Nintendo Switch is breaking the Third Party curse

>19% of Ubisoft sales last quater were from Switch with only M+R and Rayman Legends

>2K "very pleased with performance" of NBA 2K18 on Switch

>Capcom states Monster Hunter XX was a success with "stalwart performance", Ultra SF II a "smash hit"

>Square Enix states then want to work "aggressively" on Switch titles

>Bamco state all 3 games they have released on Switch have performed well, preparing 3 exclusives for next year

>Koei Tecmo “extremely happy” with all of their Switch game sales

>Konami's Super Bomberman R shipped over 500k back in April, looking into putting other franchises on the system

>Many, many reports of indie games selling more on Switch than on other systems combined

Other urls found in this thread:!/en-us/games/shovel-knight-treasure-trove/cid=UP2200-CUSA01867_00-SHOVELKNIGHT0001!/en-us/games/stardew-valley/cid=UP2456-CUSA06840_00-STARDEW00000SIEA!/en-us/games/axiom-verge/cid=UP2149-CUSA01230_00-AXIOMVERGE001PS4

>EA done making Switch games after FIFA 18

and then there is EA lol

>Switch gets every big third part dev except EA
Literally the best possible outcome.

>Marvelous are planning to release new and old games for Switch

>STILL salty that Nintendo won't let them plug Origin into their online network

>tfw we're in the best timeline because EA is fucking up

If this was the best timeline ea would've collapsed immediately after their street series and dead space died.

Most excited for SE games, their middle stuff is usually interested

that's great news, I actually don't want any of their shit, they killed dead space, they killed visceral games, they killed mass effect, they killed westwood, they killed battlefield, they killed battlefront, they created Origin, they OPENLY ADMITTED they optimize their games for maximum protfits squeezing every penny out of every single player possible

they can honestly go to hell and burn in it for eternity

It's pretty amusing how almost every single publisher that had an investor meeting in this past few days basically said the same things about the Switch and promised support.

Fuck off Rich, you obese faggot

it's great actually, the total opposite of the wii u, but then theres fucking EA who does half assed shit and think they can get away with it.

>make an incredibly watered down port

EA being as reasonable as always I see.

Press F for Xbone

Why are you spamming this thread? You literally just did this 2 hours ago.

You see, the issue is, the console is only getting ports and budget titles, and the first party is coming really really slow to the point its a no games machine.

Let's all recall how mediocre the Wii lineup was in terms of third party. Or how Namco and similar companies thought what "support" means?

People should look towards results, not numbers. The end user is still suffering with no games, and Square (for example) is making a budget shitty looking 2D game Octopath Traveler instead of something more appealing/better.

This shitty post can be boiled down to "switch has no games!"

>hating on octopath traveller when it was one of SQ's best fucking games in a long time

I'm happy that Bomberman did so well, I really thought that series was fucked.

>switch gets announced
>"welp looks like another gimmick from nintendo that no one's gonna buy, we don't need to make games for it"
>6 months later, it's selling really well
>"oh shit oh fuck oh shit"

Don't forget about Skyrim and Doom

>and the first party is coming really really slow
>One game a month since launch

>make gimped unoptimized FIFA 360/PS3 port

I wonder what games those company will release.

>inb4 none of those count


Yeah I'd wit to find out what those three Namco Bandai games are before making assumptions. The only third party game I'm interested in that isn't a port is SMT V and that's a long ways off from release,

By the way, anyone with a switch try the tale of the monkey tavern demo.

It's probably the worst game i've played in ages, the presentation if nauseating and the gameplay trash, its practically so bad it's funny.

People can't seem to make up their minds between "no games" and "Nintendo blew their load."

The only dev on that list that hasn't announced anything is From.

It really doesn't. I own the fucking console.
>>hating on octopath traveller when it was one of SQ's best fucking games in a long time
Its a shitty demo on the some budget as a Bravely Default game which is a mediocre series. How desperate do you have to be? The game is also ugly as fuck, and has way too much bloom.

