Looks like shit
Nigga, just play Stardew Valley instead. You can farm, plus do a whole bunch of other cool shit.
hell yea i love nintendo switch
Stardew Valley isn't a simulator.
Another disgaea game? damn that was fast
Finally a portable korean MMO
The Switch has just won Germany
woah... so this is... the power of the Nintendo Switch™
*moshes autistically*
>switch falling behind in Europe
>this announced
>everyone in Germany buy a switch
oh yeah! time to get a swtich
Is this game fun? Is it worth getting on switch?
I don't need it
I don't
>Watch trailer
>Looks like it can be fun
The fuck? Am I turning German? Is it too late for me?
>have some german blood in me
>unitonically enjoy this kind of shit from time to time
post the edit
Yes to your first question, time will tell the second. I play FS 17 on ps4 and if investing time in building your own farm and discovering efficient ways to make money sounds fun to you I say go for it. It's a real comfy game that you can play at your own pace, and there's something cathartic about farming.
Why is this game so popular among Germans?
My folders are too messy and I don't remember where I've saved it.
I don't know, it's a just a weird appeal
We even love bad simulator games
I never realized this was a german only thing
You don’t know the start of it. Also there are at least 4 different farming Simulator games for Switch coming out in the next 6 months
where are the Get Drunk and Beat Your Wife simulators for the Eastern European market?
Not just this one, autistic job simulation games are just popular amongst germans.
Fucking hell
I guess I'll buy it
ANY game for my switch is good at this point
Right here, бля.