Should this be implemented in classic? Why or why not.
LFG feature
Slippery slope is not a fallacy.
Sure, only fucking casuals enjoy wasting time setting up groups.
Was it in Classic WoW? No.
Should it be in the rebirth of Classic Wow? No.
Why they do this? Bring the game just as it was.
Daily reminder that vanilla isn't perfect, pure fags.
They should make some changes.
Such as:
>Make Hybrid classes able to do more than heal in pve
>Remove Debuff limit
>Make raids harder.
This is the ultimate change list.
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: Slippery slope is a fallacy nigger.
No they should make classic exactly how it was so we'll get to see all the tears when people bitch endlessly.
LFG, from what I remember of TBC, wasn't so bad. It was just a bulletin board effectively and wasn't the shit they implemented later that automatically grouped you up with strangers and teleported you to the instance. Most of the time people used it to fill roles when someone left halfway through. I'd rather it was kept out though.
It's a stupid tool to remove any need to interact with other players. It's the same stupid shit where you teleport to the instance, removing any need to actually move around on the huge ass map.
This, wow user you're so smart, what a wonderful person you are.
Groups are just going to lead to increased toxicity
It's 2017 and we should be moving past that as a medium
all these fucking people that can't wait to raid in vanilla will be dissappointed when they realize that "raiding" as a dps literally fucking means spamming shadowbolt, spamming frostbolt, spamming sinister strike and slice and dice. it wasn't fun. people did it because they wanted the gear.
so you do some molten core and get some gear. what do you do with the gear?'
so let's get into BWL, which had some really fun boss mechanics. razorgore was actually really fun, but spamming shadowbolt wasnt. it was here that hunters had the best time in raiding, probably. also nefarian. do you guys remember what your aoe rotation was? do i need to remind you? because it wasn't a rotation
then there's aq and naxx and ony and stuff
but what ELSE can you do with the gear you get from spamming shadowbolt for 4 hours?
well, you could pvp of course. oh, well, only if your raiding spec was viable for pvp. if it wasn't you'd have to spend a shitload of gold to respec, then respec back by the time you went to raid again. say goodbye to hundreds of gold.
were you a mage or rogue? you did fine no matter what in pvp.
were you a warrior? well if you weren't tank specced (which wasn't even deep into the protection tree, just to like last stand) then you did fine, as long as you had some good gear, were able to stance swap, had macros to switch your weapons with a 1h and a shield etc. warrior was probably the most complex class in vanilla.
were you a druid? well, you better enjoy resto. you had maybe 3 ranks of healing touch that you used, and hots werent used unless you were very geared. you were a good flag carrier, at least.
were you a priest? well, if you were and you wanted to raid, you'd better believe you'd be healing. only one shadow priest was brought to raids, and that wasnt even until after debuff slots were added. shadow priests were actually extremely good in pvp if you were skilled and had consumables.the problem is respeccing. (to be continued)
So much this.
The real funny thing tho is that, to fix this you wouldn't need to change much. No one is asking for super advanced rotations, just something more than spamming shadowbolt/frostbolt.
Is absolutely is.
What is not a fallacy is whether or not you can trust Blizzard with the implementation of specific topics.
>One of the things that fucked up WoW
>Vanilla server
>Should it be implemented again ?
Then play a private server, moron. Blizzard already said this server isn't going to be a 1:1 recreation.
were you a hunter? you were actually good dps in molten core, and your rotation wasn't boring. you had to time your spells to not interrupt your auto shots. not too complex but it wasnt mindless like shadowbolt spam. however after that you were really only brought for tranq shot, seeing as mages and locks and rogues and warriors scaled MUCH better.
hunters were pretty much always good in pvp, and you could farm shit easily. a good character to just CASUALLY evel to 60 for farming purposes.
paladin? hey, cool, you were actually a really good healer. don't plan on playing prot unless you want to be a dedicated dungeon tank. ret? hah. better hope you have nightfall. oh, what's nightfall? it's just an expensive blacksmithing weapon that has a chance to proc 15% increased magical damage against your target. which you actually needed, because a lot of your damage was magical. i don't think i need to remind you about the 10 minute buffs.
shaman? you were alright healers. actually good raid healers. placing totems was tedious but it was an interesting mechanic, so relatively enjoyable to play. don't expect to play ele in any raids, but ele was good in pvp if you were geared. enhance? only brought if you had nightfall. and it was better than paladins because windfury could proc nightfall as well.
Pro tip: You're wrong and a gay nigger
>all these fucking people that can't wait to raid in vanilla will be dissappointed when they realize that "raiding" as a dps literally fucking means spamming shadowbolt, spamming frostbolt, spamming sinister strike and slice and dice. it wasn't fun. people did it because they wanted the gear.
It still not fun today, it's just more complicated and it makes it impossible for me to watch tv while raiding.
