What do anons think of CD Projekt?

What do anons think of CD Projekt?

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Shitty devs who can only piggyback on the success and world building of others and don’t understand the term “gameplay”

Good studio that makes good games.
Are you okay?

They have good art direction (minus how every girl wielding a sword or any combat experience at all is running around in heels).

They make solid, but overrated, video games.

Great company of based slavs that don't give a fuck about modern moral sensibilities when it comes to the stories they create.

They're way to stubborn and tight-lipped when it comes to the things they create, though. Which is why we get subpar combat in Witcher 1-3 because they hold everything back until release and just go by their own vision, for good and bad.

Cyberpunk is going to come out of almost nowhere and will most likely be a great game with clunky parts because CDprojekt kept everything secret and hidden until near launch.

I like their logo.

Based as fuck, there are only two good things about Poland and they are one of them.

Quintessentially slav, ie. they manage to survive despite inherent an dysfunctional nature.

OP here again

If any anons care to, you can vote in this poll of how Sup Forums views CDPR: strawpoll.me/14353499

>16 DLCs
Are there any other than Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine?

Yeah they added new quests, kill animations and other small things

That's referring to the content that was patched in post-launch, like the alternative outfits or the Cat and Mouse quest

>Temerian Armor Set
>Beard and Hairstyle Set
>New Quest – ‘Contract: Missing Miners’
>Alternative Look for Yennefer
>Nilfgaardian Armor Set
>Elite Crossbow Set
>New Quest – ‘Fool’s Gold’
>Ballad Heroes’ Neutral Gwent Card Set
>New Quest – ‘Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear’
>Alternative Look for Triss
>New Quest – ‘Contract: Skellige’s Most Wanted’
>Skellige Armor Set
>Alternative Look for Ciri
>New Quest – ‘Where the Cat and Wolf Play…’
>New Finisher Animations

They can't create good combat in RPG even if their life depend on it. God damned it. Also witcher 3 and all of their future games will be over-invested mess of good and bad design decisions. Right now they are too big for their own good. Their writers are best when creating compact, focused stories like in tw1/tw2/hearts of stone dlc. They are shit at creating open world stories. They treat their customers like gold, but their employees like shit, don't expect many tw3 devs to stay in the company for their next games, human rotation in this company is insane also they are talented but has no management and no idea what they even doing.

why is their mascot the omsk bird

better than anything you stupid fucks can ever achieve

they are pretty good and treat customers very well, they are against DRM and pretty much everything Sup Forums likes incarnate

fuck off, they are great

Come on user.
Not a single CDPR game have or ever will have amount of style and care put into Persona 5.

This desu.
Was supposed to say this.
Though i think W1 combat was really fine, it just needed more polishing. Overall the first game was the best but it needed improvements. It was a solid base.

lol nice bait

It's a company with a clean reputation, and only solid games under their belt but since this is Sup Forums, the consensus is that it's garbage.

I wish this was a bait.
Witcher 1 had the best atmosphere because it was closest to the book but in general it was your another fantasy but more edgy with some politics on it.
Witcher 2 was Game of Thrones wannabe.
Witcher 3 was as generic as it could get. Literally Good Guys vs Bad Guys. Villain had literally 16 voicelines, 3/4 of which are used as taunts in final battle.
Their UI are total shit.
Gwent Standalone looks fucking horrible. Card Artwork looks realistic and detailed but that's it. Everything else looks like garbage.
And all of their games are Frankenstein's monsters that are a big mix of good and horrible decisions.

>solid games
have you played Gwent standalone?
or should i remind you about infamous Witcher MOBA that died after weeks?

Persona 5 uses the same music for every god damn battle and the battles are tedious as fuck. Dialogue is just text boxes with most of it not even voiced. The story and writing is horrible.
What an overrated game.

Every employee review says it's an absolute dogshit company to work in with terrible management and blatant nepotism.
How the manage to make games is beyond me.

