What's your poison?

What's your poison?

Nioh because i can be a cutie asian girl.

Is Nioh really harder than Dark Souls? Never seen that being said much. Also you're missing Bloodeborne, Horror Porn Souls

Can you play as other characters than geralt?

There is a secret store you can unlock that sells other character's skins in exchange for Glory.


shit I didn't know that
buying the game right now
does it take too long to unlock it?

Dragon's Dogma for the Dark Souls of fantasy rpgs

Nioh goes all in on the difficult combat aspect of Dark Souls and ignores literally everything else that made DS good.

dark souls isn't good though...

Get it together

All your choices suck. this is the best game on the planet... suckers...

Whats wrong user? Too hard for you? Forty keks....fuck off casual

yes ;_;

I beat ninja gaiden black on MN so I don't give a shit about your 20 year old idea of what difficult is.

None of these
Absolute trash genre

Youre missing the point chubby

>bloodlines instead of redemption
Kekkin' at ye

DaS 2 is the best game on that list

You forgot cuphead


Worse than Dark Messiah, and that game was shit.

All of those games aside from Nioh aren't worth playing, aside from Code Vein because that's not out. Don't have high hopes for it though

The Surge unironically did the most things that are great and I actually want other games taking note of. Apart from that, that "genre" is fucking terrible and repetitive as fuck.


-you can either equip only one armor part or, by keeping the button pressed, equip the armor part and all other respective parts. something almost no other game gets right.

-you can check all upgrade level stats of your weapons any time and on this decide if they are even worth it.

-you can level gear up all way to the max level immediately if you have the required materials and don't have to go through the other levels first. this way there is no piss easy but time-consuming grinding of shitty materials. that's absolutely amazing. monster hunter can and should learn from this. fuck those boring low rank quests i had to do at rank 999.

-all the drone abilities are helpful somewhere and fun. the shield, the projectiles to lure enemies, the one that immobilizes them and so on. especially in souls 3 you can ignore all the magic shit and aren't missing out.


-the whole augment system is more complex and way more fun than the shitty rings in souls. kinda its own mini game comparable with monster hunter decoration.
-counter attacks and backstabs are there but they aren't shitty mini "cutscenes". gameplay is not interrupted.
-parrying is not that hard to pull off and not that risky which is good. it's almost useless for pve in dark souls because the window is so small (otherwise it would be overpowered in pvp).
-jumping is more intuitive, less invisible walls, can jump almost everything, especially fucking fences and take on levels the way you like.
-there is perfect timing for every attack for when to combo into next attack for a stamina bonus. every weapon really feels unique and has to be mastered.
-crafting and loot system is reasonable. there aren't enemies that randomly drop certain types of "chunk". you can clearly see what an enemy will drop.
-full sets actually have unique skills which means there often is no "better or worse" and it adds personality to every set.

-expansions looks cool so far
-high replayability with hidden stuff everywhere you couldn't make use of or new doors to enter in the new game+
-actually comfortable to play, no anti-fun autismo shit for children that doesn't respect an adult life style. you can pause the game any time and also store your "souls".
-redpilled. guy behind all this shit is a (((berg))) and this marketer you hear and see everywhere in the game is a cliché multiculturalism propaganda poster boy. you're forced to play a white man, even though it's basically an avatar.
-fresh for this genre, not another medieval game with wyverns.
-different body parts and hitzones (cutting limbs à la monster hunter for better droprates and advantages). you either target blue body parts (no armor) for a damage bonus or orange body parts (armored) for a 100% scrap metal droprate for this armor piece.
-positioning actually somewhat matters for bosses, especially because they are actually big and not just guys with swords.
-not overly focussing on iframes.
-interconnected, complex world with many shortcuts.
-okish sidequests and characters (who actually move their mouths) for this type of game.

Maybe because the game is so shit.

The surge was a clusterfuck of design descisions. Everything looked so fucking boring and there were like 4 enemy designs.
Code vein is from the makers of this shitty cinese mh bootleg studio who the fuck cares about it?
ds2 was good but extremely shit
lotf looks like trash dont even bother

Shame it only has a handful of bosses, it's the only downside to it, I really like the game and the dodge up dodge down mechanics, as well as the limb combat.

>it's almost useless for pve in dark souls because the window is so small

Way to invalidate your opinion

>Shitty options

Poisons indeed.

Is this pasta or just a shill?

I may give casual souls a try. The difficulty of og souls put me off it.

DaS' gameplay is really average (basically, rolling, attacking, and weapon ranges -- beyond that, backstab animations with invulnerability, and a few actual item abilities).

Further critiques are possible with mechanics such as both simple feints, and the pacing thereof (behavior of mobs, etc.). It's a realism that benefits entertainment and absorption, through balancing quietness, interactive intensity, and concentration.

Mastering a game then looking at how deep / various it is, benefits from finding it so.

What's so complicated about the surge? i was thinking of trying it out once i get bored with elex

also how open is the game?

Lords of the Fallen is TERRIBLE, if you want easier Dark Souls just play Nioh, because it's more stats based and easier to grind your way out of challenges, if you're into that.

more open than your gaping asshole bitch

The Surge is like Demon's Souls in level design, very interconnected levels, but I felt like once you're done with an area you won't return to it that much.

It has more complex mechanics, you can target each limb, body or head to get the enemy gear blueprint. You can 'dodge up' low attacks by pressing block + right analog stick up, and 'dodge down' high attacks by pressing block + right analog stick down. Among a few other things.