What game is your favourite gf simulator? (japanese only)

What game is your favourite gf simulator? (japanese only)

>japanese only
Fuck off.
What are the good ones in English? I want a virtual gf too.

Eng sub is acceptable. But everyone knows only Japan make cute girls in games. If it's Western made then it's a no go.


True Love 98


Kana Little Sister

Obligatory pic related

The first one on the DS is "translated".

It's funny, I played that way back when it got patched, and it was awful. I've just recently started playing the 3DS version, and it's actually pretty good. Amazing what writing not done by a 5 year old with google translate will do to a game.

Artificial Academy 2

I mean, alternatively YOU could fuck off, given that OP specifically made a thread to discuss jap games.
Why come in the thread and go off topic on the first post?
Why enter a thread if you don't like what's being talked about in the OP?
Why can't you accept the fact that somebody doesn't like what you like?

>Love Plus Every coming soon
Hopefully they ruin it with microtransactions out the ass, or there goes half my free time.

This one
Someone please give me the name of this

Translation for the 3ds version when?

you cant do that in the "game"
its in really early alpha

the fuck?

OMG Sup Forums wtf? You wouldn't do this to your beloved anime girls?

When you get a real gf.

I see, never happening then

>tfw no bf to murder me and end this horrible existence

I want this "real gf" meme to die.

Any good friend simulators. Already played Little Busters and Higurashi.

It will die as soon as you get a real gf, user.


>AA 3 never
>AG 4 never

Feels bad

下級生 is great.

Not an option desu.

>Any good friend simulators

I need to know this too... f-for research!