Yeah but all are free.

And don’t link me to glassdoor or whatever that site where everyone can leave reviews.

Watch the Noclip series and look at people interviewd.
Either higher ups who are there because they were at the company since beginning or since Witcher 1 or some cheap Vietnamese/Indian workers.
They don't care if someone is good.
They just look for a cheap person to exploit and once that person quits they hire the next one.
My friend in Poland tried to apply to them but at the interview they told him that he should be ready for working 24h a day.

shitty meme sjw cuck devs

why is birb super sayan

>someone posts that copypasta about Trump Card in Gwent Standalone

Poland is a horrible country to live and work in generally. That’s why a lot of Polish people are taking shit jobs in other countries and sending money home to their families.

asking the real questions here

Why would I give a flying fuck about how they treat their employees? I care about how they treat us, the consumers.

It's not their fault the games are overrated. People excuse the jankiness in a game like Elex, but if it won GOTY it would non stop get hate around here.

Desu this.
I try to tell this everyone all the time. The argument that CDPR is some small indie studio is a fucking lie. Here is why:
>They exist since 90s, they were the only publisher of games in Poland at the time.
>They localized timeless classics like Baldur's Gate with famous polish actors that to this day are a legend in polish gaming community.
>Everyone in Poland that knows anything about games knows them well.
>They own fucking GOG.
>CD Projekt RED is just a branch of the whole CD Projekt company.
>Witcher 3 is in fucking TOP 20 most expensive games in history (17th place at the time of this post).
>They get funding from Polish gov and EU.
>They hire cheap workers that have insane crunch times and earn even three times less than game devs in the West or Japan.
>Their payment is low even for Poland standards.
>CDP RED alone is worth more than fucking Capcom
They are actually a big and rich company that exploits their workers but has no idea how game dev actually works and waste ton of money on their games. Witcher 3 could be made with a smaller budget and currently they are blowing money on Gwent Standalone which is a shit game that steadily loses players and isn't even fully out yet, but in Open Beta for half a year.

Why do y'all just make up lies all day about this company?

There are actual game dev companies that do truly repugnant shit and y'all don't do shit.

>CD Projekt RED is just a branch of the whole CD Projekt company.
That's no longer true. CDPred studio grown enough end bought parent company. Now cdpr own both cdp (blue) and gog, though cdp not gonna live for long also they are not doing localizations anymore.

when's cyberpunk?

I’m just saying Poland has shitty working conditions and that is the reason some foreign workers are surprised about the low wages and long work hours

Late 2019

It's a jrpg and it has atlus on the fucking cover you knew what you were in for before you even turned the game on faggot

GOG employee here, can confirm they exploit people until they quit and hire new ones.

>Not a single CDPR game have or ever will have amount of style and care put into Persona 5.
Just had to prove this lie wrong

But that's not a lie.

Then show me all the care that was put into Persona 5

Music for sure.
Better than literally anything you see in Witcher 3.
Even the composer says that Witcher 3 OST is your generic fantasy orchestral music with some slavic shit on it to seem more unique.

Are you kidding? Most of it is generic jprg music and the tracks which have potential got that horrible female vocals

>generic jrpg music

Are you people trying to flame a war between P5 and W3? What in the holy fuck are you doing? That's like arguing about which is better, a gold-encrusted diamond or a diamond-encrusted piece of gold if that were possible. There's enough room on the podium for both of them to circle jerk over.

Guess what, CDProjektRed I'll turn a blind eye to being a company run by shitty people because what they've offered to consumers is monumentally better than OTHER shitheap companies that have offered nothing but hot fucking trash. When it becomes the tallest blade of grass then we can grind an axe for them but as of right now they're not even remotely the most egregiously shit company out there. Is GOG exploitive shit - you bet your fucking ass it is but it's not a dumpster filled to the brim with liquid sewage with a thin gold film on top like Steam is.