Alright so I've read a ton of threads on the wow forums, mmo champ and now some Sup Forums threads and are the changes that need to be made according to the overall classic community.
Many revisions done and things retracted.
>LFG tool most likely through addon
>better mail system
>no regreants
>60 minute buffs
>mage tables
>no more soul shards
>no hunter ammo
>itemization overhaul (no more paladins in cloth warriors in leather etc)
>updated models toggle *universally wanted
>Cheaper level 40 mount
>more quests, quest chains with no backtracking.
>AV timer
>more than 2 drops per boss
>reverse timewalking (modern day raids in vanilla)
>new raids later
>newer classes added in somehow *universally wanted
>hunter pets immune to aoe from pve sources
>pvp system revamp (honor points some way to buy pvp gear)
>guild banks
>dual spec
>more graveyards
>improved AH
>aoe looting
>improved interface (autoloot options)
>more flight masters
>progressive patches from the start
Anything else I'm missing before we send this to blizz?
im not arguing that retail wow is more fun, i'm just arguing that it is more engaging. which i would argue IS better.
Then what is the point?
>game doesn't have enough features
>handled by add-ons with various degrees of success
>devs don't like the disparity, because the typical MMORPG player finds it too hard to drop a folder into the WoW directory
>add in most used add-on features like quest markers etc as QoL and interface improvements over the years
if they could go back, which is what they are doing, they would start with all of these things and you know it. a spartan shitty interface with 4 viable specs wasn't the epic warcraft world they envisioned. you should be excited to get improved talent trees etc, not fighting it.
I saw this posted at 4AM last night and all over every WoW Classic thread throughout the day. wew you gotta calm down.
Fuck it just play Legion at this point.
No, actually finding people to do it with diminishes the possibility for those who join to be assholes or just leave mid dungeon out of fear of being kicked and getting bad rep.
>lower the level on mount requirements
>don't need a mount at all anyway since you just teleport from place to place
Nobody played Vanilla WoW for the reasons you anti-classic fags think they did. Stop projecting modern-WoW mechanics onto classic WoW.
Modern WoW = Cyclical game-play, 99% singleplayer experience outside of Mythic raids, non-existent community.
Old-WoW = Consistent game-play, 100% multiplayer, thriving community.
These are the types of people that will quit before level 20 when their nostalgia high wears off.
Automatic grouping and telepoting to dungeon, no.
The premade group finder where you list you list/apply for groups would be ok.
Current wow is nothing but spamming as well. The difference is that in vanilla the bosses were much harder, even if it was just a dps race, at least it meant that killing a boss was actually challenging. And that's only one difference.
The fundamental difference is that current wow is a MMO-action game and vanilla wow is a MMO role-playing game
Also the pvp whining about Pally Bubble, LoH, and Shaman's BL. Or classic AV, with it's literally week long games.
get trolled.
>Make Hybrid classes able to do more than heal in pve
The only hybrid that can't do this is paladin. oomkin and cat druids had a place in raids. Enhance shamans had a place in raids.
>only in the past day
He's been improving the list and posting it literally since the day it was announced.
No. I will kick you.
That's fine, I already have a guild. Enjoy your cookie cutter casual nofun shitfest.
>Daily reminder that vanilla isn't perfect
Nobody has EVER argued that you stupid fucking retard. You're creating straw men to argue with.
Private servers are far less 1:1 than what Classic WoW is going to be, you absolute sausage.
Warriors and rogues do great damage. Cat druids give leader of the pack to warriors and rogues while doing middle-of-the-pack dps. Enhance shamen give improved windfury totem to warriors and rogues while doing okay dps provided their gear is very good.
Moonkin and shadow priests work similarly, except with casters instead of melee.
>Make Hybrid classes able to do more than heal in pve
Fine but only if pure DPS can heal in PvP as well.
Okay so then they can do Wow fixed server with their own versions of questhelper and stuff and then also do WoW Classic
If you want Vanilla, you should get Vanilla. No big QoL outside of what Vanilla introduced.
The modern group finder where you can set up a group (as opposed to getting auto-queued and set up) is okay but still shouldn't be in Classic.
dualspec is a must. anyone who thinks classic servers shouldn't have dualspec was a casual in vanilla or didn't play it at all. the timesink to manually switch between just 2 specs you wanted to play was autistic as fuck.
>the timesink to manually switch between just 2 specs you wanted to play was autistic as fuck
Literally took 30 seconds of clicking, what the fuck are you talking about?
i'd be okay with healers only having dualspec
Fuck duelspec, and here's why. Dualspec fucks up world PVP. Everyone traveling to Onyxia, for example, would be set to PVP spec and wear PVP gear on the way to the raid--which would severely limit the ability of world-hunters to fuck their shit up, which was the most fun about world PVP.
