia, but when in battle, after hitting an enemy, frames drop horribly, and it ruins the game for me. It's this just a problem with the steam version? My pc should run it just fine, I really want to play the game, but I won't be able to enjoy it if I'm constantly thrown out of the immersion every battle

Nostalgiafags not welcome
After you, friendo

>wah wah, vesperia is the best
>no fuck you symphonia is the best
>fucking nostalgiafags, abyss is the best

They're all the best you dumb cunt.

I recall poor performance on pc symphonia being more or less dealt with by getting ToSfix. Try getting that if you haven't already.

Is this autism?

Must be nice having someone patient enough to play Tales with you in co-op.

Whatever happened to the tales of rebirth translation?

This. You all are pathetic.

Tales of Xillia 2 is my favorite. Come and fight me.


Gay priests not welcome


I didn't really like the menagerie outfits. How heretical is this opinion?

>AFTER Vesperia
After and including Symphonia.

Every Tales of Game released after the PS3 came out (except Graces F which is an updated rerelease) has had empty areas, a simultaneously overcomplicated and dead simple combat and even more nonsensical stories. Berseria was a step in the right direction but it was still much shittier than Graces F, Vesperia and the like

That's fine user

Graces F is just as shit as Zestiria and Berseria, you fucking cunt.