It is fucking repulsive what Valve has become. Or Blizzard. Or EA. Or Ubisoft. Or Vivendi. Or Perfect World. If CDPR was unequivocally the worst video company out there, it would be a better world than we have today.

tell me about cp2077, gog employee

saving that pasta

>Can't program for shit
>Can't develop proper gameplay
>Writers are 50/50 despite the universe and characters being handed to them; TW3 is one of the worst written movies I've ever watched
What is there to think of them? Even Ubisoft Montreal can develop actual games that run decently and are fun for 10-15 hours, so I don't know what the fuck to think of these hacks.

>Implying GOG and fucking game studios have any sort of connection.

Don't tale the bait, user.

Give me one game with proper gameplay from last 10 years. Or better give me a list.

I need something to play. Just skip classics. I need hidden gems.

Fuck rethaz


I'm just bored, hoping he'd say something clever at least

Le Bloodborne ;) haha lol fuckin Bitcher stole our game of the year award!

If this becomes a pasta, then I will be laughing, and laughing, and laughing.

If the thread that I started just to help myself gauge CDPR's cultural clout for my business class's company report ends up being the thread where the copypasta of CDPR apologists comes from, I will be laughing, and laughing, and laughing.

user please. For the times when Sup Forums wasn't shit (NEVER EVER), give me the games.

Welcome to the club.

>Dragon's Dogma
>Far Cry 3/4
>Just Cause 2
>Rocket League
>Tales of Xillia 2
I understand the appeal of games that are "experiences", being a fan of then myself. I really just don't see how people let CDPR slide with TW3. It's unpolished with bullshit combat and eagle vision instead of actual quest design, Geralt (or anybody, really) has zero character development, and the main plot is horseshit.
Mankind Divided is more complete than TW3.


I approve. I like Witcher 3 too, but I like also most of those games you listed. Don't know the rest. Yet.

Epic bait 6/10

>>Their payment is low even for Poland standards.
This is the only part you've got wrong.
They are the best paying game dev in Poland. I'm not saying they are paying a lot or paying well. Others are MUCH worse than Reds. It has more to do with shit-tier wages in Poland than anything else, really. I mean I'm making mad money by Polish standards and once you crunch it into euro, I'm making slightly above 1k/month. While having Masters, specialisation and 9 years of job experience.
The only reason why I'm working in Police nitrogen plant and not abroad is because I'm too big pussy to try despite having all qualifications and being fluent in German. At least as long as I'm not trying to buy shit in net or travel too far away, I'm "rich"

What the hell dude, that’s less than you can earn working at Mc Donalds in other European countries.

Welcome to Poland, where getting a PhD will get you a job where you will earn as much as your dumb physical worker in America or Western Europe.
The predictions are that maybe in 20-30 years Poland will be at the level of France in earnings and payment..

It’s less than you can get in wellfare checks by being a NEET in Scandinavia. You should move to a different country and live like a king.

I wasn’t aware CDPR was kolaches or polish porn stars.



Gwent is for people who couldn't handle RNG in a collectible children's card game.

not everything seems right behind the scenes
too many newbie devs and not enough senior staff and the glassdoor reviews are correct about how working at cdprojektred is terrible
hell as long as that cyberpunk game plays like VTMB, then I'm satisfied

Polish minimal pay (read - the only pay you will going to get for most jobs) is equal to 470 euro. 40 hours/week. And you are lucky if you are actually employed and not just hired for commission (don't ask, Poland is hell when it comes to jobs and their security).
That's just Poland and how things are running here, while everyone is busy screetching about the evils of rising taxes or how labour law should be abolished, because "it strangles entrepreneurship and competition". Poland simply never truly recovered from the wild capitalism of the years right after the commies collapsed, while every single government is more busy with VAT rather than sorting things out.

So when I'm earning 4950 złotych a month, by Polish standards I'm set. Just don't try to leave the country to realise how worthless your paycheck is outside the small shithole you live in.