Ports. Mario is literally the only game built from the ground up on the Switch. ARMs is a shitty tech demo, and splatoon 2 is basically a port.

>Epic Games

>What an underpowered piece of shit, it wouldn't be a good image for our company to make AAA games for it
>*Switch users buy almost everything*
Not ragging on the Switch but the fact that it gives a good excuse to produce a cheaper game should have been embraced by larger studios


In terms of sales percentages, is it fair, when the switch is a newer system with a smaller install base? And as part of the FIFA agreement EA are legally obligated to release a game on all major platforms, which the switch is arguably becoming.

>Xenoblade 2
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Dragon Quest XI
>Octopath Traveler
>Tales of
>more niche franchises previously bound on Vita like Disgaea and Atelier
Switch is going to be jrpg heaven on an even higher scale than the 3DS.

It's that guy who's slow

Honestly, good riddance. EA hasn't made a single good game since the original Mirror's Edge

Seems more motivation for rushed ports and budget phone tier games. Which is why the Switch is already an indie wasteland with zero quality control.

Oh it's this faggot again, spouting the same shit as before.

And I forgot Fire Emblem.

Oh, it's you.

I feel bad for XBONE, after the X1X I really do, not enough to spit on them.
They had pulled out all the stops of getting some semblance of fanbase back with BC and their console is superior to the Pro. But there are even less exclusive games for it than the PS3.
I'm glad they fucked up but sad because one less company to keep the others in check.

Shame only SMT5 is the only worthwhile game you listed. The rest are ported or shit.

The switch is scratching an itch perfectly for me. I normally keep it on my bedside table and play for 20 minutes before i have to get up and at night i find myself playing for a short while before going to bed.

In terms of gaming it's literally the first thing i pick up and the last thing i put down.

So now that the 3DS is practically dead, will Bravely Third or Sword or whatever it's called become a Switch game?

Seriously? Do you faggots make pro Switch threads hourly and spend hours defending it? How autistic are you kids?

>19% of Ubisoft sales last quater were from Switch with only M+R and Rayman Legends
What else did Ubisoft release last quarter?

99,9% probably yes

>EA genuinely doesn't understand why nintenbros didn't buy their shitty port

>this thread
Nintendo subhumans really are delusional

For sure.

nice to know its literally the same fagboys that spam these threads on Sup Forums. You guys are pathetic fucking losers.

Switch is the undisputed best platform to buy indie games, it enables gimmicks and portability.

phone game

Dude, you can go now. No one cares.

>hey, don't discuss good sales for your console of choice. Only we're allowed to do that

I thought the bravely team were working on Octopath?

I've also been surprised at how much I just use the Switch around the house undocked, just playing in 15-30 minute spurts.

Not really.
Not only are the indie games all more expensive than other platforms, they are definitely the worst versions of the games.

>Make half-assed sportz port
>under-ship and undermarket it
>Act confused why it doesn't sell

>>hey, don't discuss good sales for your console of choice.

Saying Splatoon 2 is a port is like saying MHW is a port of Monster Hunter 4

>No EA games
Switch has just became the best console ever


>playing Stardew Valley in Handheld mode in bed
maximum comfy

Stardew Valley's Switch version is the definitive version simply because it's on a handheld. Nobody wants to be tethered to their couch or computer chair for hours on end doing menial tasks.

Not really, Splatoon 2 is exactly Splatoon 1 with an expansion pack added at best. I don't see how this applies to MH4 and World since World is completely built from the ground up and offers tons of new assets. Splatoon 1 and 2 look almost identical.

This is how someone spends their afternoon huh..

>1 multiplat
>1 sequels
>2 remakes

Well that's factually wrong.

>first party is coming really slow to the point it's a no games machine
>Launched with Zelda
>April was Kart Deluxe
>No First party in May
>June was Arms
>July was Splatoon 2
>No first party in August or September (unless you count Pokken DX)
>October was Fire Emblem Warriors and Mario Odyssey

Literally 1 game is a port of 6 (2 of 7 if you count pokken) first party titles in the first year. Of the 9 months the console has been currently commercially available; 3 of the 9 months have not had a major first party release (2 of 9 if you count Pokken). This isn't counting third party titles or minor first party titles like snipperclips or 1-2 switch.