You keep single spec in so it's prohibitive to have your character do both at any one time. It makes PVP characters stand out and have that advantage. All of the fun jumping into a group of two or three travellers and slapping their shit would be completely lost.
You, sir, are the casual, and fuck your gay changes.
>50g takes 30 seconds of clicking
nah fuck you, that's fucking retarded. you clearly didn't play at all because it took like two seconds to change.
Fuck No, If it is I wont play it. Heroic, Mythic, and LiteralFuckingRetards difficulties can fuck off too.
>two seconds
and 50g
Yeah, it's like that for a reason. Your character was either PvP or PvE, you shouldn't be able to jump between the two on a whim.
You didn't say anything about gold. The fact of the matter is you should have your spec planned out since it's a fucking solved game. When you want to switch for the first time which costs one fucking gold you should be decisive and stick to that spec, whether it be PvP or PvE, for a long period of time to save yourself ever getting to fucking 50g respec cost.
Here's my plan for example:
>Plan out what fucking class I'm going
>Plan out what fucking spec I'm going to level
>Play that until 60
>Respec (might not even fucking need to depending on the class) for 1 WHOLE GOLD WOW! BREAKING THE BANK!
>Play fucking PvE until I'm geared
>Respec for 5G OHHHHH MY GOOOOD for PvP
>Stick to PvPing for a while etc.
Also making gold aint fucking shit in Vanilla if you know all the good ways of doing it. If it's a progressive server you can fucking plan ahead for the next few patches and plan out what mats will be in demand and make bank. Use your fucking brain.
>Your character was either PvP or PvE
Unless you were a rogue or hunter or mage, then you were both.
They should just ban addons outright.
Not in vanilla. Why are you even pretending like you played?
Nigger have you slept since Blizzcon or are you a bot?
I played a hunter throughout vanilla. Hunters' role in raids was just trueshot, tranq shot, and pulling. As long as you had trueshot you could pretty much spec however you wanted otherwise.
>tfw being able to re-experience vanilla wow for the first time again
>talent trees
>gold was important (saving 100g for a mount was a big deal, getting your talents right was important because respecs were expensive)
>world pvp
>skill > gear (otherguy, drakedog, world of roguecraft)
>no death knights
>shaman and paladin are in the factions they belong
>pvp ranks
>AV's objectives actually mattered
>no arena
>no flying mounts
>no lfg or cross realm trash
>no quick travel
>lore hasnt gone down to the shitter yet
>cool quests like the mount quest and rogue pick lock quest
>no daily quests
>no pet battles
>40 man raids (that actually require coordination)
>no multiple raid difficulties
>5 mans actually felt like real dungeons
>no more data mining
>way more skills to utilize
>no e-shop
>no archeology
>no achievements
>no vehicles
>no transmog so people don't run around in retarded clownsuits that break immersion
>armor design wasn't garbage that belonged in an anime
>world felt dangerous
>professions were fun, unique, and useful
>no blood elves, draenei, worgen, pandashit or goblins
>b-b-but no one wants it
>nost peaked higher than retail
It's multiple people. Literally every time you post it, you get half a dozen free (You)s
>vanilla bosses were much harder
bosses were harder because you literally needed to farm raids just to get the gear to beat them. they rarely had interesting mechanics.
your "only difference" goes out the roof because once you fucking get the gear and know the simple mechanics its not a challenge anymore, its just farm.
just in the past three raids in retail i can thinking of maybe triple the amount of bosses with interesting mechanics than the entirety of vanilla.
vanilla fucking sucked, give us burning crusade
Wow, that's so awful. I guess that's wow Nostwow was so dead right?
Alright so I've read a ton of threads on the wow forums, mmo champ and now some Sup Forums threads and are the changes that need to be made according to the overall classic community.
Many revisions done and things retracted.
>LFG tool most likely through addon
>better mail system
>no regreants
>60 minute buffs
>mage tables
>no more soul shards
>no hunter ammo
>itemization overhaul (no more paladins in cloth warriors in leather etc)
>updated models toggle *universally wanted
>Cheaper level 40 mount
>more quests, quest chains with no backtracking.
>AV timer
>more than 2 drops per boss
>reverse timewalking (modern day raids in vanilla)
>new raids later
>newer classes added in somehow *universally wanted
>hunter pets immune to aoe from pve sources
>pvp system revamp (honor points some way to buy pvp gear)
>guild banks
>dual spec
>more graveyards
>improved AH
>aoe looting
>improved interface (autoloot options)
>more flight masters
>progressive patches from the start
Anything else I'm missing before we send this to blizz?
Loot boxes.
haha yes we should also have flying mounts, heirlooms, toggable pvp, DK, monk and DH. worgen goblins pandaren belves and draenei need to be added too, and don't forget all those sweet new areas like pandaria and briken isles!
