Vidya Cringe thread.
Vidya Cringe thread
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These are the chuckle fuck guys right? I remember seeing this picture back when everyone was still mad about Starbound.
i dont get it
That makes two of us; what are we looking at here, OP?
Look at what she is doing, and read the sign.
amerifat cant move
I want to rescue her
I can see that she's at a Jimmy John's, but what is she doing? Is she taking a shit?
what does that have to do with vidya
She's taking a free smell.
She's taking her free smell
She's shitting in public yeah.
Totally not a dude.
that's a girl (female)
she hsa nudes
man that place sucks, driest turkey sandwich i ever ate,
>That post where hosts of a Smash tournament ask participants to fucking wash themselves because the smell is unbearable.
>stinky day
>I only play mature games for mature gamers like myself
where my fellow gamers at
Fuckin' smash autists.
Why are Smash players so disgusting? This shit happens at the big tournaments too.
>Grass inside the house
S-should I take my shoes off or...?
how is being this skinnyfat even possible?
Because it's the autism of fighting games without as many black people. Which is odd in most since most communities are ruined by the addition of black people.
Post them, don't leave us hanging.
same shit with card game venues like mtg or yugioh. there is probably a huge overlap between the two crowds as well.