Watch_Dogs 1 is free on uplay
Watch_Dogs 1 is free on uplay
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I don't care
Alright. I'll claim it, but probably never install it.
cared enough to post :^)
no thanks. id pay money not to have that shit on my gaming PC
For honor is free on Xbox one.
what about it?
So it's not free.
Only for a few days
WD is for keeps
Ah shit. If I'd have known that I wouldn't have bothered downloading it.
Yeah, I know already.
It might be $0, but you'd have to pay me to use that steaming pile of shit that is uplay.
Thanks, I guess I will check it out.
>how to spot a 230lb cuck
You have installed on your computer the malicious software of a liberal company. Who is the cuck here? 'Tis you, good sir.
So you don't have Steam installed then?
literally worse graphics than 2 even with all the mods
another worthless shit queefed by ubisoft
Also. I would not play it unless you paid me to.
You'd have to pay me AT LEAST $50 to install uplay on my pc
This is the kind of game that would be a 90 in metacritic if it was a PS4 exclusive.
Watch Dogs is also free on torrents sites and with the added benefit that it doesn't needs uplay!
He's a cuck and you are a double-cuck.
But I guess you also use Windows 10 and have Origin installed so you are even worse than that.
Uplay is significantly more invasive.
Do you have Steam installed or not?
tried uplay shit, it never connects, works for me. nope.
unironically tahnks been meaning to check this game out
Plus Ubisoft doesn't have enough games to justify an overlay. They just do it for spyware and to cut out distributor charges.
Reminder to get the E3 settings ini so the game will actually have non downgraded graphics.
Performance in this game sucks. I have a gtx 1070 and even lowering it to medium I can't keep a consistent 60 fps. It's funny because dropping the resolution to even 720p doesn't make a difference and I still get those same frame drops. This game is terribly optimized.
please tell me how?
Post dat CPU senpai.
What's so bad about Uplay? You fags probably use Steam so why the Uplay hate?
>u play
I got this game for free a few months ago
thanks xbox
Then how am I supposed to play R6 siege without uplay?
>just instal-
Chicagofag here. I've never played this, does it do our hell scape of a city justice? Doesn't FEEL like Chicago?
Man, he'll have one hell of a headache when he wakes up
>squirrel boss
>"let's get nuts!"
4690k @ 4.3 ghz
Still allows me to run pretty much every new game at 60 fps easily and even higher than 60 fps when I play with unlocked frame rate. Only exceptions are shitty optimized games like watch dogs.
How the fuck do I navigate these piece of shit software and find WatchDogs
What am I looking at here?
>the pile of other squirrels roughly in the same spot
haha holy shit.
literally on the frontpage
fuck this dog on?
this was before i had the game registered and had to use the website
fuck off cunt
>pic related
It's having a seizure.
is that dog having a seizure? it doesn't look very happy
100 grams of epillepsy
Looks like it's having some kind of epileptic fit
oh man poor doggo. Shit i thought he had 200 mg's of that dank mescaline
guess you live in a shitty region.
I'd rather force broken glass down my urethra than install uPlay.
well you suck gabens dick everyday. so you are punished enough
Nuts infused with nerve gas.
i'm a GoGfag actually
did he live happily ever after?
>nerve gas
you can clearly see the shot on the wooden wall. fuck you on user?
Silly doggo
yes. the cameraman stopped filming because he rushed over there and knitted the little guy together. good as new.
it's free on the bay too. has been since it came out.
Don't care lol
my negro wahts her name?
>Create fictional city
>Drop a handful of buildings from Chicago in it
>Call it Chicago
>bought the game on launch
>on top of it being shit, it's not free
Can I be any more cucked?
>why boner
I just want a skeleton gf.
Free weekend is also on PC
>Ask someone to make the interior for a biker bar
>Put it in the exterior for a café
>non downgraded
lol no, all this is is just dof turned up to 11.
>i've got a bone to pick with you!
STD's are free, shit for brains.
Ah, I see. That is disappointing. I was hoping i could cruise around Austin or Englewood and and lay down some street justice
Future Chicago is apparently an island in a bay, surrounded by wooded hills and tiny towns that look like they're in Vermont.
>light of the street blockade doesnt reflect in the windshield
what crappy PS2 game is this
It's not worth the bandwidth
Not understanding obvious jokes is a sign of autism, user.
Watch Dogs 2 is actually fun.
I'll be at work for the next 10 hours.
How much longer is the offer available?
I'm a chicagofag too, and no. Not enough niggas trappin hard and shooting up blocks
I'm on Uplay right now, WD is $49.99. Did I miss the giveaway?
>make passable replica of the loop
>fuck, research takes way too much effort
>let's just fill in the rest of the map with random shit and call it a day
It's until the 13th
It's alright, man.
Sweet. I always wanted to play it, I tried it a bit on my friends xbone.
How's the PC port? Can it run on toasters and craptops?
so is AIDS, doesn't mean I want to get it
Well at least they got the upsets me that I cant hit up that play ground on division and pulaski and pick up drugs tho. What a waste
That's because they hope and trust most people aren't familiar with the city so they can make it another island slum. It creates a natural barrier so they don't have to kill hardware to render it or put in invisible walls. That's why every city in every game is either on an island or has hard demarcations (city walls or just stops).
Guys out of Watchdogs 1 and 2 which one is the best? Do I need to play 1 to get 2?