Does Sup Forums still play PS2?

Does Sup Forums still play PS2?

only people who ever played ps2 were peruvians with their fifa shit

I still do, been playing some obscure games i found at a used retailer. Pic related.
100% if they just translated the nip name (Moonlit Shadow) instead of "10,000 Bullets" the game would not get sweeped so much under the rug. It plays like DMC meets Max Payne with a few lite RPG elements.

Also i recently got all the PS2 Splinter Cell games and Double Agent plays like a slightly worse Chaos Theory (instead of the nextgen abomination), what the fuck?

I honestly would replay some games right now if my ps2 was here and i had bunch of cds and a burner.

I dust mine off once in a while whenever I feel like flying again.

yeah, use it for ps1 games and also been playing through mgs 1-3 again recently.

>havent had one in years
can a shit LOW TIER pc run the PS2 emulator? i want to play timesplitters 1

Yes, I'm playing Yakuza 2 right now.

Just started yet another playthrough of SH2. Been a while since I'd played the PS2 original, since I've mostly just played it on PC in recent years.
The game still looks superb on 40" LED screen.

sometimes yeah

care, i heard PS1 games use up the laser quicker

>can a shit LOW TIER pc run the PS2 emulator?
PS2 emulation is VERY CPU-relying, and still kinda shitty, I'm afraid.

The controller makes my right hand numb and I really don’t know why. It doesn’t happen with any other controllers

fuck, not even if i turn all settings to low?

>I dust mine off whenever the embers of Hoffnung and the lash of betrayal creep back into the corners of my psyche

I gave away most of my PS2 games years ago, but right now I'm using it to play the copy of FFX that a family member gave me.

Depends mostly on your CPU

There's not much you are going to be able to turn down. Like said, emulators in general tend to require much more CPU processing power than GPU muscles, because they are literally replicating old, often unique hardware's functions, purely in software.
So, if you got < 3Ghz dual-core, you're out of luck.

Ironically, however, GC & Wii emulator (Dolphin) is much EASIER to run than PS2. In case you didn't know, TS games were also released on GC.

I bought another one last week.

You bet I do.

Been playing Unlimited Saga and Phantasy Star (Sega mkIII version) recently.

>tried to emulate TS3 on GC
>still ran slow as shit
>dont know why
i'll give it a try

Yeah, I got my modchipped with FMCB and connected to my PC via network cable. No burning discs or anything, just download isos and play. Good stuff.

Playing Dark Cloud 2 and Ace Combat 5 right now.

I remember giving this a go, it was also a bit Yakuza-ish in terms of cutscenes and story if I remember correctly. Too bad the gameplay got kinda old fast, but then again so did Yakuza for me, so fans of it might enjoy this.

Fuck yeah.

meh, no biggie. I have like 4 ps2s and a couple ps1s from garage sales.

Getting ready for maximum comfy this winter.
Nothing captures the feeling of the PS2 era quite like SSX as far as I'm concerned.

Don't play it much anymore, but I have a pretty decent collection for it and still buy for it if I see games for cheap that I'm looking for

Pic related. r8 my wishlist. This is about all I have room left on my shelf for.

>still have PS2
>don't have CRT TV
>toaster barely emulates PS2 without catching fire

One day

how do you not have a CRT nigga

My thrift store is literally, actually giving small ones away

I've started playing Shin Onimusha on mine last night. I still have fair share of PS2 games on my backlog I need to get around playing.

My nigga. I wish extreme sports games came back.

Yes, my computer is broken and I can't afford to buy a modern console.

I picked up Odin Sphere a while ago, the game looks sweet (like most Vanillaware games) but the gameplay is extremely repetitive and not very deep. I heard the remaster on the ps4 reworked some things to make it not as tedious.

Not only that but the original version suffered from horrendous slowdown in some spots.

Dark Cloud 1&2, Aggressive Inline and FFXII are all I have left on it. I put it away after I bought a PS4, though.

I'm actually playing through Dark Cloud and FFXII right now. I never got a chance to get past the third dungeon back when DC originally released since it belonged to my friend. The town building stuff is still fantastic and its a shame other games never tried to copy it. XII still feels fresh as hell too.

Yes, I like all the singing and dancing games. FIFA is the best, of course. Oh, and it is a cool DVD player. Yes, the PS2 really is the best console.

RIP Tony Hawk

I give my PS2 a hug every morning

can i use a ps2 with an hd tv if i have the right cables? thinkin about getting one

Playing shadow of Rome once every couple of weeks with a friend. Slowly but surely.

Playing xenosaga 1 right now. I'm up to the final boss. Gonna play .hack imoq after xenosaga 1.

It feels like every game I've played in the last two years has been a PS2 remaster, so maybe.

Yea. People here will give you shit about doing it but I think it works just fine. No way I'm digging up my old CRT just for nostalgia.

Absolutely. It just uses a cables. Red white yellow. Most do for dvd player compatibility since despite what people may say to you most people still don't own a dedicated bluray player. Just a ps3 or 4

I just use the good ol' SCART.

Fuck I feel like playing Dark Cloud now. Does it emulate decently?

To clarify you'd need to get component cables. You'll still have the issue of it being ps2 games being played on an HDTV, but it'll still look a lot better compared to standard composite.

they make component cables for the PS2/PS3 so if you have that on your TV should be good to go
it's nice on games that support progressive scan
personally, I only hook it up to an HDTV if it supports progressive scan otherwise I just use my CRT that also has component inputs
anything is better than composite even svideo
colors are clearer with less bleed
MGS 2 and 3 on a CRT with proper cables look great

Analogue looks like shit on an HDTV but the PS2 does have native widescreen output for several games

Get a PS3 component cable for cleanest possible output and set some dosh aside for an Open Source Scan Converter if you think you might want to play pixel games without artifacts

i would if it still worked :(

it might be a relative easy fix
if you are getting a constant disc read error it might be the lens distance
you make adjustments to set the distance from the disc, yours might be too far or too close to get a good read
while its open it'd be a good idea to clean the lens itself

I have slim one but the laser is broken
Is there any way to still play games on it?

Boot games off the network via cable connected to your PC.

Look up FreeMCBoot and OpenPS2Loader.

..or connect a usb stick/hard drive via USB but that is slower than network method and thus less optimal.

Can it also run PS1 games?

Yep, just beat Battle for Bikini Bottom 100% last week.
I keep meaning to play Vice City and Ace Combat 4 as well since I didn't have a PS2 growing up.

Yes, the app for that is called POPstarter and is relatively easy to set up. However compatibility rate is kinda so-so. Most popular games work, but a lot don't. There is compatibility list that can be looked online. Good thing about it is that it uses virtual memcards so you save on the usb stick.

yes actually just played yesterday
free mcboot is a glorious thing

Nigger play Vice City on the PC.

I have a new in box ps2 thats never been opened. How much are those worth now?

>Ape Escape 3
>Monster Rancher 3
>Soul Calibur 3
>SMT: Nocturne

I play through most/all of these games almost every two years desu, so yes