Titanfall 2

Just finished the single player. What did I think of it?

I don't know you tell me. You don't need people to tell you what to do or what to think in your life Annon.


You thought "Oh, so this is where the people behind the first two MW campaigns went"

Probably that BT is best boi

That it was good but it will never get a sequel.

Titanfall should have remained an xbox exclusive series.

>it will never get a sequel

TF3 is pretty much confirmed.

I personally loved it, equal parts MW2 shooting and Portal inertia platforming


A story we've all seen before but still told in a way and setting where it's refreshing

It was pretty dope meng.
It's a shame they absolutely butchered the multiplayer though. Nothing like the first.

>butchered the multiplayer though

This meme again. They changed it for the better.

>Fast paced FPS shooter with wallrunning should've remained a slowboi console shooter

phase and making the TTK insanely low made it worse instantly

Bruh come on. You can't honestly be serious.
The level design broke any type of flow and verticality.

The multi went downhill when they nerfed all the pistols, then bought in the retarded hold {Y} to swap.

They've recently nerf'd grapple too, and now bought the mozambique and wingman elite as primaries?

I no understand

not really. nothing about the multiplayer works well. the only good things are the projectile weapons and the grapple, and they just ruined grapple.
it was already downhill.

Nah it definitely is even though it sold badly. EA said it's not dropping support for the franchise any time soon and they're even working on a star wars game atm

What would you like to see change, do you think the hero-style titans are cancer, the phase and grapple abilities too OP or something else?

that it was one of the best FPS single player campaigns of all time

you really liked it

The only real spot that Grapple shows it's power is when people do sub 10 second flag caps with one grapple launch, other than that it's very versatile. Phase shift just needs to go, that shit is fucking retarded

>titans are stagnant as fuck
>phase shift and stim are still overpowered
>SMGs, spitfire, G2, DMR, and carbine are still way too good
>A-wall needs to be removed from the game
>multiplayer maps need to have their out of bounds zones changed if not redesigned entirely

I like Grapple, and Phase I don't mind. I feel it acts like more a crutch for newer players - which need help becuase of the high skill ceiling

the skill ceiling is tiny. if you know how to aim you can win 75% of matches with an SMG and no movement whatsoever.

Three things they need to add to the next game no matter what:

Branching single player story that is a bit longer than the last campaign.

Multiple main characters and main titans for them to ride mixing and matching relationships and story beats and abilities depending on the choices.

Multiplayer bots. All the modes should be playable if the game dies.

>Branching single player where you choose which faction you join as one type of Single Player Story
>Second type of single player story where you play tight, self-contained vignettes with pre-set builds and titans and gimmicks.
>Multiplayer lobby is based on your faction, you can walk around the HQ of your faction and interact with people.
>Titan classes (the 7 new ones and 3 old ones) have multiple options within their kit for weapon and abilities just for those classes (greater variety while still easy to balance)
>All Titans get one of a selection of kit-specific buffs when their core is at 100 but not used (Scorch gets to dash further if his core is full or leaves burn areas when sprinting, etc)

They really liked using the "BT throws you" thing huh? They do it like 4 times.

It's supposed to show your building trust

Here's what I want
>Level of campaign where your spaceship is being raided by spectres, then the IMC ship that launched them blasting the shit out of your ship, so you have to parkour through a rapidly disintegrating hull to the titan bay where you make an emergency titanfall on an IMC world. Next couple levels are Ramboing around IMC bases sabotaging some master plan and escaping off world.
>Modular titan and pilot customization that still allows players to identify what titan or pilot type you are.
>Badge customization that shows up on your uniform and titan.
>Bring back first-person titan boarding. I thought it was really immersive.

>Multiplayer lobby is based on your faction, you can walk around the HQ of your faction and interact with people.
The dropship feature already does this. I don't see why you would need to interact with players outside the game. This isn't Destiny, after all.

You thought that it was a great yet flawed game
The campaign was well done and I have replayed it so many times. Also spent hours in multiplayer now gen 20 pilot
Also ronin boi reporting in who else tfg here?

I loved it, because it's the closest I'll ever come to playing a mechwarrior 5 campaign

Not interact with players: It'd just be you and anyone else in your party and some NPCs from the faction and the Faction leader. It'd be to give a little more multiplayer-worldbuilding type stuff, I personally really liked all of that from the multiplayer.

>ded general
you tell me

>Taking satire seriously


Oi. Primarily Northstar, but learning Scorch.

>the mp sucks because im always at the bottom of the ladder
also /tfg/ sucked, good riddance

You are sad sad man

Protocol 3 : Protect the Pilot

>What did i think of it?
Trust me


>don't choose either of Jack's last responses to BT
>BT just says "Goodbye Jack"

You thought "I didn't enjoy that as much as I enjoy chugging cock" and promptly choked on niggerdick.

