Name a better modern horror game.
>pro tip; you can't
Name a better modern horror game.
>pro tip; you can't
Wow. So difficult.
literally who
oh boy, can't wait to run away from the bad AI
>horror games
>good AI
usually there's combat or something else to make up for the fact that you're just playing hide and seek with the AI
Why was the main character so fucking stupid
"Okay, I feel like there's some messed up shit going on in this insane asylum, I'll break in and investigate"
*climbs in through window*
"Well, this place is pretty spooky, but I gotta get that scoop"
*Enters a room literally full of decapitated heads and a guy hanging from a hook*
*Guy hanging from a hook is actually alive and tell MC to gtfo*
"Well, that's not up to health standards. BETTER KEEP INVESTIGATING, GOTTA HAVE THAT SCOOP!"
fuck off shill
>Alien Isolation
>FEAR1 + xpacs
>Dead Space 1
dead space is action
the intro is retarded, like 50 things telling the MC to turn back and he just keeps going in
Beat me to SOMA.
I bought it during the halloween sale and holy shit, home run of a horror game.
>Minimal charged battery Collectathon
RE7 by far
poor man's Amnesia
Amnesia TDD is the only good lovecraftian horror game
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth was a really good Lovecraftian game imo.
Also Penumbra trilogy which came before Amnesoa
>CoC DCotE
sadly they ruined the game by giving you the ancient horror instakill zapper 3000 at the beginning of the last third.
DCotE even though it's based off Shadow over innsmouth, it doesn't have the right feel imo
I like it particularly because I am afraid to death of the ocean, won't even go more than 10 feet out at the beach
Outlast is a great B-movie fun horror. It's a norm to have retarded MC. I mean, it has NAZI NANOMACHINES - what's dumber than that?
The existential spookiness was what got me, even moreso than the ocean.
Two moments in particular.
"What was that, why was he talking?"
"Why aren't I on the ARK?"
First time in a long time a game made me feel weird for making a choice.
I kinda saw it coming from the first "coin toss" but a very fitting ending for SOMA
I was dumb and let my guard down, I'd forgotten about it by the end.
Still, gave me the heeby jeebies worse than any other game I've played.
Scanner Sombre in VR.
I can't.