literally the entire world is enjoying the xbox one x, whats your excuse?

Other urls found in this thread:

>whats your excuse?
It is still in lololololol

soo.. does it have any games?

Totally not a shill, right?

dumb animeposter kys

Don't you know this is an anime website?


>Xbros actually existing

How many of these people were paid?

>takes them 4 years to releasea mid gen console
>pretend that they dominate

Every single one of my normie friends swore of XBOX forever after realizing how shitty and glitchy the OS was and how it had no fucking games
Microsoft are so fucking dumb

I don't even feel anger, only pity.

I don't play video games.

>mods won't ban Microsoft pajeets

Absolutely everyone here despises the Xbox brand, fuck off


Nothing on it that i wanna play.


No gaymes

>taking meta bait in a bait thread

So this is the true power of uncompressed pixels on a curved screen.

I like it. Even without games it puts the PS4 "PRO" to shame.

And the pic.
I hope it doesn't require a new hdmi cable I can't wait.

There is literally NO reason to buy an Xbone: Better Graphics For Your Nogames Edition.

I would maybe get this thing if the name wasn't so fucking retarded

I love how normies joke about uncompressed pixels when they don't know shit about that : pixels are indeed compressed.

off* not of
is* not are

If you are this normie and inbred, I wonder how retarded your friends are.

3 minutes full of celebrities and ZERO games. wtf happened to fucking Halo 5 4k patch ? Wtf is Phil doing ?

>I hope it doesn't require a new hdmi cable I can't wait.
It does, a highspeed HDMI 2.0 cable. But it comes with one.

The next one is gonna be Xbox One X Box

How much are they paying you pajeet? If you start a go fund me we will get you a toilet, no need to debase yourself any further.

actually its you're friends you dumb idiot

I can definitely understand why someone wouldn't buy it but most of these posts are just passive aggressive butthurt. Subtlety was never this boards strong suit.

>all these assblasted sohnyggers
face it XBOX ONE

Like if owned

I mean the Xbox family has nothing to offer me, If I cared about graphics I'll just play on PC and most of the recent games I've played were sony console exclusives released in Asia/Japan, so they'll never see a PC release.

I'll care about consoles when they make the standard framerate 60 fps.

my excuse? i have a decent PC?

consoles are worthless to me unless they provide something my PC can't. which is why I have a Nintendo Switch.

Every single Xbox thread, too. You would think that these people don't care about Xbox, but these threads prove otherwise. I'm not sure if they're jealous, ass blasted or both.

the entire launch stream had such an depressing atmosphere. with phil trying to sneak on the first xbone x buyer picture as a highlight

Where did you get all of that from my post? I don't give a shit what you do with your money.

>ps4 pro ad when I watch xbox one x ign review
breathes in*
sorry pajeet sony pays your shills to make your console barely noticeable whos cucked now huh?

>whats your excuse?

I'm straight

Mein neger. They really should push 60fpy more than 4k even though i know that normies just dont care about framerate

Post your xboxox boys

Pushing 4k with this piddly ass hardware is such a stupid meme, I'd rather have 720p 60fps than 4k 30fps.

Everybody should have sworn off after Xbone's reveal showed what kind of creepy unnecessary big-brother bullshit M$ wanted to pull.

Not that any megacorp wouldn't eventually want to do the same, but one being brash is just all the more telling of what choices to make.

Holy shit it's an exact repeat of the kinect release cringe.
Pro-tip: Nobody makes an X with their arms unless microsoft pays them.

Any RDR or SSOD pics?

There were famos people in this other than The Rock? Your definition of a celebrity is fucked up.

>No exclusives
>No games
>No true 4K, shitty upscaling or checkboarding


Not a single one sadly.
MS has lost confidence in this brand and are slowly spinning it down, probably to sell it in a few years.

>sports sports sports
>53% face
>obvious shill wymyn
>zero games

Wait, it's out?


Fuck off to neogaf

you real stupid

Is it really true that it'll come with like 10 multiplats in the box? That actually isn't too bad for poor people even for a shit console.

Hi Pajeet.

came out yesterday in america

>whats your excuse?
Not a single one of their exclusives appeal to me. I do not like console shooters and that is all the console seems to offer, if at all. Why not just work on a Pc instead of getting a stronger xbox, you wont regret it, if specs are what sway you I have no idea what your are into consoles for in the first place.

idk about that but it comes with a month of xbox game pass

This is fucking original Xbox, Xbox 360 hype, holy shit!

>their exclusives

>literally the entire world is enjoying the xbox one x
I like how you are both statistically and factually incorrect

Go back to neoGAF, roach.

I'm just happy to play video games itself regardless of what I"m on

>complaining about someone telling the truth and telling them to go back to neogaf

I want Sup Forums mods to fuck off and stop posting

It's so funny, they keep sneaking into Xbox and Nintendo threads to shit on the Xbox One X and Switch because Microsoft and Nintendo ruptured their anal cavity.

Might as well post this in in this thread as well. I'm so amazed and I'm sure the devs are happy as well, that this systems runs every single game much better with no updates needed.

I thought it came out a long time ago and everyone just forgot about it.


>t. someone who didnt watch the video.
Meanwhile at Sony, only niggers and weebs enjoy the shitty ps4 for te exkloosives


how's sunset overmeme, halo 5, horizon 2 on pc?

:waits in line:

This isn't your sekrit PlayStation fan club. Fuck off retard.

t. PlayStation 4 owner

Why dont compare the Xbone with the X, instead of the super outdated 360?

>games from last generation
>l-look it has g-games!


Shh, look at how marginally better the newest Tomb Raider looks instead! 4k! Teraflops!

I sure can't wait to play no exclusives at 4k!

because gears 3 is not xbone

>old games arent games

This looks like New York, there is no hope for the people there

theres no way the 360 version looked that bad

lord almighty these xboneheads are the lowest of the low

Xbone is for casuals to play 1-2 multiplats a year. There really shouldn't be anyone mad at them, they're openly catering to that demo.

It's because it's a focused shot. If you looked at the whole image it wouldn't look that bad, though it still wouldn't compare to the xbonex version. Also, you had different standards at the time. Either way using previous generation titles to say the xbone has games is pretty weak. People don't want to only play old games, they want new things.

>I need exclusives to justify my purchase.

trips confirm it

>plays switch
>waits in line for Xbox
Normies don't care about vidya wars they just have fun

>because gears 3 is not xbone
So dont use gears 3 for a graphics comparison.

considering how decked out he is in nintendo merch he might have taken the photo for a good and a gaff

Yup. Xbone's failures are so obvious at this point that it's just kinda sad when you realize someone is still trying to keep faith.

I got to get this thing so badly.

Microtendo domination!

>microsoft won

Did the screen size on your tv. It’s cropping out the text.

I wonder how often Reggie and Phil get lunch together on a monthly basis.

I'm stuck between this and the razer phone help me out guys

There is no power greater than X

And I've never seen Sup Forums this upset about a hardware product