>this is too slow to you

what the fuck is your idea of fast man?

It's called a laptop. Something that has more features than the Switch will ever have. Including:
Proper voice chat, video chat, can use other applications, can be used for school, can watch media on, and can browse the internet.


Square Enix states then want to work "aggressively" on Switch titles

You know what to do you fuckers!

What's factually wrong about it? I can prove the pricing to you right now.

Fifa literally exists for fucking Brniggers, who of course can't afford a switch. EA's corporate heads clearly don't understand that

The only thing good EA has produced recently is Titanfall, and they fucked that series over. They can go straight to hell.

>>Launched with Zelda
>>April was Kart Deluxe
>>No First party in May
>>June was Arms
Rushed tech demo that everyone forgot about in a month
>>July was Splatoon 2
enhanced port
>>No first party in August or September (unless you count Pokken DX)
>>October was Fire Emblem Warriors and Mario Odyssey
3DS port and the first ever exclusively made Switch game.

Mario and rabbids makes me wish a real x-com game was on the switch

>>*Switch users buy almost everything*
Except or the games that flopped.

Agreed, its like a casualized worse X-com without a bunch of better mechanics.

I just want to play games, though, including new first party Nintendo games.

Splatoon 2 is not an enhanced port.

But all these companies are very lazy to make exclusive games

A game system where we can't over-invest into graphics and stupid bullshit and are expected to sell large volumes of a mid-budget video game centered around content? Nah, we're gonna be over here doing P2W and other shill tactics on Xbox One


You have to excuse them. These are the same people who think TLoU remastered is a new game.

>3DS port
yeah no, thats wrong

I haven't seen Square Enix this optimistic about a Nintendo product since the DS.

Close enough to one. Isn't it dead already? Now all the threads are just pedo circlejerks and roleplaying.

can't you blame them? shits making bank

The new Splatoon game has new clothing and weapons and single player content. How is that not new assets?
It may not be built from the ground up again but that doesn't make it less of a sequel than any other Monster Hunter sequel (admittedly, Worlds is a huge step up compared to previous jumps)

>Capcom looking in
It removed one of the reasons most people would have for even buying a Switch.

Well but they'll buy almost anything of significant content (and sometimes something with very little content like ARMS)
My point is that they're not as closed off and Brand-cucked as other audiences

Are you retarded?

>All ports!

Literally all the games you mentioned are actual new games built from the ground up.

The ports are Zelda and Mario Kart.

Splatoon 2 is a sequel. Not a port.

>TFW EA won't be making games for Switch

>Shovel Knight
$24.99 -!/en-us/games/shovel-knight-treasure-trove/cid=UP2200-CUSA01867_00-SHOVELKNIGHT0001
$24.99 -

Same price

>Stardew Valley
$14.99 -!/en-us/games/stardew-valley/cid=UP2456-CUSA06840_00-STARDEW00000SIEA
$14.99 -

Same price

>Axiom Verge
$19.99 -!/en-us/games/axiom-verge/cid=UP2149-CUSA01230_00-AXIOMVERGE001PS4
$19.99 -

Same price

You were saying?

Pretty sure they don't have control of Pokemon.

>new clothing and weapons
Cosmetics, MH gets cosmetic DLC too

>single player content.
Who cares? The campaign is short and irrelevant to what the game is meant to be.

They reused tons of assets, maps, models, textures. If you placed a screenshot of the first and the second, you would be hard pressed to see many differences.

> but that doesn't make it less of a sequel than any other Monster Hunter seque
Not really, no. World is the biggest jump the series has ever had.

microsoft was a huge factor in fucking over the industry last gen, I'm glad they're getting shitted on

Now show me the Steam prices.
Nintendo tax is real. Tons of games on the store are overpriced to shit.

Trust me I tried but a Laptop, even a Netbook just isn't as comfy as a Tablet (Switch)