Oh I see what you meant. Yeah, Rogues/Hunters/Mages could theoretically serve both purposes. Still, there were differences between optimal PvP/optimal raid setups for those classes. Even moreso when it came to playing your class in BG's.
So I'd still argue that to be the best, you couldn't be both PvP and PvE, you had to pick one.
>armor design wasn't garbage
lol what era of WoW was this? must have missed that
dude are you fucking serious? just go play retail
except enhancement shamans DIDNT do good damage and were only brought for their totems and nightfall.
and moonkins didn't even fucking do any damage. they ran out of mana insanely quick and were only there for the 3% spell crit and the extra innervate.
shadow priests were out of the fucking question entirely until the debuff slots were increased, and usually only one was fucking brought for shadow weaving
they just make the most economic sense user
how else can a company be expected to act if not to achieve maximum profit???
Alright so I've read a ton of threads on the wow forums, mmo champ and now some Sup Forums threads and are the changes that need to be made according to the overall classic community.
Many revisions done and things retracted.
>LFG tool most likely through addon
>better mail system
>no regreants
>60 minute buffs
>mage tables
>no more soul shards
>no hunter ammo
>itemization overhaul (no more paladins in cloth warriors in leather etc)
>updated models toggle *universally wanted
>Cheaper level 40 mount
>more quests, quest chains with no backtracking.
>AV timer
>more than 2 drops per boss
>reverse timewalking (modern day raids in vanilla)
>new raids later
>newer classes added in somehow *universally wanted
>hunter pets immune to aoe from pve sources
>pvp system revamp (honor points some way to buy pvp gear)
>guild banks
>dual spec
>more graveyards
>improved AH
>aoe looting
>improved interface (autoloot options)
>more flight masters
>progressive patches from the start
Anything else I'm missing before we send this to blizz?
current wow is this but if one(1) person dies the fight is over and you lose.
I literally just want the proper attack animation syncing from Legion. It's a frank, surface level improvement.
dark souls mentality, kids.
legion sucked, and so did vanilla. vanilla was only good because it was the best thing at the time. now, we fucking know what we want. we fucking know what would make a good game.
No, World of Warcraft died when they implemented LFG/LFR, crossrealms, etc.
Nobody wants LFG in vanilla. It ruins the server community. Part of the fun was finding players on your own server, forming a group, traveling to the dungeon together, then adding each other to the friends list at the end of the instance.
>anything from legion
>an improvement
Uh, is there anything from modern WoW that ISN'T in that list? Because by that point, you might as well just play on live servers than going "classic".
They amplified the good classes' damage more than resto shamans, and added to dps more than resto shamans. If you were good on heals, an enhance shaman was a good addition.
Raids aren't why Vanilla is looked back on fondly. Something like the inconvenience of buffing shouldn't be held up as for/against non-Vanilla QoL changes.
Using addons in WoW is like knowing how many iframes you get from Agility in DaS2.
didn't they add like hitsparks too and it was really nice for seeing your cleaves? that would be really cool in classic because autos matter and you can actually see the combat through spell effects.
This, they should just ditch classic and make WoW: MoP instead. After that's done they can ditch BfA as a broken timeline and make additional expansions to MoP that do not go in the terrible mission table farmville direction of WoD.
because instead of making 'difficult' mechanics blizzard relies on making mechanics so punishing that you better fucking go to dance recital and practice or else you get knocked off the platform on kj
>i want classic wow, but with all these changes
No, you don't want classic wow. Because with those changes, that is not classic wow. What you want is retail wow. All those changes you want is what killed WoW in the first place. I swear to god retailcucks are the dumbest playerbase I've ever seen.
kill yourself
>How to ruin a game
yes, if they had nightfall. they definitely were not sought after.
Nothing should be changed at all to the classic servers. All it needs to be is what the last couple of decent private servers were with stable servers and maintenance. Progression starting at a specific patch is fine, but no later additions.
Thankfully they've already stated no LFD/LFR, cross-realms, etc. I assume you'll also not be able to transfer between servers if there are more than 1 classic servers made.
LFG as in the Legion's system?
Remove RDF for all I care just give us LFG in everything.
What in the fuck are you talking about, Dark Souls mentality?
The prohibitive nature of respec not only made world PvP more fun and functional, it helped you derive a sense of identity from your character.
>vanilla sucked
>you think you do but you don't :^)
You're a fucking faggot cuck, stop trying to act like you know anything or even played that game at a high level. You have no idea the profound effect dual speccing would have, you just want it because you were always too shit to make 50 gold.
Go play retail then. Leave vanilla alone.
>some specific specs for specific classes weren't viable for this specific purpose
>clearly this means the game is broken
No you fucking faggot it means talents are an actual meaningful choice and you don't get to be good at everything.
Yes. It's literally the only positive they've included. Animation syncs for special/normal attacks have been gay and stupid. You haven't noticed?
Yeah. Dunno what took them so long.